Fish Oil For Prevention
The following is a list of various disorders that fish oil may alleviate or prevent:
- Rheumatoid arthritis: Reduces joint pain, soreness, stiffness, fatigue.
- Heart attacks: Cuts the odds of subsequent heart attacks by one-third.
- Clogged arteries: Keeps arteries open and clear. Eaters of fatty fish have less atherosclerosis. Reduces risk of reclosure of arteries after angioplasty surgery by 40 to 50 percent.
- High blood pressure: Eliminates or reduces the need for pharmaceutical pressure-lowering medications.
- Ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel disease): In one test, eating 4.5 grams of fish oil a day – equal to that in seven ounces of mackerel – for eight months depressed disease activity by 56 percent.
- Psoriasis: Reduces itching, redness, pain in some patients, and cuts the amount of medication needed.
- Multiple sclerosis: Helps reduce symptoms in some patients.
- Asthma: Curtails attacks in some individuals.
- Migraine headaches: Lessens severity and frequency in some sufferers.
From: Food Your Miracle Medicine
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