What you can conceive and believe, you can achieve!

Enhance Your Learning Skills

Listen to this study music and activate your super learning skill. Healing4Hapiness specialized in study music with BiNaural Beats. Our music is great for studying, reading, writing, focus, final exam, concentration, creativity and much more.

The mystical and the calming sound of this study music will help you concentrate, have a better memory and help you will learn faster. With binaural beats embedded in this music will help you absorb the information faster by enhancing your learning skills. Enjoy your studying and ace that exam. Good Luck!

Study Music –

Study music will calm a busy mind which allows focus, concentration on the task at hand. This means you can study without difficulty or distraction, enjoy your study time and pass exams easily with top grades. We include BiNaural Beats in study music which gives massive added bonus when compared to other music. Memory retention and other cognitive abilities including focus, concentration, attention span, test results, academic life etc are greatly enhanced.

BiNaural Beats –

Our BiNaural Beats for study, sleep, meditation or relaxation has been created using a researched and scientifically backed frequency. All BiNaural Beats are created using the Oster Curve to establish the most effective carrier frequency. This ensures the success of the BiNaural Beats.

Super Learning –

Super Learning was first discovered or coined by Dr. Georgi Lozanov in 1960 in his laboratory in Bulgaria. Since then it has taken a very slow emergence into the rest of the world, with his government trying to remove him. The success of his super learning methods is astounding. He was able to increase the memory and cognitive abilities in some cases by up to thirty times using Alpha Waves to naturally induce an Alpha Brain State.

Now that’s a whole lot more memory and thirty times faster learning! Most of his studies were done with foreign language learning. This involves many parts of the brain including memory, concentration, focus, and reasoning or logical thinking. With our own test using our specially engineered Alpha BiNaural Beat, we have found that 83% people get 2x – 5x improved focus, memory, concentration and overall super learning. Another 9% have results between 15x and 30x super learning abilities. We were not able to determine those who fell between the 6 – 14 times and the other 8% were not affected by the BiNaural Beats.


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Life is like a sandwich!

Birth as one slice, and death as the other. What you put in-between the slices is up to you.

Is your sandwich tasty or sour?

― Allan Rufus
Be Merry

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