What you can conceive and believe, you can achieve!


Chanting Om

OM Mantra Chanting at 417Hz.

OM is the Primordial Sound of the Universe. Its the sound that reverberates in the entire cosmos and in every cell of our body, and 417Hz is amazingly beautiful frequency that acts as a cleansing agent for our body, removing negativity, negative blocks and toxicity from our body and mind.

And when we combine both of these – it gives rise to an astoundingly powerful effect, of removing all the negative emotions and let the positivity of OM takes it place. It becomes a powerful meditation tool.

We recommend that you use this for at least 30 mins a day, and meditate along with it. You may chant OM along with the track or simply let it play in the background as you meditate and focus on your breathing in and out. Simple but a very effective technique.

Hope this track will help you.
Blessings and Peace all the Way.

Source: Meditative Mind


Just Breathe

So simple, and yet so effective. Take a few deep breaths, and then for a few minutes, just focus on your breathing. Concentrate on your breathing as it comes into your body, and then as it goes out. It has a calming effect, especially if you continue to return your focus to your breath when your mind strays. It also allows other thoughts to just float away.

Borrowed from: The Prosperity Project

Unlock Your Full Potential

A short guided visualization meditation to help you in setting your mind to unlock your full inner potential – with Jason Stephenson.

Use this daily before attending meetings, work, school, exams. Can also be used just prior to bedtime to go to sleep with confidence, determination and belief.

Mindfulness Meditation For Anxiety

This is a mindfulness meditation with Josh Wise. This meditation will help you connect with your breath. Relax. Let go of stress. Release anxiety. Allow yourself to relax. Simply breathe and watch your breath. Notice what it feels like. No need to change anything or do anything. Simply accept this moment just as it is. Enjoy.

By: Wise Mind Body

A Positive Meditation

I hope you enjoy this healing meditation to help guide you into a state of Positive bliss and peace of mind. Words of love to provide that boost of positive energy.

This Positive Meditation is by Positive Magazine. Calm relaxing mediation 10 minute guided meditation video to help ease Anxiety, worry, Overthinking and the sense of urgency.


We often feel the need to rush and complete tasks to move onto the next one. To make decisions by a certain time. This feeling of urgency, a pressure that causes us to act without considering our natural process of movement is a form of anxiety. Urgency can lead to panic attacks as well as anxiety attacks. In this free 10 minute guided meditation we employ guided positive energy and vibrations by calmly the urgency and anxiety as well as address the rumination of overthinking (i.e., over analyzing) OCD (Obsessive compulsive Disorder).

Anxiety and Anxiety Attacks

There are many remedies for physical trauma but few for the emotional trauma’s that we experience. Some of the root of Anxiety can be traced to physical medical condition, although I practice that all anxiety is physical, even if the root stems from an emotional experience. Anxiety has a foot print can be tracked. In this 10 minute guided meditation we use positive healing energy through meditation to follow a peaceful path away from anxiety, panic attacks, urgency, compulsive disorder, worry and fear to arrive at our peace within.

Using Guided Meditations for Anxiety:

Meditation has been scientifically proven beneficial for those who experience and even suffer from Anxiety. Meditation for anxiety, like out Positive Meditations, can transform the listeners experience and cause the mind to abandon anxiety impulses for a more peaceful and calming experience.

About Positive Magazine:

Positive Magazine offers relaxing 10 minute guided positive energy meditations. Our Positive Energy Meditations covers Anxiety, Healing, Depression, Sleep, Health, and much more! Even more exciting is that we offer meditations in ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response).

The meditations are original content and are not scripted; these healing words have traveled with me along my journey to arrive at this moment – they come directly from my heart to yours. Each positive meditation is intentionally designed for healing – download and listen to 10 minutes of blissful relaxation and restorative peace.


Morning Self Hypnosis for Anxiety

The Anxiety Guy team member Marie Gardiner (certified hypotherapist) has released this powerful hypnosis for anxiety sufferers to listen on a daily basis. Her soothing voice, and calming instructions will get you to begin your day with a clear mind far away from your regular mornings filled with fear and worry.

Here’s the video:

Anxiety is an emotion that normally involves an element of worry, and fear. It is a state of mind that can also affect our thoughts, behaviors, and physical reactions in our body. This powerful morning hypnosis for anxiety will speak directly to your subconscious mind to alter your thinking patterns. Anxiety, in times of need, helps prepare our body to either fight or flight. But when this response becomes operated when it is not needed, CBT for anxiety, as well as hypnosis for anxiety are proven tools to overcome the anxious condition.

Since our subconscious mind holds the key to our Negative Automatic Thoughts, we must stand guard at the doorway of our minds, and catch our NATS as they appear.

Embedded in this powerful hypnosis for anxiety are binaural beats. Binaural beats are natural brainwaves that will speak directly to your mind to give it the peace and calm it needs. With daily listening of this hypnosis for anxiety you will begin to change many of the negative thought patterns you run in your mind daily.


