Spell to Conceive A Daughter


You need to prepare and work this spell when you are reaching your most fertile time of the month.

The idea is to make a doll that resembles you as closely as possible. Take some modeling clay and mold it into the form of a pregnant woman, press hair from your comb into her head, dress her in clothes like yours, even cut out a photo of your face and place it on hers.

When the doll is prepared, place her on a bed of fresh lavender or on a pink scarf sprinkled with lavender oil. (Lavender is a masculine flower, as its shape dictates, and it attracts love.) Take her to a table in a room without electric lights, and light a pink candle to the right of her.

Using clean, white paper write the phrase:

“I wish to conceive a daughter.”

Place the paper beneath the lavender or scarf.

Fold the paper around the doll on her bed and tie a yellow ribbon or cord around her. Place your doll beside your pillow, or on a bedside table, with a piece of quartz crystal and a moonstone. Quartz is sometimes called “sacred fire” because it intensifies the rays and energy of the sun, a masculine force. Moonstone, governed by the moon, is a feminine, emotional stone. Its nature and aura improve health and reveal the future. Like females, it changes with the moon; it transmits energy to health when the moon is waxing and gives power to desires when the moon is waning.

Your partner’s desire completes the spell and brings it to fruition.

From: The Good Spell Book

3 Responses to Spell to Conceive A Daughter

  • 16 years ago i done this spell, 14 days after i cast it i was pregnant, 9 months later i gave birth to a baby girl, she is now 15 and a talented artist and animals of all species are drawn to her, she is able to communicate with them, she has the most gorgeous big piercing blue eyes. i know shes a special soul. thankyou for sharing this spell that brought me me wonderful gifted daughter

    • Seriously it worked omg I been trying to get pregnant for 2 years and nothing yet I will be so excited to try this spell if you say it did work thank you if you take your time to read and reply I will appreciate have a bless day

      • oh best of luck. yes i also visualised during the part with my partner at the end, i visualised her being conceived and growing in the womb then being born, her first cry, tooth step and so on, first cut knee and wiping her tears, first day at school first love and broken heart, visualised everything to help manifest it into reality

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