
About Amulets and Talismans

Many gypsies carry amulets and talismans as good luck charms.

In gypsy lore an amulet is an item from nature that is either naturally, or artificially (through ritual), charged with magical power. A typical amulet would be a stone with a hole through it or a rabbit’s foot.

Talismans, on the other hand, are man made objects charged with magical power by the gypsy sorcerer. A typical talisman would be a piece of parchment or a coin, which has been inscribed with specific symbols, or words of power.

Amulets and talismans are usually carried on the gypsy’s person in a cloth or leather pouch, known as a “putsi” or “parik-til”. You might see a gypsy woman wearing a putsi hanging from a cord around her neck. To the non-gypsy this looks like nothing more than an accessory to her colorful dress, but in fact it would likely contain amulets and talismans, and other magical items.


There is no use buying or finding a good luck charm only to put it away and forget it. It should be kept close, in a purse or pocket, or worn around the neck, and it should be handled often, always with a feeling of happiness and hope.

The greater the certainty that the charm will bring good luck, the more effective it will be. If you look at your charm or good luck piece with skepticism, thinking “How can this bring me luck? I am never lucky.” then, of course it won’t work – how can it? The charge will soon fade and die.

From: Gypsy Magic by Patrinella Cooper

Magickal Amber Mirror

This spell creates a small, unbreakable variation of a magick mirror. It can be used to draw your heart’s desires to you. Because it utilizes a piece of amber, it is particularly potent when it comes to affairs of the heart. Here’s how it works:

Look at the full moon through a piece of amber, holding it in your left hand and focusing on all your heart’s desires. Place this under your pillow before you go to sleep.

When you awake, you will have a potent charm. Use it to draw those desires to you. Replenish its power by repeating the ritual at subsequent full moons.

From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

Romany Dreams of Desire

On a Thursday night, make a list of the qualities you desire in a romantic partner or visualize and name a specific person. Before you go to sleep that night, leave a piece of amber by your bed or under your pillow.

On Friday morning, first thing upon awakening, clutch the amber in your left hand, holding it close to your heart.

Close your eyes. Visualize your desire: make it as real and tangible as possible. Take as much time as you need.

Kiss the amber and wrap it up in a small piece of silk, wrapping or rolling toward you.

Keep this with you for seven days, carrying it by day, sleeping with it at night, beside your heart, between your breasts, wherever.

Repeat the process every morning. At the conclusion, you will have a highly charged love-drawing amulet.

Source: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

Protection From Gypsies

This charm is from an 1820’s book about Pow-Wows. It’s a protective spell against evil, and implies that all Gypsies were evil, which was a general belief of the time. It is included here as a curiosity, and a bit of history.

A direction for a Gypsy sentence, to be carried about the person as a protection under all circumstances.

Like unto the prophet Jonas, as a type of Christ, who was guarded for three days and three nights in the belly of a whale, thus shall the Almighty God, as a Father, guard and protect me from all evil. J. J. J.

From: Pow-Wows, or Long Lost Friend, by John George Hoffman

Key to The Heart

It is considered very lucky to find a key. Any sort of key is lucky, but an antique one is especially so. As with the finding of something red, there are words to say at the time of finding it:

The key to your heart lies on the ground.
The key to your heart has now been found.
I lock up your love with the heart of my own,
I’ll guard it forever with the love I have shown.

As you say these words, think of the one you love and of the two of you being together forever. Sleep with the key under your pillow for nine nights, carrying it with you during the day. It may then be put in a place of safety.


Red For Love

The Gypsies say that to find anything red means luck in love. If you find a piece of red thread, red wool, a red button, or whatever, pick it up and carry it with you for luck. It serves as an amulet.

As you stoop to pick it up, think of the person you love and say:

Red is my blood
And red is my heart.
Lucky in love;
Never keep us apart.


Gypsy Fetish for Successful Sales

mojo bag 2Teeth which have been buried for many years, serve to make a singular fetish. They are mingled with the bones of a tree-frog, and the whole then sewed up in a little bag. If a man has anything for sale, and will draw or rub this bag over it, he will have many offers or customers for the articles thus enchanted.

The bones are prepared by putting the frog into a glass or earthen receptacle full of small holes. This is buried in an anthill. The ants enter the holes and eat away all the flesh, leaving the bones which after a few weeks are removed.

From: Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling

Crystal Healing

quartz-crystalA quartz crystal emits a frequency of energy, a vibration. Romanies are known for using crystal balls for clairvoyance, but they also use quartz rock crystal for healing.

If you have a piece of quartz, first wash it in warm soapy water and rinse it with running water. Then hold the crystal in both hands. Close your eyes and imagine being bathed in white light. Visualize the area of your illness and point the crystal to that site. Imagine a stream of light flowing from the crystal and bathing the area in its pure rays.

Place your crystal under your pillow while you sleep.

You can also wrap your crystal with wire and wear it on a ribbon or chain and keep it close to your heart.

The Good Spell Book

Gypsy Pouches and Mojo Bags

mojobagMagickal pouches are found universally. Australian aboriginals, Amerindian shamans, Voodoo Bokos, African medicine men, European wisewomen – all employ pouches stuffed with various ingredients that they feel bring health, wealth, luck (good or bad), and/or protection. They may be called wanga, gris-gris, mojo bags, or whatever.

The Gypsies, too, make and carry such items. Depending on the purpose, so do the contents vary. The name for a Gypsy pouch is “putsi,” the real meaning of which is “pocket.”

For love, the Romanis make little bags of red silk, which they fill with rose petals, acorns, a piece of amber, cinnamon, two cloves, a bean, a piece of orris root, and a silver or gold coin. This is worn next to the skin. Occasionally they use small chamois leather pouches rather than silk.

Some Gypsies also include such items as a small bird’s feather, a piece of lemon peel, lavender, a wedding ring (perhaps the mother’s or grandmother’s), and a small piece of coal. Many Gypsies have two pouches. One is the silk one, which hangs around their neck, and the other is the leather putsi, which they hang from their belt. Into this second one it is easy to slip any new item that is spotted and recognized to be of value. I do this myself. Always keep your eyes open … you never know when you might spot something that could be a very powerful amulet.

From: Secrets of Gypsy Love Magick

Gypsy Mojo for Love


Collect a few rose leaves and petals, three or seven apple or pomegranate seeds and a small gemstone, which can be turquoise, emerald, or aquamarine (this doesn’t have to be genuine; if you really can’t obtain one, use colored glass).

Also gather a heart-shaped object (maybe a charm or a naturally shaped stone), a feather from a dove or pigeon or gathered from any used bird’s nest (but only if the nest has been abandoned because the chicks have flown).

If there is someone you particularly want to attract, include some dirt over which they have walked; alternatively, a scrap of clothing or something like a tissue that they have used will work. This only needs to be a thread or the tiniest thing.

Tie the leaves and feather together with a cord plaited (braided) from red, orange and pink thread. Put together with the other objects into a pink drawstring bag. Perfume with rose or musk oil.

From: Gypsy Magic

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