What you can conceive and believe, you can achieve!

Monthly Archives: August 2017

Enhance Your Learning Skills

Listen to this study music and activate your super learning skill. Healing4Hapiness specialized in study music with BiNaural Beats. Our music is great for studying, reading, writing, focus, final exam, concentration, creativity and much more.

The mystical and the calming sound of this study music will help you concentrate, have a better memory and help you will learn faster. With binaural beats embedded in this music will help you absorb the information faster by enhancing your learning skills. Enjoy your studying and ace that exam. Good Luck!

Study Music –

Study music will calm a busy mind which allows focus, concentration on the task at hand. This means you can study without difficulty or distraction, enjoy your study time and pass exams easily with top grades. We include BiNaural Beats in study music which gives massive added bonus when compared to other music. Memory retention and other cognitive abilities including focus, concentration, attention span, test results, academic life etc are greatly enhanced.

BiNaural Beats –

Our BiNaural Beats for study, sleep, meditation or relaxation has been created using a researched and scientifically backed frequency. All BiNaural Beats are created using the Oster Curve to establish the most effective carrier frequency. This ensures the success of the BiNaural Beats.

Super Learning –

Super Learning was first discovered or coined by Dr. Georgi Lozanov in 1960 in his laboratory in Bulgaria. Since then it has taken a very slow emergence into the rest of the world, with his government trying to remove him. The success of his super learning methods is astounding. He was able to increase the memory and cognitive abilities in some cases by up to thirty times using Alpha Waves to naturally induce an Alpha Brain State.

Now that’s a whole lot more memory and thirty times faster learning! Most of his studies were done with foreign language learning. This involves many parts of the brain including memory, concentration, focus, and reasoning or logical thinking. With our own test using our specially engineered Alpha BiNaural Beat, we have found that 83% people get 2x – 5x improved focus, memory, concentration and overall super learning. Another 9% have results between 15x and 30x super learning abilities. We were not able to determine those who fell between the 6 – 14 times and the other 8% were not affected by the BiNaural Beats.


Accelerated Learning

Headphones are required for this particular brainwave study aid. It will help you to retain information during study, accelerate learning, and help with study focus. The sound is very subtle, but worth a try.

This binaural/monaural study aid features many different frequencies between 4 & 14 Hz. It begins at 4Hz and rises slowly, ending with a 14hz beta tone at around the 50 min mark. The pitch remains constant throughout. Adjust the volume accordingly and feel free to mix with music, though it is advised to spend some time adjusting to the tone by itself first.


Your Garden of Positive Affirmations

This is a guided hypnosis and hypnotherapy session for deep, relaxing sleep whilst your subconscious mind absorbs a series of positive affirmations for mind, body and spirit.

Hypnosis is a safe and natural state of focused awareness and deeply pleasant relaxation, which can enable an experiential communication between your conscious and subconscious (or unconscious) mind. A higher level of personal congruency can be realised when we are able to listen to our deeper truth. You may find the answers to many ongoing personal problems and issues, if you simply take the time to ask your inner self for a new direction.

This session is suitable for repeated listening. The end of this track will not wake you, as you will be guided with positive suggestions into a deeply relaxing, bedtime sleep.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery.

This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive results.

This channel uses positive voice suggestions, often accompanied with calm images, background sounds and meditation music, to allow you your very best state of relaxation, inner change, to remove negative blocks, and to create self guided healing therapy; with techniques from the fields of hypnotherapy, modern psychotherapy, trance work, guided relaxation, NLP, cognitive behavioural psychology, mindfulness meditation, and ASMR.


Hypnosis Binaural Beats for Deep Relaxation

Hypnosis Binaural Beats for Deep Relaxation and Anxiety Relief

This is a guided hypnotherapy session designed to induce a very deep sense of relaxation and calmness, helpful for releasing inner tension, anxiety and stress.

The music track incorporates binaural beats to help achieve trance level brainwave activity and is best listened to with stereo headphones.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery.

This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive results.

Peace & Enjoy


It’s Totally Up To You

I deserve to be,
I want to be,
I can be,
I will be,
I am.

If you want to change your life you need to change how you think and change what you do. Self-help, personal change, being happy: it’s up to you. No-one else.

You decide. This is the first step. Self-help starts with you. Self-help and personal change starts with your realization that it really is in your own hands, and your decision to do something about it.

Your own self-belief is the key to successful life-change, achievement, contentment, and happiness.

Your own mind, particularly positive suggestion and visualization, will develop your self-belief, and your determination to make successful change to your life.

This exercise will help you begin to change the way you think, feel and act.

