Religious Science
Ten Affirmative Prayers
Here are 10 affirmative prayers for a variety of situations and circumstances:
- As I replace negative, unproductive thoughts with images of wellness, prosperity, order, and love, I participate in a healing of my total being. I choose to view all people and all situations in a healing light. Increased awareness, greater understanding, and compassion result. I praise God for the life that invigorates me – mind and body! I visualize, believe in, and accept my good.
- I am God’s child, loved unconditionally and endowed with unique talents and abilities. I am worthy of satisfying employment that prospers me. I give thanks that the way to service and fulfillment is open to me now.
- Right where I am, my freedom exists. Right where I stand, God stands with me. The Spirit of God within me is not bound by unwanted habits, thoughts, or feelings. I am blessed with peace, power, wisdom, and health. Through the Christ in me, I am free.
- I am empowered by God’s presence within me. The love, strength and power of God work through me to overcome all challenges. I am loved and loving; whole in mind, body, and spirit; prospered in all areas of my life.
- I am calm and centered. I have a God given ability to think clearly, to concentrate fully, and to express myself perfectly. The Holy Spirit gently and easily brings to my mind whatever is best for me to do. My guidance is clear and certain. I am lovingly directed to my highest good.
- The unifying power of God’s love flows through me to all people in my life. I choose to see the good within each person and every circumstance. I radiate peace, harmony, and goodwill to others, and in return, I am blessed.
- I trust everything in my life to God’s tender care, knowing that God’s will for me is true happiness, soul unfoldment, and all that is good. My loving relationship comes to me through God’s guidance and wisdom.
- No person, circumstance or condition has the power to keep me from my good. I cease to worry and put my trust in God, knowing that what is mine comes to me with ease. My world is in order, and I am at peace.
- With each breath, I release all my concerns and rest in an awareness of divine protection. As I meet life’s challenges, I experience my oneness with the presence and power of God and recognize I am never alone. Worries and fears leave quietly; I am safe in God’s presence and love.
- The presence of God moves through me as revitalizing life. There is no obstacle to the free flowing life of God healing and renewing my body. Every organ and tissue functions in perfect harmony.