
Basil is an easy to grow summer green. It is always nice to find new ways to utilize it so it doesn’t go to seed, because it grows prolifically. Try this floor wash with a fresh, crisp scent like green grass to harvest the abundance that is your destiny.


  • 2 cups fresh Basil
  • 1 oz Pyrite chips
  • 8 drops Holy Basil Essential Oil
  • Sea Salt


Add the fresh basil to a large cauldron of boiling water (use a stockpot if necessary). Remove the cauldron from heat. Add the pyrite chips to the cauldron. Cover. Set aside overnight.

Strain, be careful to remove and save the pyrite for other spells. Add the Holy Basil essential oil.

Put a bowl of fine sea salt in the center of the room you are blessing. Cleanse surfaces with this Abundance Floor Wash using a natural sea sponge, with your dominant hand, concentrating on your desires the entire time. Sprinkle some of the fine sea salt on stains as you work.

Open the doors and windows if possible so the spirits can aid your work. Good fortune should flow your way.

From: Four Seasons of Mojo


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