
Your Heart’s Desire

You have met someone you desire. According to the Romanies this spell will ensure that he or she responds.

First, gather a fresh rose and two red candles, and find out the time of sunrise the next morning. Just before you go to sleep, place a red candle on each side of the rose.

The next morning at sunrise, take the rose outside or sit by an open window facing east, keeping the rose in front of you. Inhale the perfume and say aloud:

This red rose is for true love.
True love come to me.

Now go back indoors and put the rose in its original position. Light the candles, and imagine love burning in the heart of the one you long for. Keep the candles lit day and night until the rose fades. (If they are extinguished, the incantation will be broken.) When the rose is dead, pinch out the candles, and bury the rose.

~courtesy of The Good Spell Book
by Gillian Kemp

Magickal Amber Mirror

This spell creates a small, unbreakable variation of a magick mirror. It can be used to draw your heart’s desires to you. Because it utilizes a piece of amber, it is particularly potent when it comes to affairs of the heart. Here’s how it works:

Look at the full moon through a piece of amber, holding it in your left hand and focusing on all your heart’s desires. Place this under your pillow before you go to sleep.

When you awake, you will have a potent charm. Use it to draw those desires to you. Replenish its power by repeating the ritual at subsequent full moons.

From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

Romany Dreams of Desire

On a Thursday night, make a list of the qualities you desire in a romantic partner or visualize and name a specific person. Before you go to sleep that night, leave a piece of amber by your bed or under your pillow.

On Friday morning, first thing upon awakening, clutch the amber in your left hand, holding it close to your heart.

Close your eyes. Visualize your desire: make it as real and tangible as possible. Take as much time as you need.

Kiss the amber and wrap it up in a small piece of silk, wrapping or rolling toward you.

Keep this with you for seven days, carrying it by day, sleeping with it at night, beside your heart, between your breasts, wherever.

Repeat the process every morning. At the conclusion, you will have a highly charged love-drawing amulet.

Source: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

A Note About Love Spells

One point needs to be emphasized! You must never try to interfere with another’s free will. We are all individuals, each with our own lives to lead. During your lifetime there may well be times when you feel especially attracted to a particular person and feel strongly tempted to work magick to gain that person’s love. If you go ahead and perform that magick, then what you are doing is akin to rape!

Working magick is making things happen… making things happen. To make someone fall in love with you, then, is to force them to fall in love with you, to go against their free will. How would you feel if you knew you had been forced to love someone you didn’t naturally care for?

So what can you do if you feel strongly about a particular person? The answer is to work on yourself, magickally or however, to make yourself so attractive that the person (or perhaps someone else, someone even better that you hadn’t realized was around) will fall for you naturally.

~Raymond Buckland

Gypsy Caravan

I whiled away all the years of my youth
Tending my fields searching for the truth
Gazing past horizons to the west
Hoping I’d see them before my death.

Then one day they rumbled by
A gypsy caravan the color of the sky
Water sparkled as the wheels turned round
Across the river into the town.


There’s a gypsy caravan,
Rolling across the land,
They got singers and a dancing girl
That can make you dream about the wide wide world.

And their captain was a handsome man
He had a sword and what looked like a plan
But there was something wrong in his eyes
Bloodshot and bleary from too many nights

So we stayed up late in that inn
Drinking over our secret sins
Each one wanting what the other one had
We both said the “You’re the lucky man.”


There’s a gypsy caravan,
Rolling across the land,
They got singers and a dancing girl
That can make you dream about the wide wide world.

Late the morning we agreed to trade
Each other’s lives for a later date
Twenty years later again we’d meet
And see if we’d both really found our dreams

So I finally got to see the world
And found for myself a blue eyed girl
We raised three kids in the back of that tent
Rolling through the night they were heaven sent


There’s a gypsy caravan,
Rolling across the land,
They got singers and a dancing girl
That can make you dream about the wide wide world.

