
il_570xn-570952546_oepiFill a small golden bag with the following ingredients:

  • Oak Moss,
  • One Acorn gathered from the woods,
  • One whole Nutmeg,
  • Orange peel,
  • A quartz crystal,
  • Dressed pumpkin seeds.

Decorate with golden beads strung on copper wire. Copper wire helps to hold the magickal charge. Add ribbon, and jute or any other decorative touches.  Feel free to add other prosperity herbs to your bag. Dress your conjuring bag with this great magickal oil formula – Pumpkin Seed Prosperity Oil!

Note: The recipe for the pumpkin seeds can be found here: Dressed Pumpkin Seeds

Spell by Silver Ravenwolf

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I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!
