Romany Weather Lore
- A mackerel sky predicts a fine day in the morrow, as long as the clouds are high and fine.
- A greenish tinge in the sky mean’s rain is on the way.
- Rain before seven, fine by eleven.
- If the sun shines through the cloud’s and has a halo, then fine weather is expected, a halo around the moon means rain within three days.
- If the crescent moon appears to have her horns facing upwards, she is holding her water, the weather will be fine.
- A small high cold silver moon means frost.
- Major changes in the weather normally occur at the moons quarter.
- If stars are small and seem to blink, there will be wind the next day.
- If stars are large and blink there will be wind and rain.
- A thunderstorm at night, will freshen the air for twelve hours.
- Lightening at night without thunder, the next day will be humid.
- A low mist in the morning, ensures a fine day.
- Mist high on the hills brings rain.
- If the smoke from a fire draws high and straight into the sky fine weather it will be.
- If smoke clings to the ground, rain is on the way.
- When fire burns bright and steady in spring or autumn expect a frost.