To Avoid Divorce
Divorce is taboo among the Romanies, so this spell is used to heal a broken marriage. It requires little more than an apple, true love, and the sheer determination to keep the marriage intact.
The advantage of this spell is that a link is already been established. The marriage simply needs reinforcement or bridging.
Buy a perfect-looking apple. If it is summer or autumn, pluck an apple yourself; an apple right off the tree has more life force in it.
Cut the apple in half. Regard it as an auspicious omen if the seeds have not been severed with the knife, but don’t worry if they have.
On a piece of clean, unused white paper write the woman’s full name. Next to it, write the man’s.
Cut out the names, keeping the piece of paper they are on small enough to fit between the apple halves. Then place the paper with the names between the two halves and imagine the marriage being healed.
Skewer the apple halves together with two pins, inserting the pins diagonally from right to left and from left to right.
When you position the pins, send love to your partner and ask for the love to be reciprocated.
Romanies use their campfire to bake the apple. You could place your apple in your hearth or in the oven instead, and bake until the apple appears whole. If you can get your partner to eat some of the cooked apple, so much the better.
Source unknown
How to Find Love, Gypsy~ Style
“On Friday early as may be,
Take the fairest apple from a tree,
Then in thy blood on paper white
Thy own name and thy true love’s write,
That apple thou in two shalt cut,
And for its cure that paper put,
With two sharp pins of myrtle wood
Join the halves till it seem good,
In the oven let it dry,
And wrapped in leaves of myrtle lie,
Under the pillow of thy dear,
Yet let it be unknown to her
And if it a secret be
She soon will show her love for thee.”
Found at: Vermont Deadline
Apple Love Spell
Twist the stem of an apple. On each rotation call out a letter of the alphabet. Begin with A. The letter you call out as the stem comes off will be the initial of your true love. If you do not trust your luck, you can purposely pull the stem on a particular letter (this is called using your will). Once you have pulled the stem from the apple, hold it between your teeth and make a wish to be with that particular person. If you have pulled a random letter (not someone you have in mind), –say, S– then ask the Goddess to bring this S to you.
The second part of the spell can only be performed if you have a particular person in mind. According to a Gypsy myth, the apple represents the heart. If you cut the apple in half horizontally, you will reveal the pentacle–the sacred symbol of the goddess and the human form. The Gypsy lovers would share these two apple halves , symbolically giving each other their hearts.
Offer half of the stem-plucked apple to the one you desire. If it is accepted, his/her heart will be open to your magic. However, a kiss must occur within thirteen hours after eating the apple. If you initiate the kiss, you have a good shot at winning your beloved’s affections. If the other person initiates the kiss, you have already won his/her heart. If the kiss is mutual, the bond will last.
Gypsy Mojo for Love
Collect a few rose leaves and petals, three or seven apple or pomegranate seeds and a small gemstone, which can be turquoise, emerald, or aquamarine (this doesn’t have to be genuine; if you really can’t obtain one, use colored glass).
Also gather a heart-shaped object (maybe a charm or a naturally shaped stone), a feather from a dove or pigeon or gathered from any used bird’s nest (but only if the nest has been abandoned because the chicks have flown).
If there is someone you particularly want to attract, include some dirt over which they have walked; alternatively, a scrap of clothing or something like a tissue that they have used will work. This only needs to be a thread or the tiniest thing.
Tie the leaves and feather together with a cord plaited (braided) from red, orange and pink thread. Put together with the other objects into a pink drawstring bag. Perfume with rose or musk oil.
From: Gypsy Magic
Attracting Romance
If you wish to attract romance to your life, choose a night when the moon is new or full. Stand outside next to water – a stream, a well, a river, or even a garden pond.
Holding a rose or blossom from a fruit tree in your left hand, and a sweet apple cut in half in your right hand, recite the following:
Here is a rosebud pink and sweet.
Here is an apple ready to eat.
Here is a flower ready to open.
Here is an apple, true love’s token.
Here is a rose seeking a thorn,
Here is a love yet to be born.
Come hands, come truth, come thorn.
Throw half the apple over your left shoulder without looking back. Stick your flower into the ground, and eat the other half of the apple.
Found in: Gypsy Magic by Patrinella Cooper