Luck Spells

Out With The Old

besom-enchantedworksIf you think deeply about the start of any period of bad luck, you will find that there is some object that you acquired round about then or that you used or wore quite a lot. Maybe it is something that brings back recollections of an unhappy event. It can be an ornament, an item of clothing, a photograph, or even a kitchen utensil.

Place the said object near the back door of the house. Then, using a broom, and starting at the top of the house or in the room furthest from the back door, sweep each room in turn, working in a counter clockwise direction. As you work, visualize darkness being swept away in front of you. The darkness is black heavy clouds of bad luck. It can’t resist your broom. While you sweep, say,

“I banish the dark clouds from my home, bad luck be gone, there is no place here for you. Be gone, be gone, be gone!”

Any dust can be swept on to a shovel and taken with you as you go. Do each room in turn until you reach the back door, then put all the sweepings into a bag outside. Take the object previously mentioned and break or tear it, venting all your anger and frustration. Put the pieces into the bag with the dust. Sprinkle the contents with salt, saying,

“By this salt, cleansing gift of the earth, I render you powerless.”

Now bury the bag. If it is at all possible, bury it at a crossroads or by running water, but if this is not practical bury it in the garden or at the bottom of the rubbish bin. Before covering the bag with earth, or rubbish, sprinkle it with salt, making a pattern of a cross within a circle, saying,

“By this salt, by this sign you are gone from my life.”

Now reversing the order of the rooms, from the back door to the top of the house walk round each room clockwise with a lighted candle, preferably colored pink or gold, and a lighted incense stick perfumed amber or rose (or a scent that you really love). Alternatively if there is a particular perfume (or essential oil) that makes you feel happy, use that. As you walk, say,

“I bring light, joy, luck, and love into every corner of my home and life.”

Visualize each room being filled with bright golden light, every corner bursting with hope and joy. When you have done, return to the room most often used and leave the candle and incense to burn out naturally. Take time to enjoy the new feeling of happiness filling your home.

From: Gypsy Magic
by Patrinella Cooper

Win The Lottery


The Romanies often like to gamble, and they advise using this spell for the lottery.

Light one green candle for each of the numbers to be selected. Sit quietly and ponder the flames, allowing each flame in turn to suggest a number.

Fill in the form according to the numbers that come into your head. Sprinkle the sheet with nutmeg and then snuff out the candles. Leave the form dusted with nutmeg for a day before thoroughly brushing it off.

Source: unknown

Gypsy Good Luck Invocation


The first day of any month offers fresh hopes and new beginnings. One good-luck invocation is to say “Rabbits” before any other word on the first of the month.

Some say “White rabbits” three times as the last spoken words on the eve of the new month. On waking they say “Hares” three times. This is said to ensure a month that is blessed with good fortune.

Needle Luck Magick


A needle that is accidentally dropped and then found poking upward foretells a visitor before the end of the day. The needle should be picked up and kept. As they say:

Find a pin, pick it up
And all day long you’ll have good luck.

To extend your luck for longer than one day, place the needle in a vase of fresh water and fresh flowers. The essence of the flowers will energize the luck in the needle, and your luck will last longer than the flowers.

When the flowers die, discard them as usual, empty the water, and put the needle in your sewing kit as a reminder of your good luck.

From: The Good Spell Book

Make A Gypsy Mojo Bag


A Parik-til is the Gypsy version of a medicine or mojo bag. To create a parik-til, a small drawstring pouch is made in the appropriate color for the intended purpose. Into this goes various little objects: herbs, stones, feathers, sometimes a charm or piece of paper inscribed with a simple spell. This list is endless; it is only important that the objects seem sympathetic to your purpose.

Collect leaves and twigs of the oak tree, including a small acorn if available, the petals and/or seeds of the sunflower, a piece of cinnamon stick, three cloves, a stone that feels lucky for you, a horseshoe charm if you can find one – or a small picture or hand drawn symbol to represent a horse shoe, and a little trinket such as a bit of jewelry or a coin.

Feel free to add anything else that seems relevant, or meaningful to you. Tie the oak leaves and twigs with a bit of green yellow and orange thread. Put all the items into a drawstring bag. Perfume with an essential oil such as Myrrh, Benzoin, Cinnamon, or Patchouli, or dab with prosperity oil.

Hold the bag in your hands and feel the energy contained within. Parik-til means blessing holder, the objects inside the bag are symbols of the blessings you are holding. Take a few minutes to allow yourself to really feel it.

If you have never made a simple drawstring bag, they are super easy, and you can find hundreds of tutorials online, or you can check out my less than artistic rendition of how to make a drawstring pouch in about 5 minutes using a handkerchief, a ribbon, and a needle and thread. Here’s the link: How To Make A Simple Mojo Bag

Adapted from: Gypsy Magic by Patrinella Cooper

Making Miracles Happen

Gypsy Wagon and Sky

Gypsies are famous for their “happy go lucky” attitude. Here is a small but significant “affirmation” or “charm” to do each morning. Begin your day by saying out loud and with conviction:

“A miracle is going to happen today.”

This attracts good fortune and has a magnetic and cumulative effect. Within a short space of time, you will receive a fantastic telephone call, or letter, or you will meet with someone who will change your life for the better.

Spell from: The Good Spell Book
Image from Friedman Archives.

Break a Streak of Bad Luck


Go for a walk and pick up seven twigs from the ground, one to represent each day of the week. Traditionally, the twigs should be ash for Monday, beech for Tuesday, elm for Wednesday, oak for Thursday, horse chestnut for Friday, yew for Saturday, and elder for Sunday.

Take them home, snap them into pieces, and burn them in the hearth or a bonfire. Say:

Ill luck is broken,
As these words are spoken.

From: The Good Spell Book

Gypsy Spell For Good Fortune


To encourage Good fortune, on Midsummer Night’s Eve take an orange, to represent the sun, and a lemon, which symbolizes the moon. Press cloves (representing brown wooden nails) into the skin of the fruit. The cloves purge any misfortune that the first have of the year may have brought and ensure that the second half of the year will be trouble free.

From: The Good Spell Book

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