Basic Information

How Reiki Works


The knowledge that an unseen energy flows through all living things, and is connected directly to the quality of health, has been part of the wisdom of many cultures since ancient times. The existence of this “life force energy” has been verified by recent scientific experiments, and medical doctors are considering the role it plays in the functioning of the immune system and the healing process.

We are alive because life force is flowing through us. Life force flows within the physical body through pathways called chakras, meridians, and nadis. It also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura. Life force nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. When this flow of life force is disrupted, it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body.

The life force is responsive to thoughts and feelings. It becomes disrupted when we accept, either consciously or unconsciously, negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves. These negative thoughts and feelings attach themselves to the energy field and cause a disruption in the flow of life force. This diminishes the vital function of the organs and cells of the physical body.

Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens, and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.

While everything that has life has Ki, a Reiki attunement connects you in an increased way to your limitless source. With the first attunement in Reiki 1, you become a channel for this life force energy. For the rest of your life, all you need to do to connect with healing Ki is to place your hands on yourself or someone else and it will flow through you automatically. You experience an energy that first heals you, and then heals others without depleting you.

This is truly a gift of life.

From: Reiki The Healing Touch by William Rand

Rei Ki – What the Words Mean

kanji-reiki-tradizionale-inforeikiRei: Spiritual Wisdom

Mrs. Hawayo Takata, who introduced Reiki to the West, said the word Rei means universal and this is the definition most have accepted. However, Mrs. Takata also indicated that this interpretation is a very general one. The kanji ideograms have many levels of meaning. They vary from the mundane to the highly esoteric. So while it is true that Rei can be interpreted as universal, meaning that it is present everywhere, this level of interpretation really doesn’t add to our understanding of Reiki.

Research into the esoteric meaning of the Japanese kanji character for Rei has given a much deeper understanding of this ideogram. The word Rei as it is used in Reiki is more accurately interpreted to mean supernatural knowledge or spiritual consciousness. This is the wisdom that comes from God or the Higher Self. This is the God-Consciousness which is all knowing. It understands each person completely. It knows the cause of all problems and difficulties and knows what to do to heal them.

Ki: The Life Force

Ki means the same as Chi in Chinese, Prana in Sanskrit and Ti or Ki in Hawaiian. It has also been called, odic force, orgone, and bioplasma. It has been given many other names by the various cultures that have been aware of it.

Ki is the life force. It is also called the vital life force or the universal life force. This is the nonphysical energy that animates all living things. As long as something is alive, it has life force circulating through it and surrounding it; when it dies, the life force departs.

If your life force is low, or if there is a restriction in its flow, you will be more vulnerable to illness. When it is high, and flowing freely, you are less likely to get sick. Life force plays an important role in everything we do. It animates the body and also is the primary energy of our emotions, thoughts and spiritual life.

The Chinese place great importance on the life force or what they call Chi. They have studied it for thousands of years and have discovered there are many different kinds of Chi. The “Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” which is over 4,000 years old, lists thirty-two different kinds of Chi or Ki.

Ki is used by martial artists in their physical training and mental development. It is used in meditative breathing exercises called Pranayama, and by the shamans of all cultures for divination, psychic awareness, manifestation and healing. Ki is the nonphysical energy used by all healers. Ki is present all around us and can be accumulated and guided by the mind.

Reiki: Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy

It is the God-consciousness called Rei that guides the life force called Ki in the practice we call Reiki. Therefore, Reiki can be defined as spiritually guided life force energy. This is a meaningful interpretation of the word Reiki. It more closely describes the experience most people have of it; Reiki guiding itself with its own wisdom, and being unresponsive to the direction of the practitioner.

~International Center For Reiki Training

A Short Explanation of Reiki


It is the God-consciousness called Rei that guides the life force called Ki in the practice we call Reiki. Therefore, Reiki can be defined as spiritually guided life force energy. This is a meaningful interpretation of the word Reiki. It more closely describes the experience most people have of it; Reiki guiding itself with its own wisdom, and being unresponsive to the direction of the practitioner.

~William Rand

What is Reiki?


The form of Ki that organizes the correct synergetic application of all the subordinate forms of the life force in the holistic sense is called Reiki. This word can be translated as “soul force” or ”spiritual power.” It is this quality of the life energy that, in the material world, is closest to the divine creative force, the source of al life. It attunes the three archetypal partial personalities of the inner child, middle self, and higher self with each other so that all three remain connected with each other in one system instead of striving apart because of their differing characteristics.

  • Reiki connects without binding.
  • Reiki stimulates without over exciting.
  • Reiki separates without creating isolation.
  • Reiki calms without causing rigidity.
  • Reiki directs our attention to life and love in the heart.
  • Reiki creates clarity without a lack of involvement.
  • Reiki wakes us up and supports the development of all types of latent potentials.

When given an adequate opportunity to do so, Reiki will first make sure that cleansing and clarification take place and prepare the body/mind/spirit for any additional healing/transformation to take place. In order to cooperate in this process, we must decide to live in a different manner: healthier, more spiritual, and more individual. Reiki can’t—won’t—take over this act of Will Power. The will is a gift of the Divine Force. Mastering it is a holy duty– as is learning to use it in a way that is meaningful in terms of the whole of creation.

Forms of life energy that are higher and more uniform than Reiki cannot manifest themselves directly in the material world of separation.

For my sources see: Recommended Reading

Dr Usui Explains


Explanation Of Instruction For The Public
~by Founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho, Mikao Usui

It is an old custom to teach a method to only my descendants, for keeping a wealth within a family. Especially, the modern societies we live in wish to share happiness of coexistence and co-prosperity. So I don’t allow my family to keep the method to ourselves.

My Usui Reiki Ryoho is an original, there is nothing like this in the world. So I would like to release this method to the public for everyone’s benefit and hope for everyone’s happiness. My Reiki Ryoho is an original method based on intuitive power in the universe. By this power, the body gets healthy and enhances happiness of life and peaceful mind. Nowadays people need improvement and reconstruction inside and outside of life, so the reason for releasing my method to the public is to help people with illness of body and mind.

~exerpted from the Usui Reiki Hikkei – Usui Sensei’s original handbook
© Universal Copyright 1999, 2000 Richard Rivard – please share freely

The Advantages of Reiki


All healers use life force or Ki, but not all use Reiki. Reiki is a special kind of life force that can only be channeled by someone that has been attuned to it. It is possible that some people are born with Reiki or have gotten it some other way. However, most healers who have not received the Reiki attunement from a Reiki Master are not using Reiki but another kind of life force.

People who already do healing work consistently report an increase of at least fifty percent in the strength of their healing energies after taking the Reiki training.

Reiki energy is intelligent, therefore, it is not necessary to direct Reiki to a specific area of the body. The energy will flow to the area in which it is most needed. It is not dependent upon the expertise, knowledge, or spiritual development of the practitioner. It does not reauire psychic abilities, or the ability to concentrate, visualize, or focus.

Because Reiki is guided by the God Consciousness, it can never do harm. It always knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to create the effect that is appropriate for them. One never need worry about whether to give Reiki or not. It is always helpful.

In addition, because the practitioner does not direct the healing and does not decide what to work on, or what to heal, the practitioner is not in danger of taking on the karma of the client. Because the practitioner is not doing the healing, it is also easier for the ego to stay out of the way and allow the presence of God to clearly shine through.

Because it is a channeled healing, the Reiki practitioner’s energies are never depleted. In fact the Reiki consciousness considers both practitioner and client to be in need of healing, so both receive treatment. Because of this, giving a treatment always increases one’s energy and leaves one surrounded with loving feelings of well being.

~William Rand

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