
czloq70auz8dwesLie back, close your eyes and relax! Be at peace. Visualize yourself as you wish to appear. Look in the mirror and see the new you:

  • 3 parts: Lavender and/or Rosemary
  • 2 parts Spearmint
  • 1 part: Comfrey Root and/or Thyme

Once you’ve gathered the ingredients, put them in a large mixing bowl and mix with your hands. Place a handful or so in a large square of muslin or other porous fabric and tie up the ends. Add this to your bath. To save time, make several bath sachets and store them in a jar with a tight lid until needed.

If you prefer showers to a bath, simply tie the herbs in a washcloth and scrub yourself with the mixture after your regular shower and before toweling.

Source: Ancient Wisdom



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