Grocery Shopping

The Best and Worst of Fish


Unfortunately, fish, such an ancient benefactor, is sometimes contaminated with modern poisons, such as pesticides and other industrial chemicals. Here are ways to get the most health benefits from fish with the least hazards.

  • Choose saltwater ocean fish over freshwater fish from streams, rivers and lakes, which are more apt to be polluted.
  • Avoid sport fish caught by recreational fishermen in lakes and streams. They are most likely to be contaminated.
  • Choose smaller fish over larger fish. Small fish, like sardines, have had fewer years of exposure to pollutants.
  • Eat a variety of fish instead of just one type. This reduces the risk of overdosing on one contaminated source.
  • Don’t eat fish skin, which is a prime depository of toxic chemicals.
  • For a safer bet, you can choose farm-raised fish, such as catfish and salmon, not likely to be contaminated; however, they usually have less omega-3 type oil than wild fish.
  • Don’t over do it. Although some populations, such as Japanese fishermen and Eskimos, with low disease rates eat fish every day, sometimes as much as a pound, it’s not necessary to eat so much to reap the benefits of fish. Most studies suggest that regularly eating fish two or three times a week can make a tremendous dent in heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases.
  • A special caution for pregnant women whose fetuses could be damaged by toxic chemicals. Forgo fish from inland waters, and restrict swordfish, shark and fresh tuna to once a month. Some experts also advise pregnant women not to eat more than 7 ounces of tuna a week.

Source: Food – Your Miracle Medicine

How To Get The Best Antioxidants

Fresh organic vegetables in wicker basket in the garden

Finding the foods with the most disease fighting antioxidants is a simple matter of paying attention when grocery shopping, and later when preparing meals. When you choose fruits and vegetables, look for those with color, usually the deeper the color, the more antioxidants. Also, fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables have more antioxidants than those that are canned, processed or heated.

Generally you get more antioxidants if you eat:

  • Red grapes rather than green or white grapes.
  • Red and yellow onions instead of white onions.
  • Cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli raw or lightly cooked.
  • Garlic raw and crushed.
  • Fresh and frozen vegetables rather than canned ones.
  • Steam your vegetables instead of boil them.
  • Extra virgin cold-processed olive oil
  • The deepest, darkest green leafy vegetables.
  • Pink grapefruit instead of white grapefruit
  • Whole fruits rather than juices.
  • Fresh and frozen juices instead of canned ones.
  • The deepest orange carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkins.

Source: Food – Your Miracle Medicine

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"Diet has the distinction of being the only major determinant of health that is completely under your control. You have the final say over what does and what does not go into your mouth and stomach. You cannot always control the other determinants of health, such as the quality of the air you breathe, the noise you are subjected to, or the emotional climate of your suroundings, but you can control what you eat. It is a shame to squander such a good opportunity to influence your health." ~Andrew Weil, MD
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