New Moon Marriage Divination
When the Moon is New, braid your hair or some kind of string while saying:
I braid this knot, this knot I braid,
To know the think I know not yet,
That while I sleep I plain may see
The man (woman) that shall husband (wife) be,
not in his (her) best but worst array,
Just what he (she) weareth every day,
That I tomorrow may him (her) ken
From among all other men.
From: Moon Magick
Yarrow Love Divination
Pick some yarrow at the time of the New Moon. Put it under your pillow and say before going to sleep:
Good night fair yarrow,
Thrice good night to thee.
I hope before tomorrow’s dawn
My true love I shall see.
From: Moon Magick
New Moon Show Me My Love Spell
Look at a New moon and say:
New Moon, New Moon, do tell me
Who my own true lover is to be.
The color of his (her) hair,
The clothes that he (she) will wear,
And on what day he (she) shall appear.
From: Moon Magick
Nutty Love Divination Spell
Irish women and girls check the loyalty and faithfulness of their lover by placing two nuts (one named after the lover and one with the girl’s name) on the bars of a fireplace grate. If a lover’s nut cracks or jumps, it means that he is unfaithful and will not be loyal to the girl. If a lover’s nut burns or catches fire, it shows that he has true love or respect for the girl. If the girl’s and the lover’s nut burn together, it means that they will get married.
Found at: I Love India
Old English Moon Ritual
An old English moon divination ritual was to gather the following:
- A key
- A ring
- A flower
- A sprig of willow
- A small piece of cake
- A crust of bread
- The 10 of clubs
- The 9 of hearts
- Ace of spades
- Ace of diamonds
Wrap these in a handkerchief and place it under your pillow.
Say upon going to bed:
Luna, every woman’s friend,
To me thy goodness condescend.
Let me this night in visions see
Emblems of my destiny.
Your dreams will reveal your future:
- If you dream of storms – it means coming trouble
- If the storms end – a calm fate after strife
- If you dream of a ring or the ace of diamonds – marriage
- Dreams of bread – a good job
- Dreams of cake – prosperity
- Dreaming about flowers – joy
- Dreaming of a willow – treachery in love
- A dream about spades – death
- A dream about clubs – living in a foreign land
- If you dream of diamonds – money
- If you dream of keys – it means great power
- Birds in your dreams – means many children
- Dreams of geese – more than one marriage
From: Moon Magick
Yarrow Dream Divination
Sew an ounce of Yarrow in a piece of flannel and place it under the pillow before going to bed. Repeat the following words, and you will receive a vision of your future husband or wife:
Thou pretty herb of Venus’ tree,
Thy true name it is Yarrow;
Now who my bosom friend must be,
Pray tell thou me tomorrow.”
From: A Modern Herbal
Yarroway Love Divination
Yarrow, in the eastern counties of England, is termed Yarroway, and there is a curious mode of divination with its serrated leaf. The inside of the nose is tickled by the leaf while the following lines are spoken. If the operation causes the nose to bleed, it is a certain omen of success:
Yarroway, Yarroway, bear a white blow,
If my love love me, my nose will bleed now.”
Found in: A Modern Herbal
Herring Divinations
To see an image of your future spouse: Eat a whole salted herring in three mouthfuls, retire to bed without a drink and don’t say a word. That night you will dream of your future partner.
To know if a future husband will be attractive and trustworthy, throw the white membrane of a herring at a wall. If the skin sticks to the wall and is not a crooked shape, your future husband will be attractive and trustworthy. If the herring skin sticks crookedly or fails to stick, your future spouse will be undesirable.
Source unknown
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