Wealthy Week
On a Sunday evening, burn a gold candle surrounded by piles of loose change. It is important not to count the cash. If there are so few coins you cannot help but notice, cover them with a handkerchief. Watching the candle flame, say:
“Thank you for the money I have already received from the invisible world.”
Leave the candle to burn down and extinguish itself. Afterward gather up the coins. You will need them for the next evening’s spell.
On Monday burn a white candle in the same way, adding to the heap of coins any more you have accumulated throughout the day. Repeat words of thanks for money already received from the invisible world.
On Tuesday use a pink candle and add to the coin collection the loose change the day has brought you. Speak the magic words again.
Continue with the words and the same coins, adding daily to the pile. Use a red candle on Wednesday, a green candle on Thursday, a blue candle on Friday, and on Saturday a green candle.
Stash away your cash and reserve it for money spells. The more coins you accumulate, the greater the power of attraction.
(Of course, you can also throw the coins into your purse.)
Found in:
The Good Spell Book by Gillian Kemp
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