
Creating a purifying salt bath (to purify your aura), filled with eucalyptus (to aid in healing emotional ailments), lavender (to help you relax), rose quartz (to mend your heart and confidence), amethyst (to revive and treat your emotional upsets), and moonstone (to evoke the Moon Goddess in balancing out your best emotions) will boost your auric field and attune your inner vibration, allowing you to release old sentiments by cleansing your body, mind, and spirit.

Moon Water Recipe
  • 6 drops of Eucalyptus Oil or Eucalyptus Leaves
  • 4 Lavender Oil or Fresh Lavender
  • Rose Quartz
  • Amethyst Crystal
  • Moonstone
  • Himalayan Sea Salt, Epson Salt, or Kosher Salt

Place rose quartz, amethyst, and moonstone in a cup of water. Charge a cup of water under the Moon’s glow during the day. You can leave the cup by the window sill to absorb the lunar energy.

The Bath

Run a warm bath. Put a cup of salt in the bath water. Place 6 drops of eucalyptus oil or leaves in bath (the number 2 is the numerological number of the Moon, therefore, we are using even numbers to honor the Moon Goddess). Place 4 drops of lavender oil or flowers in bath. Add the rose quartz, amethyst, and moonstone to water.

Enter bath and close your eyes, meditating on the stillness of your mind and the warmth of the water. Put on soothing music, lay in the bath. Let the water heal your mind, body, spirit, and heart by washing away the pain and frustrations you feel within.

Found at: The Pagan Calendar

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