The Man Treatment
This is a series of affirmations, which, if read out loud with feeling every day for 40 days, will bring to you the right and perfect male lover. You can substitute a particular man’s name for the word “Man,” and it will do wonders for the relationship.
The Man Treatment
- He is Life—God—in the form of Person, expressing as Man.
- He is complete Man-Woman Being, expressing as Man.
- He is Universal Man.
- He is complete, whole Man, perfect Man, true Man.
- He is Adam as first created by God—honest, free, pure, naked in the perfection of the Universe.
- He is natural Man.
- He is a unique, individual expression of all Man.
- He is all that Man is.
- He is Man beauty, Man love, warmth, vigor, energy, strength, power, Man grace, perfect Man form, hardness, projectivity, agressiveness, givingness, directiveness, fearlessness, daringness, toughness, resiliency, joy, wisdom.
- He is initiator, leader.
- He is gorgeous, handsome, all-confident, magnetic, undeniable Man.
- He is as manly, as masculine as any man who ever lived.
- He is as sexy as any man who ever lived.
- He knows and accepts this.
- He is the essence of masculinity.
- He is a free, perfect expression of Man force.
- He is the masculine aspect of the Universal creative force.
- He has all that Man has.
- He has Universal, ever-present, free, pure, complete, all intense desire for Woman.
- He has free and powerful drive to pursue Woman.
- He has complete acceptance of Woman, and of himself as Man.
- The universal desire of Man for Woman is centered in his beautiful penis.
- He rejoices in his penis as the creative center of his Man Self.
- It is alive, vibrant, all-sensitive, vigorous, strong, aggressive, fearless.
- It knows perfectly how to fulfill Woman, and to fulfill himself through Woman.
- He knows all that Man knows.
- He knows himself to be perfect for Woman spiritually, mentally, and physically.
- He knows all about his Man nature, and new truth about himself as Man is now being revealed to him.
- He accepts it and glories in it.
- He knows all there is to know about sex, and is fearless and completely confident in his expression of sex love.
- He knows how to find Woman, desire her agressively, pursue her, win her, project into her, direct all action with her, and to explode the givingness of his total being within her in perfect orgasm, fulfilling for both.
- He is in complete control of his sex expression and of his orgasm.
- He knows how to bring to Woman the greatest joy, and how to enjoy her to the fullest.
- He completely accepts Woman.
- He is in love with all Woman.
- He accepts himself through Woman.
- He accepts complete union—orgasm—with Woman.
- There is nothing in him to judge or reject any woman, or to judge or reject himself as Man.
- He is one with Woman.
- There is no barrier between him and Woman.
- He accepts Woman as mate.
- He is in a state of ecstasy, orgasm, with Woman at all times, and so he knows that orgasm with Woman is natural and easy for him and for Woman through him.
- The pressure of the Life Force within him propels him joyfully and freely into love action and oneness with Woman.
- He loves being Man.
- He admires and praises his Man expression.
- He chose to be Man before he was born.
- He loves every moment of his Man life.
- He is a perfect dynamic expression of Man and He knows it.
- I am a treasure for Man.
- I am of great value to Man, and worth every effort to obtain.
- I have happiness, fulfillment to give to Man.
- My Spirit is a treasure for Man’s Spirit.
- My mind is a treasure for Man’s mind.
- My body is a treasure for Man’s body.
- I am a “pearl of great price” for Man.
- I am precious beyond measure.
- I am a treasure for Man and Man is a treasure for me.
- Man is of great value to me, and worth every effort to obtain.
- Man has happiness, fulfillment to give to me.
- Man’s Spirit is a treasure for my Spirit.
- Man’s mind is a treasure for my mind.
- Man’s body is a treasure for my body.
- Man is a “pearl of great price” for me.
- Man is precious beyond measure to me.
- Man is a treasure for me and I am a treasure for Man.
- I am in Love.
- I am in love with Man and Man is wholly and completely in love with me.
- I am complete fulfillment, heaven, for Man as Man is for me.
- I am infinitely valuable to Man, as Man is to me.
- Man greatly desires me, as I do Man.
