
Cloud Scrying

Most of us watch clouds images at one time or another. It is as if we are guided to look up and watch the patterns unfold at a given time. Fluffy cumulus clouds bring messages, which sometimes seem to tell an unfolding story. While flying on an airplane, it is fun to watch the clouds from above as if celestial art. You may receive telepathic messages while watching cloud images, coming from a spirit guide.

If a wind is present to keep them moving, so much the better. You also need to have a question or issue, a purpose for the inquiry. Do not ask about frivolous things to test the oracle, but instead ask about something you really need help with, a problem you have not been able to resolve. Treat it with respect and you will receive a response you can respect.

You do not have to, but laying on the ground will provide a better view of the sky and also be a lot more comfortable If you do not want to lay on the ground, find a pool or fill a dish or bowl with some water, so you’ll be able to see the sky reflected in the liquid, like a mirror. This will also be advantageous for the “reading” as it will limit the field of observation for the prognostication.

Next, close your eyes and try clearing your mind of all distracting thoughts. When you feel ready, open your eyes and scan the sky for clouds. It is really important that you do not try to force the shapes you see to fit the answer to your question. Sometimes the clouds will offer shapes that have nothing at all to do with your query. The secret is to be patient, being sensitive to the moment you can gradually define the reading until it becomes clear. If you feel youdid not receive an answer, wait for a while and try again, always being careful to phrase the question as exactly as possible.

Signs are usually open to more than one interpretation. Be also attentive to mirror shapes in your field of vision, instead of concentrating solely on the obvious ones. The position of the clouds also have meaning: are they low or high on the horizon, are they traveling south, north, east, or west? What kind of clouds are they? Thick, thin, sispy, heavy, full of rain?

When you have finished, clearly define this by thanking the oracle clouds and taking a few moments to consider the answers received. In time, and with practice, your cloud reading skills will improve.

Sources: Crystal Links and Occultopedia

Nephomancy – What is it?

Nephomancy or Nephelomancy is divination by studying clouds. This involves observing and interpreting the color, shape and position of clouds in the sky. The Celtic Druids made extensive use of nephomancy, which they called neladoracht.

Celtic shamans sometimes practiced a form of Nephomancy that was closely related to Hydromancy and Scrying. After finding a hollowed stone or other depression that was filled with rain water, priests would look into it studying the cloud formations reflected on the water’s surface.

To practice Nephomancy today, one should ask specific questions and then observe the shape and disposition of the clouds. This is easy enough to do in most parts of the world and requires only a basic understanding of the forces involved.

Obviously to attempt the performing of Nephomancy you need a day when the sky is clear and cloudy, a day when the sky is sufficiently clear to define the shapes of the clouds.

Throughout history symbols of political or religious importance have been seen in the clouds. In A.D. 312 when Emperor Constantine was marching against the army of Maxentius at Rome, both he and his entire army saw a shining cross of light amid the clouds. It was said the cross contained the Greek words “By This Conquer”. Later that night Christ appeared to Constantine in his dreams bearing a cross in his hand ordering Constantine to have a military standard made in the same image. Under this standard his outnumbered army was victorious. Down through history entire military battles have been witnessed in the clouds.


A Medieval form of nephomancy involved summoning ghosts and specters to project images of future events onto clouds.

François de la Tour Blanche wrote that aeromancy (a form or nephomancy)  was the art of fortune-telling when specters materialize in the air, possibly with the aid of demons, projecting images of the future onto clouds like a magic lantern.

Modern nephomancers observe the ever changing shapes of cloud formations as a form of meditation.


Sky Divination

Go outside at night when the sky is clear. Ask a question. If the stars seem to glow brighter, or if a shooting star races across the sky, the answer is yes. If nothing seems to occur after fifteen minutes, or if clouds blot out the stars, the response is no.

Before going to bed, walk outside, look up at the sky and say the following: “Stars, stars, show me the future.” It will appear in a dream that night.

Wishing on a star is a popular practice. Outside, look at at one particular star for several minutes. State your hoped-for future. Close your eyes for three seconds. If, upon opening your eyes, they immediately fix on the same star, your future is as you wished. If you can’t find it at once, your future will be different.

By: mr.wizard

Aeromancy – What is it?

Aeromancy (from Greek aero, “air”, and manteia, “divination”) is the art of foretelling the future by the observation of atmospheric, air or sky phenomena. This goes beyond the range of weather forecasting, concentrating in such things as wind currents, cloud shape and formation, comets and falling stars, spectral formations, and other phenomena which are not normally seen or visible in the heavens. Even today such visions cause speculation and sometimes consternation among human viewers.

Francis de la Tour Blanche says that Aeromancy is the art of divining by means of specters which are made to materialize in the air, or the depiction by the aid of demons, of future events which are projected on the clouds as if by a magic lantern. For him, thunder, lightning and the aspect of the sky and planets belongs to astrology.

Due to the historical interest people have had in weather, seeing it as a medium by which the gods expressed both joy and anger towards those who worshiped them, it is no surprise that aeromancy is one of the oldest forms of divination. The Hindus, Etruscans, and Babylonians in particular found the signs in the sky to be of great interest and practiced forms of chaomancy and ceraunoscopy. This fascination with the omens in the skies was reflected by the gods worshiped by these peoples. Two gods associated with ceraunoscopy are:

  • Tinia, the Etruscan god of lightning
  • Adad, the Babylonian god of thunder, lightning, and prophesy

There are several types of divination that can be categorized under the term “aeromancy”:

  • Austromancy, divination by observing the wind.
  • Anemoscopy is austromancy in which the wind direction and intensity is interpreted.
  • Cometomancy, divination by the appearance of comet tails.
  • Ceraunoscopy, divination by the interpretation of thunder and lightning.
  • Chaomancy, divination by aerial visions, is nearly synonymous with aeromancy, but most often refers to nephomancy or cometomancy.
  • Meteormancy, divination by meteors and shooting stars.
  • Nephomancy is divination by the interpretation of the movement of clouds.

Modern Aeromancy:

Some forms of modern aeromancy have taken a more introspective turn than their historical counterparts. For instance, modern nephomancy is a receptive, almost meditative process, by which a person is said to be able to examine their unconscious. The nephomancer studies the clouds, whose formations are random and constantly changing. The images and symbols the diviner picks out from the chaos are believed to have some sort of significance to the diviner, so long as he applies his own personal interpretations to the symbols, rather than those written or spoken about by another.

Source:  Wikipedia

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