Energy Work

Energy Exercise #4


Like your ball of energy in Exercise #2 was an exercise in control, with this next experience, you will learn how your energy can affect and influence other people in very subtle ways. Again you will need a partner.

1) Stand facing each other, with only a few feet between you. The receptive partner should have their eyes closed. Make sure this person is standing up straight, but is not braced against any structures.

2) You then try to use your willpower, breath, and intent to “push” your personal energy out and influence your partner. Use a gathering motion in the space around you to gather your personal energy as you inhale. Use pushing motions as you gently exhale, sending the energy toward your partner.

3) Take notice of your partner. If there is a third person in the room, this person might notice the action more than either of the exercise partners. Usually the receptive partner looks like they are swaying back, even if they do not consciously feel it.

4) Reverse the process by gathering the energy between you both, and pull the energy forward with your intention. Inhale and sweep your arms toward your body as you bring the energy closer. You may notice your partner pulling forward a bit. Repeat these steps several times until you feel comfortable with them. Then ask your partner, still with eyes closed, what they are feeling.

For my sources see: Recommended Reading

Energy Exercise #3


In this exercise, we are going to practice feeling the aura of another person, so you will need a partner to practice with. Here’s how it works:

1) As in Energy Exercise #2 sensitize your hands by rubbing them together, but instead of placing the palms facing together, put your arms out with palms facing out, as if you were gesturing to stop.

2) Stand at one end of the room while your partner is at the other. Close your eyes and slowly walk toward your partner, having your partner guide you if you get off course. As you could feel the energy between your palms, you are looking for a similar feeling when you reach the edge of your partner’s energy field.

3) Keep your eyes closed, but take note of the various levels of energy you feel. Move back and forth to explore the sensations.

4) Repeat the exercise, this time with your eyes open. Stop where you feel the first layer of resistance. Have your partner raise his or her arms straight out in front. Usually the perimeter of the aura is a hand’s length beyond the reach of a person’s arms. I have found that depending on an individual’s boundaries and current emotions, it can be larger or smaller, but in general, it is around an arm’s length. Where did you feel it? Most feel it near this perimeter, though you can also feel other “layers” closer to the body. Reverse roles and try the experiment again.

For my sources see: Recommended Reading

Energy Exercise #2


In this exercise, we are going to create a ball of energy.

1) Start as you did with Energy Exercise #1, but when your hands are six inches apart, imagine that you are holding a ball of energy. At first this ball is like and empty bowl, a shell, but your are filling it with the energy between your hands.

2) As you breathe out, imagine that you are blowing out energy, exhaling from your mouth, and also “exhaling” from your palms. This energy helps fill the ball. Feel it fill up. Intend to make the ball thicker and more solid. At first this will feel like you are playing pretend and making it up, but such play-acting is the way energy responds to our thoughts. By acting as if the energy is changing, it does.

3) Once you have a “solid” ball of energy floating between your hands, you can literally play with it. You can make it smaller and more dense. You can stretch it out like taffy. Discover how mutable energy can be, responding to your intent and commands.

4) When done, bring your hands together and imagine you are absorbing the energy. Then wipe off your hands to remove any excess.

Later, as you learn to work more with energy, you can draw more energy from your environment, and not necessarily your own personal energy, to create energy balls. They can then be “charged” with an intention, such as healing, and given to other people, animals, plants, and places to make your magick. You will not be limited to balls of energy, but any shape and size you can imagine. I like to weave energy “webs” of protection around myself and my home. Now that you have a feel for the power of your own personal energy, if you have a partner in this work, or a willing friend or family member, you can discover how your energy interacts with others.

For my sources see: Recommended Reading

Energy Exercise #1


The purpose of this exercise is to physically feel some of this spiritual energy that you personally generate. Many students find this easy with a little practice, but others have difficulty because they do not know what to look for.

I feel this energy like a very weak very subtle magnetic repulsion. If you were to take two positive ends of a magnet and try to put them together, you would have some difficulty. The fields of energy offer resistance. Take that feeling and expect something a bit less dramatic or concrete, and you can feel the resistance between your hands. They are not exactly opposing charges, so they do not offer the same kind of resistance as two magnets. Magnets are the way I would describe the feeling.

Since this is individual and subjective, others perceive it as a temperature shift. You could also feel a slight tingle or “pins and needles” sensation, as if you hands are “asleep.” Others feel a pressure or even texture. Everyone feels it differently. Once you feel it, you will be able to manipulate this energy through your will and intent. This is a fundamental building block for magick and psychic development.

1) Hold your hands about three feet apart, palms facing each other. Close your eyes if you would like. You are aware of any new information you receive from your hands, but you are not judging the experience or trying to create it. Allow it to happen naturally.

2) Bring your hands closer together, slowly. Be aware of the sensation. Notice any feelings that come in waves or layers. These are the levels of your aura, your energy body. Some layers offer more “resistance” than others. Try it several times, with eyes closed and then open. If you have difficulty, start over, but begin by rubbing your hands together vigorously, as if you were trying to warm them up. This will increase your hand’s sensitivity.

3) When you are done, wipe your hands together as if you were wiping excess water off them. This removes any other energies you might have picked up along the way. End all of these energy exercises with such a wiping motion.

For my sources see: Recommended Reading

Reiki Energy Is Never Depleted


Because it is a channeled healing, the Reiki practitioner’s energies are never depleted. In fact, the Reiki consciousness considers both practitioner and client to be in need of healing, so both receive treatment. Because of this, giving a treatment always increases one’s energy and leaves one surrounded with loving feelings of well-being.

Reiki: The Healing Touch

The Advantages of Reiki


All healers use life force or Ki, but not all use Reiki. Reiki is a special kind of life force that can only be channeled by someone that has been attuned to it. It is possible that some people are born with Reiki or have gotten it some other way. However, most healers who have not received the Reiki attunement from a Reiki Master are not using Reiki but another kind of life force.

People who already do healing work consistently report an increase of at least fifty percent in the strength of their healing energies after taking the Reiki training.

Reiki energy is intelligent, therefore, it is not necessary to direct Reiki to a specific area of the body. The energy will flow to the area in which it is most needed. It is not dependent upon the expertise, knowledge, or spiritual development of the practitioner. It does not reauire psychic abilities, or the ability to concentrate, visualize, or focus.

Because Reiki is guided by the God Consciousness, it can never do harm. It always knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to create the effect that is appropriate for them. One never need worry about whether to give Reiki or not. It is always helpful.

In addition, because the practitioner does not direct the healing and does not decide what to work on, or what to heal, the practitioner is not in danger of taking on the karma of the client. Because the practitioner is not doing the healing, it is also easier for the ego to stay out of the way and allow the presence of God to clearly shine through.

Because it is a channeled healing, the Reiki practitioner’s energies are never depleted. In fact the Reiki consciousness considers both practitioner and client to be in need of healing, so both receive treatment. Because of this, giving a treatment always increases one’s energy and leaves one surrounded with loving feelings of well being.

~William Rand

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The words printed here are concepts. You must go through the experiences. ~Carl Frederick

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