
Gypsy Justice Spell


If the law has treated you unfairly, invoke this spell and justice will be done.

Take the Justice card from a Tarot deck. Now light a blue candle and place the Justice card on the right-hand side. Write your name and address on an unused piece of white or green paper and place it to the left of the candle. Romanies sometimes use their thumb-print instead of their name and address.

Light thirteen votive candles, to represent the thirteen lunar cycles of a year, and place them in a circle around the candle and card.

Say a prayer in which you ask for protection to be placed around you and your family.

Write your wish regarding the legal matter on a piece of paper. Sprinkle it with rose oil and burn it on the blue candle’s flame. Place the burning paper on a saucer until it turns to ash. Leave the candles to burn out and your wish will be fulfilled.

Found in: The Good Spell Book

Wealthy Week

On a Sunday evening, burn a gold candle surrounded by piles of loose change. It is important not to count the cash. If there are so few coins you cannot help but notice, cover them with a handkerchief. Watching the candle flame, say:

“Thank you for the money I have already received from the invisible world.”

more than light

Leave the candle to burn down and extinguish itself. Afterward gather up the coins. You will need them for the next evening’s spell.

On Monday burn a white candle in the same way, adding to the heap of coins any more you have accumulated throughout the day. Repeat words of thanks for money already received from the invisible world.

On Tuesday use a pink candle and add to the coin collection the loose change the day has brought you. Speak the magic words again.

Continue with the words and the same coins, adding daily to the pile. Use a red candle on Wednesday, a green candle on Thursday, a blue candle on Friday, and on Saturday a green candle.

Stash away your cash and reserve it for money spells. The more coins you accumulate, the greater the power of attraction.

(Of course, you can also throw the coins into your purse.)

Found in:
The Good Spell Book by Gillian Kemp

Brotherly and Sisterly Love

best-friendsTo draw children in a family closer, as well as to stop them from bickering, take water from a stream or river. Bring it to a boil on a fire built with fresh twigs. Write the name of each child on a bay leaf and let them simmer together in the water. Ask Venus (The Goddess of Love) to bless them.

Using a pin, inscribe the names of the children on a pink candle and then light the candle, so that its flame may flicker over your spell.

Take a pink, a blue, and a green ribbon. Braid them together, knot the ends, and tie a knot in the middle. The first knot represents will, the second, wisdom, and the third, activity.

  • Remove the pot from the fire and leave it to cool.
  • Extract the bay leaves.
  • Allow the candle and the fire to burn down.

In the garden or in an unused flower pot, bury the ribbon under the bay leaves. Sprinkle ash from the fire on top, and then plant a rosebush or miniature rose on top of everything. (The rose is a potent ingredient in any love potion.)

As the rose grows, the bond between the children will be strengthened. This spell is also said to work when children from two marriages are brought together.

From: The Good Spell Book

Urgent Money Spell


The Romanies say that when money is urgently needed by a certain date, this spell works wonders. One thing to remember: it must be performed at the witching hour of midnight.

Take one white votive (or tea light) candle to represent each $100 or $1,000 that you critically need. Stand them on a plate you often eat from.

At a quarter to midnight, sit in a room with no electric lights. Light a gold or silver, green or white candle (not one of those representing the needed money). This is the candle that will give power to the “money” votive candles and will enable you to see what you are doing.

Now work your magic. Pray for a circle of gold light to be placed around you for protection and for a circle of blue light to be placed around you for healing.

Pick up a votive candle and light it from the main candle flame. As you do so, say that the votive you are lighting represents the $100 or $1000 you need. Place on the plate to begin a circle of “money” candles.

Light each votive, and say the same words for each, until the circle is complete.

Say a prayer explaining that you are not being greedy; that the money is necessary. Leave the candles to burn out of their own accord. The money will soon start winging its way to you.

Found in:
The Good Spell Book

A Gypsy Medicine Bag


Here is a Medicine Bag to be carried or worn to facilitate healing. Gather the following ingredients:

  • A sprig each of St. John’s wort, woundwort, and self-heal
  • Twig or leaf from an oak tree
  • Tiny water-worn pebble, which should be round or disc-shaped and preferably have a reddish or orange hue
  • Light downy feather
  • Scrap of red flannel or woolen cloth.
  • Red, orange, and light blue thread
  • Red drawstring bag
  • Sandalwood or Myrrh essential oil

Bind the herbs and feather round with a cord made from plaiting (braiding) red, orange, and light blue thread together. Wrap the herbs together with the pebble in the red cloth and tie with another length of the plaited cord. Put in a red drawstring bag, and perfume with the sandalwood or myrrh oil.

From Gypsy Magic

Meet With Success

s251218603788300272_p1_i1_w735This is a “commanding” spell and will place you on the threshold of success. It may also be used to increase your personal power before an important meeting.

Have in your mind a clear idea of what it is that you want to succeed with. Light a blue candle in front of a mirror. Sit at the mirror and stare into your own eyes in search of your soul. Ask for a circle of gold light to be placed around you for protection and a circle of blue light to be placed around you for healing. Repeat your Christian name (or names) twenty-one times. Then speak your wish and repeat it twenty-one times. Blow out the candle and await success.

From: The Good Spell Book

Home Sweet Home Spell

Just as Romanies blessed and protected their vardos, so you can bless your new home and protect it from burglary and fire.

  • Sprinkle salt around the perimeter
  • Or plant garlic around the boundary.
  • You can also pray for a circle of gold light for protection and a circle of blue light for healing to be placed around the home.

Disruptive neighbors who upset the harmony of your home can be tamed quite simply. Place small hand mirrors on windowsills facing their home. These reflect back whatever they are sending out to you if you say, “Return to sender.” If no anger is attached to your actions, your neighbors will respond to your influence without realizing why.

From: The Good Spell Book

The Romani Flag


The Roma flag is comprised of blue and green traditional colors with the red wheel in the center. Blue is the blue sky and the heavens, and symbolizes eternal spiritual values. The green is the land, organic and growing, and symbolizes earthly values. with the red sixteen-spoked chakra in the center. The wheel in the center symbolizes movement and progress, and the burst of fire from which all creation emerged at the beginning of time.

This flag was approved in 1971 in a location near London at the first World Romani Congress which was funded in part by the World Council of Churches and the Indian Government; representatives from India and some 20 other countries were in attendance. At the congress, the green and blue flag from the 1933 conference, now embellished with the red, sixteen-spoked chakra, was reaffirmed as the national emblem of the Romani people, and the anthem, Dzelem dzelem, since sung at all congresses, was adopted.


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