Twenty years later again I returned
Only to find out what the we both had learned
He had three kids and a wife of his own
And those green fields had turned into his home

We agreed to go our separate ways
And I’ll not see him til my dying day
The man who gave my dreams to me
Where I found a love for eternity


There’s a gypsy caravan,
Rolling across the land,
They got singers and a dancing girl
That can make you dream about the wide wide world.

Author unknown

The Revealing Peel

To find if the one you love will become your spouse, do the following.

In the morning, as soon as you arise, peel a small lemon. Keep two equal pices of the peel, each about the size of a half-dollar. Place the pieces with the insides together and the peel sides out, and put them in your right-hand pocket or in your purse. Leave them there all day.

At night, when you undress for bed, take the peel from your pocket or purse and rub the legs of the bed with it. Then place both pieces of the peel under your pillow and lay down to sleep. If you dream of your love, then you will surely marry him/her.


To Bring Out The Love of Another

This is an interesting spell. It does not interfere with another’s free will. All it does is give them the courage to state what is on their mind. It is done when you feel very strongly that the person is in love with you but that they hesitate to say so. If it turns out that they are not in love with you after all, then it simply won’t work, so that’s why it doesn’t exert undue pressure.

This should be done at the same hour on seven consecutive Fridays, ending on the one closest to the Full Moon (before the moon reaches full, not just after).

Take a pink candle and mark six rings around it, at equal distances apart. This will give you seven sections of a candle.

Light the candle and call out the name of the one you think loves you. Then say:

Gana, be with me in all that I do.
Gana, please bring me a love who is true.
Give him (her) the strength to put into words
His (her) feelings, and sing like the song of the birds.

Think about the person for a few moments – think of them coming to you and declaring their love then repeat the chant. Keep doing this until the candle has burned dawn to the first line. Then extinguish the candle (by pinching it out, never by blowing) and put it away till next week. On the final week, keep it up until the candle burns itself out.


River of Dreams

A way to determine whom you will marry is to use a bowl of water and a flat stick. The bowl should be earthenware and should be filled at least half full of water that has been taken from a flowing stream. A flat stick or piece of wood is then laid across the bowl, from one edge to the other. This represents a bridge over a river or stream.

On the night of a Full Moon, place the bowl of water and stick underneath your bed. Just before you sleep, concentrate your thoughts on an actual footbridge over a stream. Tell yourself that you will dream of it that night. Not only will you dreams of the bridge, but you will dream of yourself crossing the bridge and, halfway over, falling off into the water. But you have no fear, someone will come and rescue you.

With these expectations, built up in your mind throughout the day and then reinforced just before you sleep, you should have no trouble actually having that dream. The trick then is to remember when you wake who it was who came to your rescue and pulled you from the water. That person is your future spouse.


Apple Love Spell


Twist the stem of an apple. On each rotation call out a letter of the alphabet. Begin with A. The letter you call out as the stem comes off will be the initial of your true love. If you do not trust your luck, you can purposely pull the stem on a particular letter (this is called using your will). Once you have pulled the stem from the apple, hold it between your teeth and make a wish to be with that particular person. If you have pulled a random letter (not someone you have in mind), –say, S– then ask the Goddess to bring this S to you.

The second part of the spell can only be performed if you have a particular person in mind. According to a Gypsy myth, the apple represents the heart. If you cut the apple in half horizontally, you will reveal the pentacle–the sacred symbol of the goddess and the human form. The Gypsy lovers would share these two apple halves , symbolically giving each other their hearts.

Offer half of the stem-plucked apple to the one you desire. If it is accepted, his/her heart will be open to your magic. However, a kiss must occur within thirteen hours after eating the apple. If you initiate the kiss, you have a good shot at winning your beloved’s affections. If the other person initiates the kiss, you have already won his/her heart. If the kiss is mutual, the bond will last.

From The Supermarket Sorceress’s Sexy Hexes

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