Harmony Spells

Vampire Peaceful Coexistence Spell

If you are unable to beat, destroy or banish a vampire, what other option is there? No, you don’t have to join them. Sometimes peaceful co-existence can be arranged.

A practical Romany method involves creating a regularly scheduled offering table for the vampire and providing food. In exchange, the vampire promises not to bother an agreed-upon list of people. In addition to blood, Romany vampire lore says that the creatures of the night crave milk.

Offer dairy milk, coconut milk and rice balls cooked in milk. Those vampires with a sweet tooth also accept offerings of halvah.

Source: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Words

Nether Garment Spell for Fidelity

Although in Romany culture divorce is taboo, their marriages are not necessarily happier than most, and sometimes partners do go astray. But there is a spell that draws a partner home to his or her original ties. This spell is very basic, as down-to-earth as the Romanies themselves. It gets to the point and apparently works.

Choose a pair of your partner’s underwear and a pair of your own. Take two nutmegs, and write your partner’s full name on one and your own on the other. Bind the two nutmegs with a red cord (to symbolize passion). Wrap them in the underwear, and place them in a clean white envelope. Sleep with them under your pillow if your partner is away, or embed them in a drawer where you keep your favorite or most sensual clothes.

Source unknown

To Avoid Divorce

Divorce is taboo among the Romanies, so this spell is used to heal a broken marriage. It requires little more than an apple, true love, and the sheer determination to keep the marriage intact.

The advantage of this spell is that a link is already been established. The marriage simply needs reinforcement or bridging.

Buy a perfect-looking apple. If it is summer or autumn, pluck an apple yourself; an apple right off the tree has more life force in it.

Cut the apple in half. Regard it as an auspicious omen if the seeds have not been severed with the knife, but don’t worry if they have.

On a piece of clean, unused white paper write the woman’s full name. Next to it, write the man’s.

Cut out the names, keeping the piece of paper they are on small enough to fit between the apple halves. Then place the paper with the names between the two halves and imagine the marriage being healed.

Skewer the apple halves together with two pins, inserting the pins diagonally from right to left and from left to right.

When you position the pins, send love to your partner and ask for the love to be reciprocated.

Romanies use their campfire to bake the apple. You could place your apple in your hearth or in the oven instead, and bake until the apple appears whole. If you can get your partner to eat some of the cooked apple, so much the better.

Source unknown

Love Of Mother-In-Law Spell

Whether or not you’re married, everyone will be happier if your partner’s mother loves you. You can win your mother-in-law over by sending your love to her.

Choose a Friday evening when the moon is waxing. Take a pink candle and write your wish around it. Your wish should come from the heart. It could be something as simple as:

“(Mother-in-law’s name), love me.”

Take a pin with a blue head, for healing, or a yellow head for enlightenment. Between the beginning and end of your message, pierce the candle with the pin so that its tip emerges on the other side of the candle.

Light the candle and imagine the light of the flame warming your mother-in-law’s heart. Leave the candle to burn down and extinguish itself, and salvage the pin.

Now have a tulip bulb ready, because tulips are said to heal rifts and reunite. Confirm your wish as you push the pin into the bulb. Then bury the bulb in a plant pot or garden. If it is the wrong season for planting, plant the bulb in a flower pot and care for it indoors. Your mother-in-law’s love for you will grow with the bulb.

Source: The Good Spell Book

To Get Another To Agree

Light a pink candle for love and a blue candle for healing on a Friday evening. Say the following incantation:

Please (name of person), do think again.
may the consequence heal my pain.
Grant my request to me and you’ll see,
The good in your heart set me free.

Bless you.

Snuff the candles out after casting your spell.

From: The Good Spell Book

Family Unity

It is said that by throwing a small handful of salt on the family cooking fire every Monday morning, you will keep the family together and help heal any rifts.

Another belief is that to roll a wagon wheel in a great circle around the outside of the vardo once a month at the New Moon will ensure family togetherness. It should be rolled clockwise.

One Gypsy woman in Norfolk assured me that the only sure way to keep the family together is to take a small clipping from every member’s hair. These are then all placed together in a large leaf, which is rolled up and tied around with one of the mother’s hairs. The package is then buried at the foot of an oak tree. The type of leaf in which the hair is wrapped was not specified, but it probably should be oak.

Togetherness can similarly be ensured by taking nail clippings from all family members and burying them at the foot of a tree – in this case a hawthorn or elm.

