Magickal Amber Mirror
This spell creates a small, unbreakable variation of a magick mirror. It can be used to draw your heart’s desires to you. Because it utilizes a piece of amber, it is particularly potent when it comes to affairs of the heart. Here’s how it works:
Look at the full moon through a piece of amber, holding it in your left hand and focusing on all your heart’s desires. Place this under your pillow before you go to sleep.
When you awake, you will have a potent charm. Use it to draw those desires to you. Replenish its power by repeating the ritual at subsequent full moons.
From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
For Harmony With Your Neighbors
Disruptive neighbors who upset the harmony of your home can be tamed quite simply. Place small hand mirrors on windowsills facing their home. These reflect back whatever is being sent to you. As you place the mirrors, say:
“Return to sender.”
If the spell is done with an attitude of love, that positive emotion will be reflected back to you, and no anger is attached to your actions, your neighbors will respond to your influence without realizing why.
One really unobtrusive and beautiful way to do this is to place a mirror in a frame that resembles a window and then hang it on your outside wall. The image in this post is just such a mirror.
Meet With Success
This is a “commanding” spell and will place you on the threshold of success. It may also be used to increase your personal power before an important meeting.
Have in your mind a clear idea of what it is that you want to succeed with. Light a blue candle in front of a mirror. Sit at the mirror and stare into your own eyes in search of your soul. Ask for a circle of gold light to be placed around you for protection and a circle of blue light to be placed around you for healing. Repeat your Christian name (or names) twenty-one times. Then speak your wish and repeat it twenty-one times. Blow out the candle and await success.
From: The Good Spell Book
Home Sweet Home Spell
Just as Romanies blessed and protected their vardos, so you can bless your new home and protect it from burglary and fire.
- Sprinkle salt around the perimeter
- Or plant garlic around the boundary.
- You can also pray for a circle of gold light for protection and a circle of blue light for healing to be placed around the home.
Disruptive neighbors who upset the harmony of your home can be tamed quite simply. Place small hand mirrors on windowsills facing their home. These reflect back whatever they are sending out to you if you say, “Return to sender.” If no anger is attached to your actions, your neighbors will respond to your influence without realizing why.
From: The Good Spell Book