Use it any time you want to boost your self-belief, to relax, and to regain control of your life and direction.

Print this page and put it above your mirror, above your bed, above your desk, anywhere you’ll see it every day.

Make time – actually schedule some time in your planner or diary to do this. It will dramatically improve your mood, attitude, and approach to life, and therefore what you get from life.

Positive suggestion and visualization, combined with deep relaxation, is an easy way to make powerful positive personal change.

Just going through this relaxation exercise alone will help to change and improve the way you feel. If you combine the relaxation techniques with a repeated script of positive statements, such as the ‘I am’ script below, you will begin change the way you think, and feel, and act, and all that life offers as a result.

The more you use the relaxation exercise and say or hear the script, then the greater and more sustainable will be the effect.

The time it takes to change depends on different people. Stick with it and it will become easier, more natural, more enjoyable, and it will work.

The Relaxation Exercise

Some people find it easier than others to relax deeply. It comes with practice.

If you find it difficult, allow yourself more time when going through the relaxation exercise. Create or put yourself into a quiet relaxing calm environment. Shut out noise and distractions. Lie down rather than sit.

When relaxing and emptying your mind it is natural for thoughts to arise – in which case simply acknowledge them gently and let them go – visualize them floating away like a balloon into the distance. Your ability to empty your mind and relax, free from thoughts, will improve with practice.

When you practice, you will increase the ease with which you can relax, and then you will find that you no longer need such a quiet environment. You will even find that you can achieve a deeply relaxed state in quite noisy stressful environments. Even sitting at your desk at work.

  • Sit or lie down comfortably. Properly comfortably.
  • Straighten your back, put your shoulders back to open your rib-cage.
  • Relax your shoulder muscles particularly.
  • Relax your whole body, and empty your mind.
  • Close your eyes (obviously open them when you need to read the next stage).
  • Take ten deep, slow breaths. Breathe from the pit of your stomach and feel your lungs filling.
  • Focus on your breathing.
  • Feel it getting deeper and slower.
  • Feel yourself relaxing and any tension drifting away.
  • Relax your shoulders and neck again.
  • Visualize yourself being happy, succeeding, winning, being loved, laughing, feeling good.
  • Relax your forehead, your mouth and your eyes.
  • Allow a gentle smile to appear on your face as you feel a calmness enter your mind.
  • Then say (out loud ideally) the words below (a script for personal change) to yourself.

The Script:

The use of scripts while in a deeply relaxed state is a ages-old method of gaining and maintaining control over our personal feelings and behaviors.

Relaxation combined with positive ‘self-talk’ enables self-help.

The use of scripts or strong statements while in a deeply relaxed state enables a ‘conditioning’ effect on our subconscious.

Changing our subconscious – our feelings and beliefs – increases our sense of calm and well-being, and also enables change in our conscious thoughts and behaviors. It’s that simple.

Here’s an example of a script. Feel free to rewrite or change it in any way that feels right for you. Your own personal script can be long or short, the only requirements are that it reflects positive statements that feel good when you think about them:

  • I am
  • I am good person.
  • I have integrity.
  • I do what is ethically right and good.
  • Whatever life puts before me will be useful experience that will make me stronger, wiser, and more tolerant.
  • I am strong enough to understand and make allowances for other people’s weaknesses, and their behavior towards me. Other people’s behavior is about them, not me.
  • I focus on the joy of living my life and helping others where and when I can.
  • I am what I eat and drink, so I eat and drink good things.
  • I am what I watch and play and listen, so I watch and play and listen to good positive things.
  • I take exercise which I enjoy. I walk when I don’t need to drive or take the bus or train.
  • I smile and laugh whenever I can – life is good – getting caught in the rain reminds me that it is good to be alive to feel it.
  • I forgive other people. Deep down everyone is a good person, just like me.
  • I am a compassionate and loving, caring person.
  • I am a good person.
  • I am.


Most ordinary good, honest ‘being’ people are fooled into believing that what they have is not worth anything. Don’t be fooled.

The answer to happiness and fulfillment is usually found in achieving a simple acceptance of, and joy of living, a good life.

Enjoy ‘being’ and living a good life.

Next time you get caught in the rain, or bump the car, or get a headache – enjoy being alive to feel it and experience it.

Source: businessballs

Random Affirmation
Enter your situation and receive a random affirmation. The affirmation will come in the form of a small pop up. Try it - your life just might change for the better!

This script brought to you by JAVAFILE.COM


Life is like a sandwich!

Birth as one slice, and death as the other. What you put in-between the slices is up to you.

Is your sandwich tasty or sour?

― Allan Rufus
Be Merry

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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