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Healing Your Dog

Place your dog in a comfortable position or let it find its own spot in which to lie down.

Sit beside your dog and pray for a circle of gold light to be placed around you both for protection, and for a circle of blue light to be placed around you and your dog for healing. Then say the Lord’s Prayer. (The Gypsy version can be found here.)

Place your hands palms down over your pet. Visualize yellow light, then blue, green, indigo, and violet rays permeating your hands and then passing into your pet’s body.

End by asking for a cloak of spiritual protection to be placed around your pet to protect and keep it from harm.
This can be repeated several times a day.

From: The Good Spell Book

To Heal A Cat Wound

To heal a cat after it’s been in a fight, the Romanies recommend that you first light a blue candle. Place your cat on your lap or let the cat find its own comfortable place to lie. Soothe it with loving strokes until it purrs or appears relaxed and comfortable enough to stay put for five or ten minutes.

Close your eyes and pray for a spirit vet to work through your hands. After a few minutes you should feel heat emanating from your palms. You may then feel your hands being guided to various parts of your cat’s body. Direct them to where they are drawn.

Imagine the colors of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple – streaming into the cat.

Finish by thanking the spirit vet who used your hands to channel healing energy. Then say, Kitten scrap scrabble scrap, before giving your cat a kiss to seal the spell.

Source: The Good Spell Book

Vampire Peaceful Coexistence Spell

If you are unable to beat, destroy or banish a vampire, what other option is there? No, you don’t have to join them. Sometimes peaceful co-existence can be arranged.

A practical Romany method involves creating a regularly scheduled offering table for the vampire and providing food. In exchange, the vampire promises not to bother an agreed-upon list of people. In addition to blood, Romany vampire lore says that the creatures of the night crave milk.

Offer dairy milk, coconut milk and rice balls cooked in milk. Those vampires with a sweet tooth also accept offerings of halvah.

Source: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Words

Gypsy Life – Not As Romantic As It Sounds

A pipe-smoking mother tends to her children in a rather windswept Romany encampment on the Epsom Downs, circa 1910.

Children at a Gypsy encampment at Epsom help with the laundry chores the day before the Derby, circa 1935.

A makeshift tent in a gypsy encampment on Hurtwood Common Surrey, Jan 30, 1934.

Gypsy women and a baby in an encampment overshadowed by gasometers and strewn with rubbish, July 28th, 1951.

Gypsy children play in squalid and overcrowded encampment at Corkes Meadow Kent, July 28, 1951.

A Romany woman cooks dinner in an iron pot hung over an open fire at the Corkes Meadow encampment in Kent, July 1951.

A Romany woman combing her sons matted hair outside her tent in an encampment on Corke’s Meadow Kent, July 1951.

A policeman inspecting a license at a gypsy encampment on Kings Moor near Tenby, May 1935.

London missionary and friend of the gypsies William Larmour talks over problems with elders of tribe in the Corkes meadow encampment, overshadowed by gasometers and strewn with rubbish, July 1951.

Galician Gypsy Encampment, Wandsworth 1911

A Romany family on the steps of their caravan at the Corkes Meadow encampment in Kent, July 1951.

Mrs Robert Matthew, an MPs wife campaigning at a gypsy encampment, October 1951.

An old Romany turns his hand to the traditional Romany trade of tinkering (scrap metal dealing) at the Corke’s Meadow encampment in Kent, July 1951.

But it wasn’t all rubbish, squalor, and hard work. There was family, fun, freedom, and fresh air too.

Famous Spanish dancer Antonio with some Brtitish gypsies, October 1956.

A family of gypsies sitting outside their caravan on an encampment at Brook Farm during the fruit picking season, September 1942.

Father and son have a talk, July 1951.

Grandmother Eyres keeps eye on the children whilst mother prepares supper on gypsy encampment in Surrey. Despite their lifestyle, the Eyres family was a prosperous one, owning several plots of freehold land, circa 1946.

A boxing match in progress between two gypsy boys on the Corkes Meadow encampment in Kent, circa 1951.

A young Romany woman in an encampment on Corkes Meadow, Kent, July 1951.

Yuletide Holiday Svaijko

Here’s a recipe for a delicious Yuletide holiday svaijko. It is a freely adapted modern version of a very old, traditional Romany holiday recipe.

For the dough:

  • 25 grams of yeast
  • 60 grams of butter
  • 2.5 deciliters of water
  • 0.5 deciliters of sugar
  • 1 liter of flour

For the filling:

  • 100 grams of sour cream
  • Sugar
  • Raisins
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 200 grams of sweet chocolate

Mix the yeast, butter, water sugar and flour in a bowl so that you get a firm dough. In another bowl, mix sour cream, sugar and raisins.

Roll out the dough so that it is flattened, and spread the filling all over it. Shred the chocolate all over. Roll up the dough into a cylinder shaped roll – but carefully, so that the filling does not leak.

Brush the roll with butter, and spread some sugar all over it.

Bake it in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius (390 degrees Fahrenheit) for about 40 minutes, until the roll is relatively firm inside.

Slice the roll into appropriate pieces. Serve it as a snack after the Christmas dinner, and your Christmas feast will be a great success!


If you need to convert the measurements there is a nifty calculator at Diana’s Desserts.

Source: Unknown

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