Infused Lovage Vinegar

This is a simple lovage recipe that can serve a multitude of purposes in your kitchen.

Fill a clean glass jar about half full with fresh leaves. Fill the jar with vinegar. Rice vinegar is particularly nice here but any would work.

Place a lid on the jar and leave in a cupboard for 2 weeks. Strain the leaves from the vinegar and store the vinegar in a glass jar for use.

Use in salad dressings, it’s tasty as the vinegar in Hot and Sour Soup too. Put it in fancy bottles with nice labels for gift giving.

About Lovage:

Lovage is an ancient healing herb, mostly used for its diuretic properties in cases of water retention and urinary difficulties, and also for pain and swelling (inflammation) of the lower urinary tract, for preventing of kidney stones, and to increase the flow of urine during urinary tract infections.

The seeds, leaves and leaf stems have a strong, earthy, celery flavor that enriches soups and stews and is particularly useful in vegetarian dishes, with rice, vegetable stuffings and nut roasts. More info on this herb can be found at the Encyclopedia of Herbology.

Recipe: Homespun Seasonal Living

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