
Spell to Conceive A Daughter


You need to prepare and work this spell when you are reaching your most fertile time of the month.

The idea is to make a doll that resembles you as closely as possible. Take some modeling clay and mold it into the form of a pregnant woman, press hair from your comb into her head, dress her in clothes like yours, even cut out a photo of your face and place it on hers.

When the doll is prepared, place her on a bed of fresh lavender or on a pink scarf sprinkled with lavender oil. (Lavender is a masculine flower, as its shape dictates, and it attracts love.) Take her to a table in a room without electric lights, and light a pink candle to the right of her.

Using clean, white paper write the phrase:

“I wish to conceive a daughter.”

Place the paper beneath the lavender or scarf.

Fold the paper around the doll on her bed and tie a yellow ribbon or cord around her. Place your doll beside your pillow, or on a bedside table, with a piece of quartz crystal and a moonstone. Quartz is sometimes called “sacred fire” because it intensifies the rays and energy of the sun, a masculine force. Moonstone, governed by the moon, is a feminine, emotional stone. Its nature and aura improve health and reveal the future. Like females, it changes with the moon; it transmits energy to health when the moon is waxing and gives power to desires when the moon is waning.

Your partner’s desire completes the spell and brings it to fruition.

From: The Good Spell Book

Crystal Healing

quartz-crystalA quartz crystal emits a frequency of energy, a vibration. Romanies are known for using crystal balls for clairvoyance, but they also use quartz rock crystal for healing.

If you have a piece of quartz, first wash it in warm soapy water and rinse it with running water. Then hold the crystal in both hands. Close your eyes and imagine being bathed in white light. Visualize the area of your illness and point the crystal to that site. Imagine a stream of light flowing from the crystal and bathing the area in its pure rays.

Place your crystal under your pillow while you sleep.

You can also wrap your crystal with wire and wear it on a ribbon or chain and keep it close to your heart.

The Good Spell Book

To Entice Love


This spell can be used to attract love or to draw a lover closer. It should be begun on the night of a new moon.

Take a salt shaker and pepper shaker, and designate one the female and the other the male. Then take a piece of pink ribbon, and tie the female object to one end and the male object to the other, leaving about a foot of ribbon between them.

Every morning, untie the ribbon, move the objects a little closer together, and retie the knots.

Eventually the salt and pepper shakers will touch. Leave them bound together for seven days before untying them. By this time, love should have entered your life or your current partner should have drawn closer.

~Gillian Kemp

Brotherly and Sisterly Love

best-friendsTo draw children in a family closer, as well as to stop them from bickering, take water from a stream or river. Bring it to a boil on a fire built with fresh twigs. Write the name of each child on a bay leaf and let them simmer together in the water. Ask Venus (The Goddess of Love) to bless them.

Using a pin, inscribe the names of the children on a pink candle and then light the candle, so that its flame may flicker over your spell.

Take a pink, a blue, and a green ribbon. Braid them together, knot the ends, and tie a knot in the middle. The first knot represents will, the second, wisdom, and the third, activity.

  • Remove the pot from the fire and leave it to cool.
  • Extract the bay leaves.
  • Allow the candle and the fire to burn down.

In the garden or in an unused flower pot, bury the ribbon under the bay leaves. Sprinkle ash from the fire on top, and then plant a rosebush or miniature rose on top of everything. (The rose is a potent ingredient in any love potion.)

As the rose grows, the bond between the children will be strengthened. This spell is also said to work when children from two marriages are brought together.

From: The Good Spell Book

Love Charm


Rosemary symbolizes remembrance. It is ruled by the sun, and according to the Romanies, is representative of people born under the zodiac sign Aries. So the following love charm is particularly effective on people born under the sign of the Ram.

In April or May, when rosemary is in season, choose pliable, willowy stems and bind them together into the shape of a heart. Form a mental image of the one you wish for. Then secure the rosemary heart with yellow ribbon, and if you have any threads from your partner’s clothes or strands of hair, weave these in to create a stronger vibrational link. If your desired one is born under Aries, weave in a few strands of wool too.

Place the rosemary heart in a white envelope, and put it under your pillow. Before you sleep, repeat the words:

Divine Love bless my sleep
My true lover I shall keep.

The rosemary will dry with time and its life force will fade. When you feel your spell has brought the one you want closer, burn the heart in a fire, thinking while you do it of the flames of passion.

Source Unknown

Gypsy Spell For Love

3C1315F7Perhaps there is someone in whom you are very much interested. He or she seems to notice you but makes no move to develop a relationship. This is not a spell to draw that loved one to you, but more to “open the way,” so that if there is interest there, he or she will feel free to make advances.

The Seeker should set a wineglass on the table. Then suspend a ring (traditionally the mother’s wedding band) from a length of red silk ribbon. Holding the ribbon between thumb and forefinger, as a pendulum, with the elbow resting on the table, let the ring hang in the mouth of the wineglass. Initially you should try to keep the ring still.

In a loud, clear voice, call out your own name followed by the name of your would-be love. Repeat the name of your love twice more (three times in all). Then, thinking of him/her, allow the ring to swing until it “chinks” against the side of the wineglass once for each letter as you spell out the name.

Now take the ribbon and tie it about your neck, allowing the ring to hang down on your chest over the heart. Wear it for three weeks. Every Friday repeat the above ritual. By the end of the third week, if it is meant to be, then the loved one will come to you.

From: Secrets of Gypsy Love Magick

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