Summoning Angels
- Acknowledge that there is a power within you that is greater than yourself.
- Meditate as an active listener, not just always the asker.
- Now summon the angels. (They usually speak in your own thought voice.)
- Experience the outpouring of creative energy releasing within you like a warm incubator light.
- Sigh in thanksgiving as you empty your crystal chalice temple of stale thoughts and negative patterns.
- Be receptive to listening. Let go of those blocks like notions, assumptions, myths and criticism that drown out creativity, risks and unscientific notions.
- Bless this declaration and instill positive affirmation rather than those usual notes of self-criticism.
- Ask for openness. One that does not criticize yourself. If that dreadful voice arises (and it does), let go of it.
- Picture yourself as a vital, enthusiastic, healthy, peaceful and creative sparkle.
- Embrace and encounter the unlimited power within yourself.
- Recognize that you are a sacred creative being, inspired by angels, full of exciting ideas and boundless creative energy.
- Act on your hunches.
Surely, There Must Be A Tremendous Force
Surely, there must be a tremendous Force, Power, Being or Presence, which has brought forth the sunlight, the rain, or the snow of this day. There is a Something operating invisibly in this universe, sending forth all this glory into expression, a glory of which I am a part, for I, too, have been sent into expression by That which sent forth the flowers and the trees, the birds, and all that is.
I am one with all life. And just as this invisible Force is pouring sunshine into the room, so it is pouring life and being into me, and through me: intelligence, wisdom, guidance, direction, love, care, and protection. All of these are flowing in and through me.
~Joel Goldsmith
The Winds of Change
Chanting Om
OM Mantra Chanting at 417Hz.
OM is the Primordial Sound of the Universe. Its the sound that reverberates in the entire cosmos and in every cell of our body, and 417Hz is amazingly beautiful frequency that acts as a cleansing agent for our body, removing negativity, negative blocks and toxicity from our body and mind.
And when we combine both of these – it gives rise to an astoundingly powerful effect, of removing all the negative emotions and let the positivity of OM takes it place. It becomes a powerful meditation tool.
We recommend that you use this for at least 30 mins a day, and meditate along with it. You may chant OM along with the track or simply let it play in the background as you meditate and focus on your breathing in and out. Simple but a very effective technique.
Hope this track will help you.
Blessings and Peace all the Way.
Source: Meditative Mind
Relax Into the Moment
You might be surprised how often we’re resisting life.
If you assess your body right now, I bet you can find some kind of tension or tightness. For me, it’s often in my chest, but sometimes it’s in my jaw, face, neck or shoulders.
Where does this tightness come from? We’re struggling against something — perhaps we’re irritated by someone, frustrated by something, stressed or overwhelmed by all we have to do, or just don’t like whatever it is we’re faced with. This causes a resistance, a hardening or tightening. Everyone does it, most of the day.
It’s normal, but it causes unhappiness, an aversion to the present moment, struggles with other people or ourselves, struggles with the task we’re faced with. What I’ve found useful is the idea of relaxing into the moment.
Try this:
- Notice where the tension is in your body right now.
- Notice what you’re tightening against — it might be someone else, or whatever it is you’re faced with.
- Relax the tightness. Just let yourself melt.
- Face the same situation, but with a relaxed, friendly attitude.
And repeat as often as you can remember, throughout the day. Just use the phrase “relax into the moment” to remind yourself.
What this does is helps us to face the day with less tension and greater contentment. We struggle less with how other people are, and instead might open our hearts to them and see that they, like us, are struggling and want to be happy.
We might face a task with less resistance, and instead do it with a smile. We might just notice the physical space around us and start to appreciate it for the unique gift that it is. And in the end, we’re changing our mode of being from one of struggle and resistance to one of peace and gratitude.
By Leo Babauta
Just Breathe
So simple, and yet so effective. Take a few deep breaths, and then for a few minutes, just focus on your breathing. Concentrate on your breathing as it comes into your body, and then as it goes out. It has a calming effect, especially if you continue to return your focus to your breath when your mind strays. It also allows other thoughts to just float away.
Borrowed from: The Prosperity Project
Breath of God
Breath of God inside each cell
I AM the violet flame
Pulsing out the cosmic time
I AM the violet flame
Energizing mind and heart
I AM the violet flame
Sustaining God’s creation now
I AM the violet flame
With all love, With all love, With all love
Shimmering in a crystal cave
I AM the violet flame
Searching out all hidden pain
I AM the violet flame
Consuming cause and core of fear
I AM the violet flame
Revealing now the inner name
I AM the violet flame
With all peace, With all peace, With all peace
Flashing like a lightning bolt
I AM the violet flame
Stretching through the galaxies
I AM the violet flame
Connecting soul and Spirit now
I AM the violet flame
Raising you to cosmic heights
I AM the violet flame
With all power, With all power, With all power.
Source: Deep Trance Now
Borrowed from: The Violet Flame Project
Decree For Harmony
“Mighty I AM Presence”! shatter and consume forever this discordant condition in and with _____________! Annihilate its cause and effect throughout the Earth forever, and see that it never touches our lives or world again.
Sweep the Violet Consuming Flame in and through us.
Sweep the Violet Consuming Flame in and through us.
Sweep the Violet Consuming Flame in and through us.
Almighty I AM
Give Thy Command!
Increase It each hour!
Love, Wisdom, and Power!
Source: Saint Germain Foundation
Borrowed from: The Violet Flame Project