
Magickal Amber Mirror

This spell creates a small, unbreakable variation of a magick mirror. It can be used to draw your heart’s desires to you. Because it utilizes a piece of amber, it is particularly potent when it comes to affairs of the heart. Here’s how it works:

Look at the full moon through a piece of amber, holding it in your left hand and focusing on all your heart’s desires. Place this under your pillow before you go to sleep.

When you awake, you will have a potent charm. Use it to draw those desires to you. Replenish its power by repeating the ritual at subsequent full moons.

From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

Family Togetherness

This little spell can be done for two lovers, for all family members, or for any two or more individuals. Many Gypsies use it when, for example, there is a rift between mother and daughter or an argument between husband and wife.

Cut a lock of hair from the head of each person concerned. This should be cut during the waxing phase of the Moon (growing from new to full). Put the two locks of hair together and tie them with a red silken thread. The thread should be wound around the hair at least seven times before it is tied. Wrap the tied hair in a small square of white silk and then bury it at a crossroads (it doesn’t have to be buried right in the center of the crossed roads; alongside the cross is fine).

~Raymond Buckland

Wishing Spell

On the night of a new moon, write your wish on a bay leaf. Simply take the bay leaf outside and look at the moon. Because this is the time when the moon is new, the sky may be completely dark, in which case look in the direction you think the moon might be, otherwise, you might see a slender silver crescent. Kiss the leaf three times and sleep with it under your pillow.

Since the bay tree is governed by the sun and ruled by Leo, this charm is particularly potent when the sun is in Leo, between July 23 and August 22.

From: The Good Spell Book

The Moon Smiles

This is a poem that talks about how both life and death are a mixture of sadness and joy.

O chonut asal amen
…Teochonut korhavola
teamen dikhasa
kon vakarela
Kaj e phake erovimase
thaj e asamase
ka arakhadon

English Translation

The moon smiles
down on us
around the fire
we weep
Our crying flies up
among the moonbeams floating down
heaven smells our tears
we sense the beams
If the moon is blinded we can see
who is speaking…
With one wing of tears
and one laughter
we take off to meet him.

-Rajko Durich

Spell to Conceive A Daughter


You need to prepare and work this spell when you are reaching your most fertile time of the month.

The idea is to make a doll that resembles you as closely as possible. Take some modeling clay and mold it into the form of a pregnant woman, press hair from your comb into her head, dress her in clothes like yours, even cut out a photo of your face and place it on hers.

When the doll is prepared, place her on a bed of fresh lavender or on a pink scarf sprinkled with lavender oil. (Lavender is a masculine flower, as its shape dictates, and it attracts love.) Take her to a table in a room without electric lights, and light a pink candle to the right of her.

Using clean, white paper write the phrase:

“I wish to conceive a daughter.”

Place the paper beneath the lavender or scarf.

Fold the paper around the doll on her bed and tie a yellow ribbon or cord around her. Place your doll beside your pillow, or on a bedside table, with a piece of quartz crystal and a moonstone. Quartz is sometimes called “sacred fire” because it intensifies the rays and energy of the sun, a masculine force. Moonstone, governed by the moon, is a feminine, emotional stone. Its nature and aura improve health and reveal the future. Like females, it changes with the moon; it transmits energy to health when the moon is waxing and gives power to desires when the moon is waning.

Your partner’s desire completes the spell and brings it to fruition.

From: The Good Spell Book

Gypsy Spell To Make A Wish Come True

Memories Fairy

On the day of the new moon, write your wish on a sheet of clean paper, then light a new, white votive candle. At this point turn off any artificial lighting that may be on.

For ten minutes, enjoy the flame’s glow and think about the fulfillment of your wish. Then say:

“As I sleep tonight,
may the divine power of spiritual love and light grant my wish.”

While concentrating on your wish, burn the piece of paper in the flame. Leave the votive candle to burn out. Repeat the spell at the same time on twelve consecutive nights. If you miss a night, begin the spell from day one.

From: The Good Spell Book

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