~Raymond Buckland

To Bring About A Reunion

Romani families, or tribes, though wandering the country most of the year, would occasionally stop at a particularly favorite campground for two or three months at a time. Frequently this campground was a favorite of other branches of the tribe, and sometimes there was a grand reunion that took place when the different groups came together there.

Many Gypsies, especially the older ones, looked forward to these reunions, to again meeting with old friends and to sharing their stories, their adventures, their tales of sorrow and joy.

Here is a spell that was sometimes worked to bring about such a gathering, particularly if it had been a hard winter and support, comfort, and advice was needed. This magick is worked by the mother of the family when cooking a meal (usually hedgehog or rabbit stew) during the waxing of the Moon.

All potatoes to be used should be cut lengthwise, rather than crosswise, and thrown into the family cookpot along with a pinch each of allspice, thyme, and mace. Onion can be used but not garlic. Carrots, turnips and similar root crops should be plentifully included. Stir the cookpot only clockwise, and when moving around it, move only clockwise. The stirring spoon must be a wooden one, and the cookpot must be iron.

On the fire over which the cookpot hangs, throw handfuls of cedar chips; and at some time during the cooking, sprinkle onto the fire three spoonfuls of salt.

Any time the pot is stirred, it must be stirred in batches of three, for example: three, six, or nine clockwise stirs at a time. During these stirrings the mother will say:

Stir the pot and bring us round;
Rom are to the atching-tan bound.
Merry we’ll meet and merry we’ll part
And merry will be the company found.

Source: Gypsy Love Magick

Family Togetherness

This little spell can be done for two lovers, for all family members, or for any two or more individuals. Many Gypsies use it when, for example, there is a rift between mother and daughter or an argument between husband and wife.

Cut a lock of hair from the head of each person concerned. This should be cut during the waxing phase of the Moon (growing from new to full). Put the two locks of hair together and tie them with a red silken thread. The thread should be wound around the hair at least seven times before it is tied. Wrap the tied hair in a small square of white silk and then bury it at a crossroads (it doesn’t have to be buried right in the center of the crossed roads; alongside the cross is fine).

~Raymond Buckland

Home Harmony

Prepare a pot of tea (size depending upon the size of the family, as you will see) made from valerian root herb (Valeriana officinalis).

The cut and sifted form of the herb is most useful, since it can be easily strained through a regular tea strainer. Dried herbs can be used, but fresh herbs are better. Use about an ounce of herb to a pint of water. The herb should be broken up in a pestle and mortar to release the active principles. Since valerian is one of the deeper essences, you may need to simmer the tea for about an hour, after which time about half the water will have evaporated. Incidentally, do not use an aluminum vessel. Use glass (Pyres), earthenware, enamel, or stainless steel.

When ready, pour into a teapot and top up with hot water. Then with everyone sitting in a circle, the mother should pour a cup of tea for each family member; but make sure that at least half the tea is left in the pot (this is where the size of the pot comes in). All drink their tea. Then take what remains in the teapot and sprinkle a little of the tea in every corner of every room in the house; in the corners of the rooms and alcoves, and in the corners of all the larger closets (such as clothes closets and pantries).

When this has been done, all the family members should stand in the kitchen with hands joined, and the mother, or eldest female, should say:

Peace be unto this house
And peace be with all who dwell herein.
Let harmony be forever here,
And let love abound.

~Raymond Buckland

Healing Old Wounds


This is magick used when there has been a rift in the family, be it between two individuals or between two whole groups within the family. It can be recognized as basic sympathetic magick.

Take a long white candle and break it into as many parts as there are factions. However, be careful not to break the wick – only the wax.

On each section of the candle carve the name of the individual or the initials of the major figures in the dispute (for example: should it be one whole branch of the family against another, with perphas as many persons in each group, then just mark the initials of the leaders, such as the father, mother, or grandmother, etc).

Lay the broken candle on a sheet of clean parchment (paper will do). Light a pink (best), red (second best) or white (third choice) candle and hold it over the broken candle so that the melting wax drops down onto the breaks, sealing them.

The broken candle should be slowly turned, keeping it on the parchment, so that all sides of the breaks become joined by the falling wax. As you do this, say: “Heal! Heal! Heal!” repeating it as necessary until the white candle is whole again.

When the engraved candle is once again whole, stand it upright in a holder and light it. It should then be left to burn down completely.

From: Raymond Buckland

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