
Giving A Complete Reiki Treatment

Sometimes it helps to have a check-list or some reminders handy when you are getting ready to give a complete Reiki treatment. This is especially helpful when you are first starting out.

Most of the time I do Reiki on the fly, and all of the rules fly out the window… but sometimes it’s good to remember the little details of how to provide a great healing experience for your client.

Daily practices for being centered and clear:

Preparing the space:

  • Make sure the Reiki area is clean and free of clutter.
  • Burn incense, sage, or diffuse appropriate essential oils.
  • Put on music that is soothing and healing.
  • Light candles if that feels appropriate.

Spend a few minutes with the client:

  • Spend a few minutes talking with the person to gain rapport and to establish the intent of the session.
  • If this is the first session with this person, explain the Reiki process and hand positions.
  • Answer any questions the person may have.
  • You might also have the client read and fill out a client information form.

Before you start:

  • Wash your hands and rinse out your mouth.
  • Make sure the client and you are both comfortable.
  • Especially make sure that you can sit (or stand) in a comfortable position with arms and hands relaxed while giving the treatment.
  • Ask the client to close his or her eyes and meditate on being thankful for, and open to, all the healing energies that are coming.

Getting started:

  • Sit quietly with your hands on your legs doing Reiki on yourself for a few moments.
  • Find a feeling of love and peace, and allow it to grow within yourself.
  • Enfold your client in this feeling of love, gentleness and compassion.
  • Say a prayer asking your High Self, God, Angels, and all the healing forces of the Universe to work with you and your client to protect the process and create the most powerful healing possible.
  • If you choose, you can use any or all of the techniques to increase the power of Reiki. (See them here).

The treatment:

  • Reiji-Ho (intuitive guidance)
  • Chiryo (put Reiki where it is needed)
  • Or you can do a standard treatment with all the hand positions.
  • And/or you can use other techniques as guided.
  • Such as Gedoku-Ho (the detoxification technique).

End with:

The auric field first and then the physical body.

  • Smooth the aura.
  • Seal the energy.
  • Cut the connection.
  • Help the person to sit up.
  • Bring them a glass of water that has been charged with Reiki.
  • Encourage the client to drink plenty of water for the next few days.
  • Also suggest a warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salts.
  • If the person is really spaced out, have them go outside and get grounded.

After the session:

  • Say a short prayer of thanks.
  • Sit quietly doing Reiki on yourself.
  • Rinse your hands, face, and mouth with cold water.

Food for thought:

Techniques are fingers pointing to the moon. They are tools and not to be confused with the “real thing.” YOU are the real thing. YOU are the moon and not the finger pointing to it. Beyond thoughts and emotions, body and soul, good and bad, health and disease, Reiki energy, all your concepts, your dreams and aspirations, you are it!

Always ask yourself who is doing the experiencing. At the end of the day, the only question that remains is, “Who Am I, Who Am I, Who Am I?” When that question is answered, all suffering comes to an end.

For my sources seeRecommended Reading

Reiji-Ho and Chiryo

Reiji means “indication of the spirit” and is the second pillar of Reiki. This is a process that prepares one to give a Reiki treatment. It involves the use of Gassho, a short prayer for the benefit of the client and focus on ones intuitive guidance.

Here’s how it works:

  • Do the Gassho meditation, but only for a minute or so.
  • Say a prayer giving thanks to the spirit of Reiki and asking it to begin flowing now.
  • Say a prayer on behalf of the client, asking that she/he be completely healed.
  • Bring your hands up to the third eye and ask the spirit of Reiki to guide your hands to where they are needed.
  • Now wait and see what happens.
  • Follow your inner guidance and allow your hands to be directed by the spirit of Reiki.
  • You will be guided to a certain area of the body.

You may see a body part in front of your inner eye, or the body part to be treated may “jump” out at you. You might even hear what part of the body to treat, or you may simply feel or know where you should start. Some people feel the prompting within their own bodies.

Notice any internal impressions you may get. Use all the clues available to you. Trust your intuitive self.


This word means “treatment” and is the third pillar of Reiki. The kind of treatment Dr. Usui taught relies on ones inner guidance rather than a predetermined set of hand positions. In this way, each treatment is unique and focuses on what the client needs to create wholeness.

After doing Reiji-ho, continue to follow your inner guidance allowing yourself to be directed. Treat as many places on the body or in the aura as you feel compelled to. During this process, allow yourself to enter a very relaxed state and to become one with the Reiki energy.

For my sources seeRecommended Reading

Techniques to Intensify the Power of Reiki

Here are a number of different techniques that can be used to intensify the power Reiki.

The “Homeopathic” Touch

Almost without touching them, very gently massage the zones that you would like to treat for somewhere between 20 seconds and 2 minutes. Then lay hands on them a usual.

According to the Arndt Schulze Rule (from the field of bio-cybernetics), fine impulses stimulate life activities while strong ones inhibit them. The fine impulses of the massage technique explained above direct the attention of the body consciousness to the appropriate area and intensify the body’s perceptive abilities. At the same time, the receptivity is increased. Prepared in this manner, Reiki is absorbed in a much higher degree.

