Monthly Archives: October 2017

Dark Moon Divination

To have a question answered, or to ask about your life in general, perform this ritual on the Dark Moon night. You will need the following:

  • Black Candle
  • Incense
  • Tarot Cards and./or Rune Stones
  • Wand (or something to serve as a wand)

Take a ritual cleansing bath and dress in a dark robe or go naked. Cast your circle as usual, or at least bless salt and sprinkle it around your working area. Light a black candle on each side of the altar. Have ready an appropriate incense. Place your tarot cards or rune stones in the center of the altar. Lay your wand beside the cards. Stand with your arms outstretched and say:

The cycle of the Moon has turned once more.
The Moon hides her light from the uninitiated.
Those who follow the Ancient Paths know that her power
is not gone, is not diminished.
The wisdom of the Dark Mother is there for all who truly seek her.

Tap the altar three times with your wand:

Hear me, O Carrier of Wisdom.
My voice flies through the night to you.
Show me new pathways I must tread
To change my life and make it new.

Light the incense and lift it high over the altar:

I bring an offering, fine and fair.
The scent will rise upon the air
To reach your realms. Bless me soon,
O Lady of the Darkened Moon.

Tap the cards or rune bag three times with the wand, then circle them clockwise three times with the wand. Tap them three more times, to equal the number nine, a Moon number. Lay the wand aside and shuffle the cards or stir the runes.

Divide the cards into three piles, moving from left to right; or lay our three runes in the same pattern. The left pile is the past; the middle the present; the right the future.

Turn up the top card on each pile and contemplate what you see. Be open even if you don’t understand the message. It will become clear later. Turn up a second card on each pile and think about what you see. Then do this a third time. What was not clear with the first card will probably be clarified with the others.

If you want to use both tarot and runes, turn up the first round of cards. Then choose a rune stone and lay that next to each upturned card. Finally turn up the second round of cards.

This also works with more than one tarot deck or type of card deck. For example you might use a standard tarot deck, the Medicine Cards, and Star-Gate cards.

Write down what has been revealed to you. In this way you will be better able to remember and understand when things begin to happen at a later date.

From: Moon Magick

Selenomancy – What is it?

Selenomancy, like most divinatory systems, is quite ancient, and has been practiced since time immemorial by the Babylonians, Scythians, Greeks, and Arabians, among others. It is  the art and practice of divination by the observation of the phases and appearances of the moon.

There are countless moon-related omens that have evolved since prehistoric times. Our celestial companion has long been used to divine the fate of individuals at the time of their birth.

For example:

  • A child born when the moon is one day old will be blessed with wealth and longevity.
  • A child born during the moon’s waning phase signifies that the child will be unhealthy.
  • A child born while the moon is full will be a very strong individual.
  • A child born during the dark of the moon will need special care and will probably die before reaching puberty.

Different methods of Selenomancy take into consideration the patterns observed on the surface of the moon, the phase the moon is in, its visibility through the cloud cover, and the colors of its reflection. In ancient Assyria diviners interpreted the appearance of a ring or halo around the moon as an omen of an impending siege. However, a break in it indicated a fortunate escape.

When interpreting moon reflections and colors, it was believed that:

  • Blue tinge – rain was on the way,
  • Red tinge – a strong wind was coming
  • White tinge – good weather.

In the south of England, it is said that fine days will follow if there is a fine Tuesday after a new moon, moist days will come after a wet or humid Tuesday after a new moon, and if the horns of the moon are obscured on the third or fourth day, this means rain is on the way. If the circle of the moon is red, troubles and hardships are coming.

If if rains on the first Tuesday after the full moon, it will continue to do so for the rest of that moon period. Similarly, if it is dry on that first Tuesday, it will remain dry for that moon period. If the moon is clear on is rising, it denotes that in the summer there will be fine weather but in the winter there will be a severe cold spell. Clearness at the full moon suggests a fair period, as does a halo that melts quickly. A double halo means there is going to be a storm.

An ancient superstition is that it is bad luck to have a child born in moonlight. It was also believed that anyone sleeping in moonlight for any length of time ran the risk of going either blind or crazy.

Sources: Moon Magic and The Occultopedia

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