Monthly Archives: February 2017

Prosperity In A Cup

So here is a spell that anyone can do:


Blow bubbles with a straw in your morning coffee
to bring about a prosperous day.


I know it sounds kind of silly, but I found it in all three of my books on Gypsy Magic. So I am assuming that it works. And I think that if the bubbles show up spontaneously – that’s even better.

Win The Lottery


The Romanies often like to gamble, and they advise using this spell for the lottery.

Light one green candle for each of the numbers to be selected. Sit quietly and ponder the flames, allowing each flame in turn to suggest a number.

Fill in the form according to the numbers that come into your head. Sprinkle the sheet with nutmeg and then snuff out the candles. Leave the form dusted with nutmeg for a day before thoroughly brushing it off.

Source: unknown

Crystal Healing

quartz-crystalA quartz crystal emits a frequency of energy, a vibration. Romanies are known for using crystal balls for clairvoyance, but they also use quartz rock crystal for healing.

If you have a piece of quartz, first wash it in warm soapy water and rinse it with running water. Then hold the crystal in both hands. Close your eyes and imagine being bathed in white light. Visualize the area of your illness and point the crystal to that site. Imagine a stream of light flowing from the crystal and bathing the area in its pure rays.

Place your crystal under your pillow while you sleep.

You can also wrap your crystal with wire and wear it on a ribbon or chain and keep it close to your heart.

The Good Spell Book

Wealthy Week

On a Sunday evening, burn a gold candle surrounded by piles of loose change. It is important not to count the cash. If there are so few coins you cannot help but notice, cover them with a handkerchief. Watching the candle flame, say:

“Thank you for the money I have already received from the invisible world.”

more than light

Leave the candle to burn down and extinguish itself. Afterward gather up the coins. You will need them for the next evening’s spell.

On Monday burn a white candle in the same way, adding to the heap of coins any more you have accumulated throughout the day. Repeat words of thanks for money already received from the invisible world.

On Tuesday use a pink candle and add to the coin collection the loose change the day has brought you. Speak the magic words again.

Continue with the words and the same coins, adding daily to the pile. Use a red candle on Wednesday, a green candle on Thursday, a blue candle on Friday, and on Saturday a green candle.

Stash away your cash and reserve it for money spells. The more coins you accumulate, the greater the power of attraction.

(Of course, you can also throw the coins into your purse.)

Found in:
The Good Spell Book by Gillian Kemp

Gypsy Good Luck Invocation


The first day of any month offers fresh hopes and new beginnings. One good-luck invocation is to say “Rabbits” before any other word on the first of the month.

Some say “White rabbits” three times as the last spoken words on the eve of the new month. On waking they say “Hares” three times. This is said to ensure a month that is blessed with good fortune.

Apple Love Spell


Twist the stem of an apple. On each rotation call out a letter of the alphabet. Begin with A. The letter you call out as the stem comes off will be the initial of your true love. If you do not trust your luck, you can purposely pull the stem on a particular letter (this is called using your will). Once you have pulled the stem from the apple, hold it between your teeth and make a wish to be with that particular person. If you have pulled a random letter (not someone you have in mind), –say, S– then ask the Goddess to bring this S to you.

The second part of the spell can only be performed if you have a particular person in mind. According to a Gypsy myth, the apple represents the heart. If you cut the apple in half horizontally, you will reveal the pentacle–the sacred symbol of the goddess and the human form. The Gypsy lovers would share these two apple halves , symbolically giving each other their hearts.

Offer half of the stem-plucked apple to the one you desire. If it is accepted, his/her heart will be open to your magic. However, a kiss must occur within thirteen hours after eating the apple. If you initiate the kiss, you have a good shot at winning your beloved’s affections. If the other person initiates the kiss, you have already won his/her heart. If the kiss is mutual, the bond will last.

From The Supermarket Sorceress’s Sexy Hexes

Love Spell


Follow whoever it is you wish will love you. When they step into a piece of soil and leave their footprint, scoop up the dirt and put it into a flowerpot. Plant a sunflower in the pot and as the flower grows so will his/her love for you!

Source unknown

To Entice Love


This spell can be used to attract love or to draw a lover closer. It should be begun on the night of a new moon.

Take a salt shaker and pepper shaker, and designate one the female and the other the male. Then take a piece of pink ribbon, and tie the female object to one end and the male object to the other, leaving about a foot of ribbon between them.

Every morning, untie the ribbon, move the objects a little closer together, and retie the knots.

Eventually the salt and pepper shakers will touch. Leave them bound together for seven days before untying them. By this time, love should have entered your life or your current partner should have drawn closer.

~Gillian Kemp

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February 2017
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Be Merry


I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!