- Man loves to pursue me, and I love to be pursued by Man.
- There is absolutely no separation, lack, or rejection between Man and me; There is only acceptance and joy.
- There is no fear between me and Man, only perfect love and unity.
- We are one in God.
- We are one at all times, in a state of ecstasy, orgasm.
- I release and free every individual person and I am released and free from personal bondage.
- I am free and fulfilled, always.
- I am a perfect woman in a perfect love affair with perfect Man.
- There is between us perfect understanding, expression, and fulfillment of the Universal love-desire we share.
Note: This is clearly a heterosexual affirmational treatment written for a woman. It can, however, be tweaked in any way that makes it appropriate for you. If you are a man, you can change the “He” to “I” and if you are looking for a female lover, you can change the “Man” to “Woman”… etc.
The Woman Treatment
This is a series of affirmations, which, if read out loud with feeling every day for 40 days, will bring to you the right and perfect male lover.
The Woman Treatment
- I am Life, God, in the form of Person, expressing as Woman.
- I am a complete Man-Woman Being, expressing as Woman.
- I am the Woman Aspect of God.
- I am Universal woman.
- I am complete and whole Woman.
- I am pure Woman, perfect Woman, true Woman.
- I am free, natural Woman.
- I am a unique, individual expression of all Woman.
- I am the feminine side of God.
- I am God-Woman.
- I am the essence of femininity.
- I am all that Woman is.
- I am beauty.
- I am love.
- I am tenderness.
- I am gentleness.
- I am warmth.
- I am softness.
- I am grace.
- I am perfect woman form.
- I am acceptance.
- I am receptivity.
- I am responsiveness.
- I am luscious, lovely, fascinating, exciting, gorgeous, vibrant Woman.
- I am as feminine as any woman who ever lived.
- I am as sexy as any woman who ever lived.
- I am loved and loving, desired and desiring, adored and adoring.
- I am a free, perfect expression of Woman Love.
- I am the Woman aspect of the Life Force.
- I have all that Woman has.
- I have an infinite amount of Woman Love to express with Man Love into Life.
- It is centered in my woman’s womb, approached through the channel of my wonderful vagina.
- I praise and love my womb, the secret and hallowed place of creation, the soil for the seed of Life, the magnet for Man, the most precious place in my woman’s body.
- I am the bearer of this treasure of the human race: the Womb.
- I bless and love the beautiful channel to my womb: my vagina.
- It is warm, tender, soft, alive, vibrant, exciting, flowing with love—a place of heaven for me and for man.
- I praise the glorious flower of my clitoris, whose only function is to give pleasure and joy to me and to Man.
- I love and praise my breasts, my belly, my back, my buttocks—every place of my Woman’s ecstatic body.
- My physical being expresses receives and communicates spiritual love.
- I know everything that woman knows.
- Woman Intelligence within me knows all about my Woman nature, and is constantly revealing to me new truths about my Woman self.
- I know all there is to know about sex.
- My sexual expression is perfect and complete, and creative ideas are ever flowing through my sexual expression, making it every new and more glorious.
- I always know what to do, when and how to do it, to fulfill all of Man’s desire, and thus fulfill my own.
- I know that my sexual expression is perfect and my Woman fulfillment is complete and abundant.
- I know that I am a completely fulfilled Woman.
- I cannot have a Woman desire, which is not already fulfilled.
- I know that from the abundance of orgasm at the center of my Woman’s being, all of my Woman needs are met and all of my Woman desires are gloriously fulfilled.
- All necessary circumstances and experiences are created perfectly for me by the Law of my Being, which knows how to bring to me Man-Love constantly, in ways which are perfect for me for now.
- I completely accept Man.
- I am in love with all Man.
- I love everything Man is, says, and does.
- I accept complete union with Man.
- I accept every part of every man.
- There is nothing in me to judge or reject Man, or to judge or reject myself through Man.
- I accept my self as a perfect mate for man.
- I am one with Man.
- We are both God and are one.
- Physical Man is the manifestation of my own man nature, which is perfect and is one with my woman nature always.
- Man and I are in a state of ecstatic oneness—orgasm—at all times.
