
Wishing Spell

On the night of a new moon, write your wish on a bay leaf. Simply take the bay leaf outside and look at the moon. Because this is the time when the moon is new, the sky may be completely dark, in which case look in the direction you think the moon might be, otherwise, you might see a slender silver crescent. Kiss the leaf three times and sleep with it under your pillow.

Since the bay tree is governed by the sun and ruled by Leo, this charm is particularly potent when the sun is in Leo, between July 23 and August 22.

From: The Good Spell Book



Hidrellez (celebrated on May 6th) is a very significant day, not only for gypsies. It’s been very significant in Anatolia for centuries. The word itself is the combination of names of two prophets: Hizir and Ilyas. Hidrellez signifies a rebirth of nature and is also considered to be the beginning of summer. It is said that whatever you wish for that night comes true!

According to Anatolian people’s beliefs, Hizir and Ilyas are two prophets who drank from the fountain of youth; they are brothers and friends. They have given each other promise to meet on this night of May 5 every year to give rebirth to nature. Hizir is the protector of plants; he gives life to plants. He helps poor people. Wherever he goes, he brings abundance. Ilyas is the protector of waters and according to some, the protector of animals. Wherever he goes, animals become healthier.

People believe that wishes made on this night will come true. They also believe that sick people will become healthier and it will be the end of bad luck and misfortunes. There are also a lot of rituals that people perform.

Some people put a coin inside a red cloth and then hang it on a rose branch. In the morning this money is put into the wallet so that it will bring abundance. It is also believed that if you go out, have a picnic and be in nature on this day, your days in winter will have less hardship. Most city people know this day simply as a picnic day.

Although it is commonly celebrated everywhere in Turkey, its mood is more festive among the Roma community. Apart from Edirne, Istanbul also hosts a major celebration by the Romanis in the historic Ahırkapı district, which was marked with a parade of community members in extravagant and colorful costumes.

Source: Hurriyet Daily News
Also found in: The Pagan Calendar

The Key To Happiness


The Romanies believe that it is extremely lucky to find a key. It means that you will soon be opening a door to success in love, marriage, or work, or even something very specific, such as getting a new car. No matter the form, happiness is assured.

With a key at hand, light a white candle. Visualize the metaphorical door you wish to open with the key. On a piece of paper, draw a door that will open to your wish.

Pour some candle wax on the drawing of the door and place the key in the wax, to weld the two together. Let the wax cool. Fold the paper around the key to form a neat envelope or parcel. Generously seal all the edges with more wax from the candle. Blow out the candle.

At night, toss the parcel into a fire, imagining as vividly as possible the door you are passing through. Pour your passion into the flames and send your desires heavenward. The spell has been cast. Do not dwell on your wish, because such thoughts drag it back to earth and sap its energy. Have faith. Believe in the miracle, and it will happen.

Found in: The Good Spell Book

Gypsy Spell To Make A Wish Come True

Memories Fairy

On the day of the new moon, write your wish on a sheet of clean paper, then light a new, white votive candle. At this point turn off any artificial lighting that may be on.

For ten minutes, enjoy the flame’s glow and think about the fulfillment of your wish. Then say:

“As I sleep tonight,
may the divine power of spiritual love and light grant my wish.”

While concentrating on your wish, burn the piece of paper in the flame. Leave the votive candle to burn out. Repeat the spell at the same time on twelve consecutive nights. If you miss a night, begin the spell from day one.

From: The Good Spell Book

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