
Family Unity

It is said that by throwing a small handful of salt on the family cooking fire every Monday morning, you will keep the family together and help heal any rifts.

Another belief is that to roll a wagon wheel in a great circle around the outside of the vardo once a month at the New Moon will ensure family togetherness. It should be rolled clockwise.

One Gypsy woman in Norfolk assured me that the only sure way to keep the family together is to take a small clipping from every member’s hair. These are then all placed together in a large leaf, which is rolled up and tied around with one of the mother’s hairs. The package is then buried at the foot of an oak tree. The type of leaf in which the hair is wrapped was not specified, but it probably should be oak.

Togetherness can similarly be ensured by taking nail clippings from all family members and burying them at the foot of a tree – in this case a hawthorn or elm.

~Raymond Buckland

Family Togetherness

This little spell can be done for two lovers, for all family members, or for any two or more individuals. Many Gypsies use it when, for example, there is a rift between mother and daughter or an argument between husband and wife.

Cut a lock of hair from the head of each person concerned. This should be cut during the waxing phase of the Moon (growing from new to full). Put the two locks of hair together and tie them with a red silken thread. The thread should be wound around the hair at least seven times before it is tied. Wrap the tied hair in a small square of white silk and then bury it at a crossroads (it doesn’t have to be buried right in the center of the crossed roads; alongside the cross is fine).

~Raymond Buckland

Queen of Hungary’s Water


Legend has it that the early Gypsies formulated Queen of Hungary’s Water, and claimed it to be a cure-all. It is an excellent astringent for the face and a great rinse for dark hair. It combines gentle, common herbs in a masterful way, it’s easy and inexpensive to make, and it’s very versatile. The Gypsies claimed it was good as a hair rinse, mouthwash, headache remedy, aftershave, foot bath, and who knows what else!

To make it, combine:

  • 6 parts lemon balm
  • 4 parts chamomile
  • 1 part rosemary
  • 3 parts calendula
  • 4 parts roses
  • 1 part lemon peel
  • 1 part sage
  • 3 parts comfrey leaf

Chop herbs finely. Fresh herbs work best but high-quality dried herbs are next best. Place them in a clean, dry jar. If using dried herbs, fill the jar only half way to allow for expansion.

Heat raw organic apple cider vinegar to a warm (not hot) temperature. Pour in enough to completely cover the herbs with a margin of 2 or 3 inches. Seal the lid. Leave the jar in a warm spot and let the herbs soak for 4 to 6 weeks – the longer, the better. Shake the bottle daily.

Strain the liquid through a stainless steel strainer lined with cheesecloth or muslin. Place in dark cobalt or amber glass bottles, label, and store away from heat and light.

After aging and straining, add 1/2 to 1 cup rose water or witch hazel to each cup of herbal vinegar. Store in dropper or spray bottles. This product does not need refrigeration and will stay fresh indefinitely.

Because it stains, this blend is not recommended for light or white hair.

Source: The Whole Dog Journal

Gypsy Hair Divinations


Throw some hair into a fire. It is said to be a sign of long life if the hair flames up vigorously. It is an omen of ill health if it simply smolders away.

To determine whether a person is flirtatious, pluck a single hair from their head. The hair should then be stretched between the forefingers and thumbs. The more it curls when released, the more flirtatious the owner.

Another piece of lore: if a woman’s hairpin falls out, someone is thinking of her.

Found in: The Good Spell Book

Love Charm


Rosemary symbolizes remembrance. It is ruled by the sun, and according to the Romanies, is representative of people born under the zodiac sign Aries. So the following love charm is particularly effective on people born under the sign of the Ram.

In April or May, when rosemary is in season, choose pliable, willowy stems and bind them together into the shape of a heart. Form a mental image of the one you wish for. Then secure the rosemary heart with yellow ribbon, and if you have any threads from your partner’s clothes or strands of hair, weave these in to create a stronger vibrational link. If your desired one is born under Aries, weave in a few strands of wool too.

Place the rosemary heart in a white envelope, and put it under your pillow. Before you sleep, repeat the words:

Divine Love bless my sleep
My true lover I shall keep.

The rosemary will dry with time and its life force will fade. When you feel your spell has brought the one you want closer, burn the heart in a fire, thinking while you do it of the flames of passion.

Source Unknown

For Beautiful Hair

1a5e8e8ddcc908ce1662f98f1c1c6d60If you have very dry hair, warm some olive oil and apply it to the hair, using cotton balls. Work slowly over the head, working the oil in and being careful to cover the ends of the hair with the oil. Then dip a towel in hot water, wring it out, and wrap it around your hair. When the towel has cooled, reheat it and wrap it around again. Do this for a total of an hour, then thoroughly shampoo the hair.

~Raymond Buckland
~Gypsy Love Magick

Gypsy Beauty Secrets

2f19e10184caf66c36ea6256e8803cb7Gypsy women are some of the most beautiful women in the world. How do they get that way? Are they born beautiful? Many are, yes, but not all. And for those who are not, there are some closely kept beauty secrets.

To wash your face with dew every morning is believed to keep the complexion clear. Rain water also has been used, but these days of acid rain give one pause for thought.

Some Romani women will take a lock of their hair and bury it at the foot of a willow tree. This is said to promote luxuriant growth, making the hair glossy and attractive.

Many a Romani woman will never brush her hair in artificial light. She will either do it in the daylight or will sit outside and do it in the light of the moon.

~Raymond Buckland
~Gypsy Love Magick

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