Aura Massage

Calmly hold your hands about 2 or 3 inches above the area to be treated for about 20 seconds, and attune yourself to it. Then let your hands begin to move gently as though you are giving a very gentle massage. Be sure that the palms are always facing your client’s body.

After 20 seconds, again hold your hands calmly still for another 20 seconds and attune yourself. Repeat this technique several times, and then treat as usual.

By relaxing the aura, the possibilities of energy flowing to the body are improved because Reiki clears the aura. In addition, through the fine impulses of aura massage, the attention of the body consciousness is directed to appropriate places. This, in turn, increases the receptivity.

Wherever the attention is focused, the energy will flow more freely in that direction.

Singing Vowels

During the treatment, sing or intone the vowels, A, E, I, O, U, and the sound of the letter M. This stimulates the chakras and the aura to gently increase their vibrational level.

The higher the vibration of a being, the greater the willingness of its organism to absorb Reiki.

Rubbing Hands

Shortly before the beginning of the Reiki treatment, lightly clap your hands together and rub them intensely for a moment. This stimulates the hand chakras, through with Reiki is transmitted, to more intensive activity.

Baby Oil

Rub your hands together with a few drops of baby oil. During the treatment, be careful of sensitive clothing and treat within the aura, if this is possible.

I can’t explain why this technique functions so well, but it is widespread among faith healers and has great results,

For my sources seeRecommended Reading

Hand Positions – Self Treatment

The hand positions on this post are taught by William Rand. You can vary them according to your own needs, although you should give yourself a full treatment as often as possible.

reiki self treatment

Position 1. Place the hands over the face with the fingers at the top of the forehead and the hands touching.

reiki self treatment

Position 2: Place the hands on the top of the head with the fingers touching, but not over-lapping. Palms are close to the top of the ears.

reiki self treatment

Position 3: Place the hands on the sides of the head over the ears.

reiki self treatment

Position 4: Place the hands on the back of the head with the base of the palms at the base of the skull.

reiki self treatment

Position 5: Place the right hand over the throat and the left hand over the heart.

reiki self treatment

Position 6: Place both hands over the shoulders close to the neck.

reiki self treatment

Position 7: Place the hands with the fingers touching over the upper stomach just below the lowest rib.

reiki self treatment

Position 8: Place the hands over the middle of the stomach with the fingers touching at the navel.

reiki self treatment

Position 9: Place the hands on the lower stomach with the base of the hands near or on the hip bones and the finger tips over the pubic bone.

reiki self treatment

Position 10: Place the hands in the middle of the back, fingers touching.

reiki self treatment

Position 11: Place the hands on the lower back with the finger tips over the sacrum.

reiki self treatment

Positions 12: Hold the left foot with both hands in a way that is comfortable.

reiki self treatment

Positions 13: Hold the right foot with both hands in a way that is comfortable.

reiki self treatment

Position 14: Hold the right foot with the right hand and the left foot with the left hand in a way that is comfortable.

reiki self treatment

Position 14 – Alternate: Hold the right foot with the left hand and the left foot with the right hand in a way that is comfortable.

For my sources see: Recommended Reading

Reiki For Yourself

The practice of Reiki is that of sharing and caring. Caring for oneself is a necessary precursor to effective caring for others.

Regardless of whether you choose to sit or lie down to give a self-treatment, you should always make sure that you are comfortable. Try to ensure that there are as few distractions as possible – mute your phone, or even put it on airplane mode.

Some people like to give themselves a treatment while they soak in the bath. A favorite time for many people is on weekend mornings before getting up and before sleep at night. If you give yourself a treatment before you go to sleep you may find that you drop off before you get through all the positions. Don’t worry if that happens – at least you will sleep well.

It’s good to give yourself a complete treatment using the guidelines on the following pages. However, if you only have a few minutes to give yourself Reiki, perhaps while traveling or watching television, you may prefer to concentrate on just one area of your body, such as the throat, heart, or stomach.

A good position when you feel tired or particularly if you feel upset or off balance is to place one hand on either side of your head over the temples, or place one hand on the Heart Chakra and one on the Sacral Chakra. This is also a position you can use when preparing yourself to give a Reiki treatment to another person. Let your intuition guide you to where you most need Reiki at that moment and you will feel the benefit, even if you have not given yourself a full self-treatment.

For a visual pictorial of the hand positions for self treatment as recommended by William Rand, see this post.

In some books on Reiki there is frequent ;mention of the hands instantly becoming hot as the energy begins to flow. This is not necessarily the case, especially when doing a self treatment. If your hands don’t feel hot or tingly, rest assured that the energy is still being channeled through your hands. Also, don’t think that just because your hands aren’t hot you are “not doing it properly.”

When I start a self-treatment I sometimes find that my hands go colder rather than hotter. Usually, after a few minutes my hands warm up and I can feel the energy flowing through to remove any blocks (cold often means blockages). But if that doesn’t happen, I don’t worry. I use my intuition to determine when enough energy has been taken in, and then I move onto the next position.