Make sure you are in a place you can’t be disturbed when listening to this powerful hypnosis for anxiety. Also make sure you have comfortable headphones on. Listen to this hypnosis session daily every morning so you can condition yourself to see through your limiting beliefs. This hypnosis, in time, will give your mind, body and emotions the peace and relaxation it truly wants and deserves.


Silver Violet Fire


I went on a search for Violet Flame videos, and didn’t find much that resonated with me personally. So, I’m still looking, but I did find this. It is titled: Solfeggio Mirrors Frequency Brainwave Entrainment Binaural BeatHeart Opening and Emotional Balance.

I thought I might be a nice addition to a meditation, if background music is something you enjoy when doing your affirmations and/or decrees.

Here’s what they say about it:

This track uses an alpha to theta brainwave entrainment program with intermittent delta bursts, for the accelerated activation and purification of trans-personal love. The Silver Violet Fire is the oscillating pulse of the Divine Mother’s Love transmitting her currents of secret wisdom into the voice of the Inner Teacher. This track assists in the actualization of the higher principals of Divine Love in to the emotional field.

The full length audio and the full length audio with HD Video is available at Source Vibrations.

The Violet Consuming Flame


Visualize the Violet Consuming Flame passing through the physical body. Stand there a few moments, feeling as deeply as you can Its Rushing Presence through the flesh and around you, for a radius of three feet in every direction.

See all excess substance, appearances, and records of age, strain, distress, and limitations; impurity, discord, or struggle disappear, just like smoke or a shadow! See that substance pass off, and you stand forth blazing and Self-luminous like your Higher Mental Body, dazzling in Its Sparkling Qualities.

Visualize the Violet Consuming Flame in and around individuals and conditions; and whenever you think of the Earth, visualize It a Violet Sun in space, and the humanity of Earth as Ascended Beings who are already Ascended and Free.

Hold the picture of everyone walking in the Violet Consuming Flame, just as if you walked in water which was Violet Flame instead of water, up to just below the Heart. As you hold the picture of everyone moving in the Violet Consuming Flame, you will find It shutting off most of your disturbed feelings and discordant activities of others, who perhaps are doing something wrong.

This will keep you from absorbing the mistakes and the pictures of imperfection which come through criticism, condemnation, and blame, and the discussing of the faults of others. People have no concept of what they photograph into their own bodies and into their worlds by discussing the mistakes and failures of others.

Try to govern that; and demand the picture of that which you want, and see the Violet Flame covering over what you do not want.

Borrowed from:
The Violet Flame Project

A Nice Violet Flame Meditation

From the Daily Om, here is a very simple and very nice Violet Flame Meditation:


Adding a violet flame meditation once in a while to your daily practice is a lovely way to feel a fresh sense of peace. The violet flame is a powerful tool anyone can use in meditation. It helps release negative karma, raise your consciousness awareness, the frequency of your vibration, and accelerate your spiritual growth.

Energy can’t be erased but it can be changed, transmuting negative into positive, darkness into light. This allows you to make the choices you feel negatively about become positive, while also changing your emotional experience. Physically, the violet flame releases emotions and energy pent up within that make you vulnerable to illness and disease.

The violet flame in meditation uses a combination of affirming thoughts and visualization.

Once centered, begin by surrounding yourself with white-and-blue protective energy. You may even want to call on archangel Michael for his protection while you go into this powerful spiritual state. Then repeat thoughts such as “I am cleansed and purified by the violet flame.”

Picture a huge bonfire before you, its immensity making you feel small beside it, and marvel as the colors flicker between purple, violet, and bright pink. Sense its warmth while noticing that it will not burn you. Step into the flame, letting it surround you entirely while also filling the spaces in your body, your thoughts, even the cells and molecules within you.

Once there, focus on the positive things you’d like to create in your life or your hopes for others. Visualize the violet flame in the midst of the scenes as they unfold in your mind. You may want to ask that the power of the flame be multiplied to assist those in need.

When you have finished your meditation, be sure to close with gratitude. The violet flame is a powerful tool that should be used consciously and with intent. Forgetting to close with thanks keeps you connected and may lead to the unintentional misuse of this energy. It is always a good idea when finished with any spiritual practice to give thanks as this creates closure.

Saints and adepts throughout the ages have known how to use the violet flame, but it is available for all to use to raise our awareness and, eventually, that of all mankind.

Borrowed from:
The Violet Flame Project

Random Affirmation
Enter your situation and receive a random affirmation. The affirmation will come in the form of a small pop up. Try it - your life just might change for the better!

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Life is like a sandwich!

Birth as one slice, and death as the other. What you put in-between the slices is up to you.

Is your sandwich tasty or sour?

― Allan Rufus
Be Merry

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