- We are one mind, one heart, one body, one desire, one action, one expression, one fulfillment, one completion, one orgasm, one perfection.
- Life at the point of Man and me expresses freely, perfectly, gloriously without a block of any kind.
Note: This is clearly a heterosexual affirmational treatment, and it can be tweaked in any way that makes it appropriate for you.
Take Back Your Power
Severing Emotional Ties ~
Cut the cords and take back your energy
Every time you physically interact with someone, you run the chance of “cording,” meaning you create attachments (or emotional cords) that facilitate the exchange of energy between you and that person. These cords are said to be made of aura light, a kind of cosmic taffy that binds you together. And the closer you get (physically), the stronger the cords become. This explains why some people stay with us long after they’re gone, or often we just can’t seem to “let go.” We need to learn to cut the cord(s)!
Since the depth of the connection established between you and any given person depends on the level of physical interaction you’ve had, it follows that cords with those you know most intimately are strongest. For instance, sexual intercourse (or even a deep kiss) can result in being corded to someone for seven years. Some even argue that a handshake can establish a cord. It’s no wonder some people don’t like extending a hand to strangers!
According to Barbara Brennan, the best selling author of Hands of Light, there are five types of cords: soul cords, past life experience cords, genetic cords (connection to birth parents), parental relationship cords, and relationship cords. Since they are formed on the fourth aura layer and higher, these cords remain intact “before and beyond three dimensional physical space.” In other words, once they are made, these cord connections never dissolve, although it is possible that they get damaged, tangled or “dirty.”
That’s when it’s time to start snipping!
Why cord cutting is necessary
If you are unaware that your cords exist, it is easy to feel the other person’s emotions and mistakenly think that they’re yours. Moreover, cords can limit the amount of closure you can experience when a relationship is over. Keeping cords alive can also leave you with a continued sense of sadness for much longer than necessary; deplete you of your life juice and leave you feeling depressed.
Think about it: do you really want negative vibes flowing between you and your ex? They exist regardless who ended the relationship. When you understand that, cutting emotional cords sounds like a very good idea. It’s particularly ideal if you’ve gone through a break-up, a divorce, quit a job, moved, undergone the death of a loved one, or if you are at the dawn of a new relationship.
It helps you move forward, leave behind old baggage, unnecessary attachments, and release you from connections that are no longer serving you. Basically, it clears space for more positive connections.
The ancient practice is also beneficial if you would like to upgrade the vibration of your existing relationship. You can then re-cord but you need to resist playing into old established patterns (this appears as any button pushing that upsets or angers you).
How to determine if you’re ready to do it
Do not undergo this ritual if you are still mourning. You need those emotional cords to get you through the process. If you cut cords prematurely, the mourning period will feel even more intense. Make sure you are mentally prepared to move onward and upwards.
To determine if cord cutting is for you, ask yourself:
- Are you co-dependant?
- Do you have difficulty being alone?
- Are you hypsensitive?
- Are you ready to let go of a relationship that is no longer serving you?
If you feel ready to proceed, try the meditation below in the comfort of your own home.
A cord cutting meditation
Before you start, it is important that you feel relaxed and that you set a strong intention to release the cords that exist between you and someone else.
To begin, breathe deeply and perform a simple centering meditation. When you are ready, visualize or sense the cords that are connecting you to other people.
Run your fingers through the cords to separate them until you find the cord you wish to sever. There is no need to worry, because the cord you need to sever will feel just right. When you have found it, determine where the cut should be made and then visualize the cord being cleanly cut. If you need assistance, Archangel Michael can be called upon to help you with his sword. Afterwards, if you feel that cutting the cord has left spaces in your energy field, visualize those spaces being filled with healing sunlight.
Keep in mind that you’re not severing a relationship; you are severing the cords that are no longer serving you both. At other times, a cord may simply refuse to be cut because it is still serving a higher purpose. It is also important to remember that cutting a cord with someone is not a replacement for doing your emotional work. This is a positive and nurturing act. By cutting the cords that no longer need to be there, you are simply setting yourself and others free from the ties that bind.
by Maryam Henein