Candle Magick

Your Heart’s Desire

You have met someone you desire. According to the Romanies this spell will ensure that he or she responds.

First, gather a fresh rose and two red candles, and find out the time of sunrise the next morning. Just before you go to sleep, place a red candle on each side of the rose.

The next morning at sunrise, take the rose outside or sit by an open window facing east, keeping the rose in front of you. Inhale the perfume and say aloud:

This red rose is for true love.
True love come to me.

Now go back indoors and put the rose in its original position. Light the candles, and imagine love burning in the heart of the one you long for. Keep the candles lit day and night until the rose fades. (If they are extinguished, the incantation will be broken.) When the rose is dead, pinch out the candles, and bury the rose.

~courtesy of The Good Spell Book
by Gillian Kemp

Unwanted Divorce

When an unwanted divorce appears likely, the Romanies advise the one who wants their partner to return to light a purple candle.

Pierce it with a pin from right to left, so that the pin tip emerges on the left side of the candle. Then take a pin with a blue head and pierce the candle from left to right. As you do so, focus on the point of the pin, and the idea of crossing the other person’s path. Leave the candle to burn and extinguish itself. Afterward, bury the pins.

Source unnown

To Get Another To Agree

Light a pink candle for love and a blue candle for healing on a Friday evening. Say the following incantation:

Please (name of person), do think again.
may the consequence heal my pain.
Grant my request to me and you’ll see,
The good in your heart set me free.

Bless you.

Snuff the candles out after casting your spell.

From: The Good Spell Book

To Bring Out The Love of Another

This is an interesting spell. It does not interfere with another’s free will. All it does is give them the courage to state what is on their mind. It is done when you feel very strongly that the person is in love with you but that they hesitate to say so. If it turns out that they are not in love with you after all, then it simply won’t work, so that’s why it doesn’t exert undue pressure.

This should be done at the same hour on seven consecutive Fridays, ending on the one closest to the Full Moon (before the moon reaches full, not just after).

Take a pink candle and mark six rings around it, at equal distances apart. This will give you seven sections of a candle.

Light the candle and call out the name of the one you think loves you. Then say:

Gana, be with me in all that I do.
Gana, please bring me a love who is true.
Give him (her) the strength to put into words
His (her) feelings, and sing like the song of the birds.

Think about the person for a few moments – think of them coming to you and declaring their love then repeat the chant. Keep doing this until the candle has burned dawn to the first line. Then extinguish the candle (by pinching it out, never by blowing) and put it away till next week. On the final week, keep it up until the candle burns itself out.


Spell to Conceive a Son


At your most fertile time of the month, place one red rose in a vase on a table.

Light a red candle, which is symbolic of Mars, ruler of vigor and vitality. Next, light a green candle. This color is associated with Venus, love, and harmony. Place it to the right of the red candle. Place a yellow candle, to represent the sun, above the red and the green candles to form a triangle. The number three represents the male reproductive organ, and sexual force.

On a bay leaf – because bay is ruled by the sun – write the phrase “I wish to conceive a son.” Place it face up between the candles.

Now close your eyes and imagine a red rosebud in your womb. Visualize the rosebud unfolding and coming into bloom.

Open your eyes and visualize the candle light being channeled into your womb, then close your eyes and continue with the visualization for as long as you can.

Leave the candles to burn themselves out. Take the bay leaf, kiss it three times, and place it under your pillow, where it should stay throughout your fertile phase.

All that is required now is the cooperation of your partner.

From: The Good Spell Book 

The Key To Happiness


The Romanies believe that it is extremely lucky to find a key. It means that you will soon be opening a door to success in love, marriage, or work, or even something very specific, such as getting a new car. No matter the form, happiness is assured.

With a key at hand, light a white candle. Visualize the metaphorical door you wish to open with the key. On a piece of paper, draw a door that will open to your wish.

Pour some candle wax on the drawing of the door and place the key in the wax, to weld the two together. Let the wax cool. Fold the paper around the key to form a neat envelope or parcel. Generously seal all the edges with more wax from the candle. Blow out the candle.

At night, toss the parcel into a fire, imagining as vividly as possible the door you are passing through. Pour your passion into the flames and send your desires heavenward. The spell has been cast. Do not dwell on your wish, because such thoughts drag it back to earth and sap its energy. Have faith. Believe in the miracle, and it will happen.

Found in: The Good Spell Book

Gypsy Spell To Make A Wish Come True

Memories Fairy

On the day of the new moon, write your wish on a sheet of clean paper, then light a new, white votive candle. At this point turn off any artificial lighting that may be on.

For ten minutes, enjoy the flame’s glow and think about the fulfillment of your wish. Then say:

“As I sleep tonight,
may the divine power of spiritual love and light grant my wish.”

While concentrating on your wish, burn the piece of paper in the flame. Leave the votive candle to burn out. Repeat the spell at the same time on twelve consecutive nights. If you miss a night, begin the spell from day one.

From: The Good Spell Book

Healing Old Wounds


This is magick used when there has been a rift in the family, be it between two individuals or between two whole groups within the family. It can be recognized as basic sympathetic magick.

Take a long white candle and break it into as many parts as there are factions. However, be careful not to break the wick – only the wax.

On each section of the candle carve the name of the individual or the initials of the major figures in the dispute (for example: should it be one whole branch of the family against another, with perphas as many persons in each group, then just mark the initials of the leaders, such as the father, mother, or grandmother, etc).

Lay the broken candle on a sheet of clean parchment (paper will do). Light a pink (best), red (second best) or white (third choice) candle and hold it over the broken candle so that the melting wax drops down onto the breaks, sealing them.

The broken candle should be slowly turned, keeping it on the parchment, so that all sides of the breaks become joined by the falling wax. As you do this, say: “Heal! Heal! Heal!” repeating it as necessary until the white candle is whole again.

When the engraved candle is once again whole, stand it upright in a holder and light it. It should then be left to burn down completely.

From: Raymond Buckland

Win The Lottery


The Romanies often like to gamble, and they advise using this spell for the lottery.

Light one green candle for each of the numbers to be selected. Sit quietly and ponder the flames, allowing each flame in turn to suggest a number.

Fill in the form according to the numbers that come into your head. Sprinkle the sheet with nutmeg and then snuff out the candles. Leave the form dusted with nutmeg for a day before thoroughly brushing it off.

Source: unknown

Wealthy Week

On a Sunday evening, burn a gold candle surrounded by piles of loose change. It is important not to count the cash. If there are so few coins you cannot help but notice, cover them with a handkerchief. Watching the candle flame, say:

“Thank you for the money I have already received from the invisible world.”

more than light

Leave the candle to burn down and extinguish itself. Afterward gather up the coins. You will need them for the next evening’s spell.

On Monday burn a white candle in the same way, adding to the heap of coins any more you have accumulated throughout the day. Repeat words of thanks for money already received from the invisible world.

On Tuesday use a pink candle and add to the coin collection the loose change the day has brought you. Speak the magic words again.

Continue with the words and the same coins, adding daily to the pile. Use a red candle on Wednesday, a green candle on Thursday, a blue candle on Friday, and on Saturday a green candle.

Stash away your cash and reserve it for money spells. The more coins you accumulate, the greater the power of attraction.

(Of course, you can also throw the coins into your purse.)

Found in:
The Good Spell Book by Gillian Kemp

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