Flu-Fighting Beet and Cucumber Juice

This beet and cucumber juice is the perfect drink to have at your side during any flu season. It will give you a boost in energy, as it is packed with flu fighting vitamins and minerals! Aside from all the nutrition this juice generously yields, it actually tastes delicious!

The cucumbers add a refreshing note to the juiced beets, which surprisingly does not have an earthy undertone. Instead the beets are sweet, especially when squeezed with a little lime juice. The lime highlights the sweetness of both the cucumber and beets, leaving you with just a delicious and refreshing juice full of flu fighting nutrients. Give it a try if you’re feeling under the weather, or simply to give your body a boost.


  • 2 raw medium beets
  • 1½ – 2 medium cucumbers
  • juice of 1 lime or lemon ( I use lime)


Simply wash and chop the beets and cucumbers and put into your juicer and squeeze in the lime juice. Enjoy right away or store in the refrigerator in an airtight container (mason jar) for the next 3 days!

Found at Raw Food Recipes

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