There is naturally a difference between whether you treat yourself, or let someone else pamper you with a whole body treatment. Consider making a commitment to a monthly Reiki treatment, where you are the receiver, and can simply relax and enjoy the blessings of universal life energy.

For my sources seeRecommended Reading

Decisions… Decisions

This experience we call life is filled to the brim with decisions. During every waking moment, we are faced with more choices than we can possibly comprehend.

We are often simi-or un-conscious of the threads of life we spin with each thought or direction of thought our minds take. Some decisions are merely reactionary; some are carefully and methodically made. Some major resolutions are brought about by a culmination of seemingly inconsequential decisions and most have small conclusions intertwined in their process.

All that we are and have experienced is embodied in every single decision we make and each decision creates a new experience. Until we make any decision, we have no real idea of what the experience will be. Thus, we never really make mistakes; we only create experiences we either like or dislike.

The only difficult part of this concept is agreeing to the facts that:

  • Each of us is really free to make any choice we want to.
  • We can create change by choosing to do so.

What does that have to do with health, healing and Reiki?

Ultimately, all decisions direct our lives as to whether or not we are going to get sick with certain diseases, and to a degree, whether we are going to place ourselves in positions that could lead to accidents, or be in environments where catastrophes can happen.

It is very difficult to accept that our choices are responsible for whatever happens to our body. No one wants to believe that he or she might have chosen their car accident or their cancer, or to be responsible in any way for any upsetting incident in their life. In fact, the realization of this responsibility is invariably painful. But it is this understanding that can help to explain the intricacies of the healing process.

Whatever our background or experience in health or in healing, it’s important to begin to understand this complexity. Just as one decision builds on another to create disharmony, disease, etc, we can build a new set of choices which will determine to what degree we have chosen to be healed.

Takata’s advice was to do regular and consistent Reiki sessions for a chronically ill patient. Consecutive Reiki sessions give the body, mind, emotions, and the spirit a chance to come together in a relaxed and energized state. A chance, as it were, to rethink individual and collective decisions on some (or every) level. An opportunity, in the quiet, to sort through past selections and experiences. All of this can occur without the practitioner or the client being aware that it’s happening.

I believe that what we see as “miraculous healings” are actually the coming together of this energy, Reiki, which facilitates the re-balancing of a total being, and any individual who has decided on all levels to accept and hold onto that balance. For some persons, this moment can be instantaneous, and a miracle is announced. We hear and read of these frequently. For most of us, the degree of re-balancing comes steadily or in small increments, and this is what we see in ourselves and our Reiki practices.

On some occasions, we will see a transformation during one session, but then a gradual return of the original problem. The body might have been willing, but the emotions or thoughts or attitudes were not ready for the change.

Just as it is with any decision to create a new experience, we cannot know what the experience is until we make the decision to do it. Any movement from one habit or view of life to another cannot be known to its fullest extent until we decide to do it and accomplish it.

Remember always, just as this decision to create disease is personal, so is the decision to create health. Each person will do it in their own way. Some of us may decide as we are expected to. Others of us may make the ultimate healing decision to let loose of this life experience.

Keep in mind then that as practitioners or for ourselves, we are only present to facilitate the decision-making process by channeling Reiki and being present without judgment.

Excerpted from: Reiki in Everyday Living

Energy Work for Healing

Many people find that if they rub their hands together vigorously first they can feel energy more easily. After rubbing your hands together vigorously to sensitize them if this helps you be more aware of energy.

Run your hands over your own body or that of the person wanting a treatment holding your hands about an inch away from the physical body. Feel for hot and cold spots in the energy field.

Pull out and throw away anything you feel intuitively that you should pull out and envision healing light filling any place where you remove blocks or that feels empty or that you feel needs it. Combing and fluffing the aura with your fingers as though combing hair can also help clear and lighten the aura.

You can also feel for the energy of the Chakras and encourage them to be open and clear and be well seated in the central energy channel. If you feel sticky or dark energy as you do this you can give it to Spirit, the Light, Earth to be transformed.

In addition to pulling out blocks and overcharges in the energy field. Visualize and allow spiritual healing energy to flow freely and fill and charge the person or other, being treated do not try to do anything just allow it to happen. When you visualize spiritual healing energy, you are not using your own personal energy.

This is an even more powerful exercise if you are attuned to Reiki and using the Reiki energy for clearing and healing. Using the universal spiritual healing energy is more effective in any case.

~source unknown

Reiki Energy Is Never Depleted


Because it is a channeled healing, the Reiki practitioner’s energies are never depleted. In fact, the Reiki consciousness considers both practitioner and client to be in need of healing, so both receive treatment. Because of this, giving a treatment always increases one’s energy and leaves one surrounded with loving feelings of well-being.

Reiki: The Healing Touch

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The words printed here are concepts. You must go through the experiences. ~Carl Frederick

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