What you can conceive and believe, you can achieve!

Monthly Archives: January 2017

Decree For Harmony


“Mighty I AM Presence”! shatter and consume forever this discordant condition in and with _____________! Annihilate its cause and effect throughout the Earth forever, and see that it never touches our lives or world again.

Sweep the Violet Consuming Flame in and through us.
Sweep the Violet Consuming Flame in and through us.
Sweep the Violet Consuming Flame in and through us.

Almighty I AM
Give Thy Command!
Increase It each hour!
Love, Wisdom, and Power!

Source: Saint Germain Foundation
Borrowed from: The Violet Flame Project

I Demand and I AM

I found this wonderful litany in Book One of the I Am Decrees. I edited it a little bit to make it feel more powerful to me, and then I recited it out loud and with feeling. I would suggest making sure that each of the demands resonate with you, change them or add your own, and then… WOW!  Here it is:


I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Power of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame of a Thousand Suns in It’s threefold action, physically manifest now, here and forever, with full power, now and forever, for all Eternity.

Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM

  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Power
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Purity
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Illumination
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Strength
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Manifestation
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Protection 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Wisdom 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Perfection
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Victory
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Love
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Music
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Freedom
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Healing
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Action
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Precipitation 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Substance
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Heart 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Mind 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Truth
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Revelation
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Compassion 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Joy
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Peace
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Harmony 
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Magick
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.
  • I demand and I AM the Invincible Miracle Silence
    of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame.

Physically manifest now, here and forever, with full power, for all Eternity.

Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM

Borrowed from:
The Violet Flame Project

How the Violet Flame Works

I just read an article about how the Violet Flame works, written by Patricia Cota-Robles. I would really love it if these informational essays were written in a more ordinary way, sometimes the terms and phrases used put me off a little bit, cause some eye rolling, and invoke my inner skeptic. So I thought I would try to translate it into terms and phrases that I understand, that fit in with my personal view of the world, and how things work. It was an interesting exercise, and I’m sharing it here.

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How The Violet Flame Works:

When we invoke the Violet Flame, we give permission for this specific flow of energy to enter our lives. It flows into our conscious minds and infuses our bodies with it’s own unique energy. At this point, this energy can be directed by our intention and our declarations.

Here’s an example. If we are interested in changing our lives by removing the limitations we may have placed on ourselves through our own belief systems, behavior patterns, conditioning, or karma. If we would like to be in the flow of money, prosperity, happiness, … whatever it might be. We can simply ask that the Violet Flame accomplish that goal for us. We do this with our I AM Decrees.

When the Decree is said either internally or outwardly, with certainty, and with feeling, it creates a vibration. Much like ripples on a pond, or the wind stirring leaves on the trees into action. This vibration moves out from you and into the wider world and as it does so, things begin to change. Why? Because everything is at it’s core, a vibration, and this stronger vibration of the Violet Flame working hand in hand with your own certainty, brings dissonance into resonance. Changes the energy field.

Sometimes our core beliefs, the belief systems of those around us, past lives, present experiences, etc etc. make it really difficult to accept anything other than the status quo. It becomes very very difficult to see the good in a bad situation, to see prosperity when your finances say differently, to take advantage of opportunities when you don’t hear them knocking at your door. Think of a tree in the dead of winter, bare of leaves,  and yet it is full of life, and if we didn’t already know this, we would assume the worst.

When we use the Violet Flame energy, it acts as a catalyst for change. The higher vibration of the energy of the Violet Flame livens things up, gets that old stagnant negativity moving again. Just as when Spring comes and the trees become green, the flowers bloom, everything seems to come alive again.

The Violet Flame can transmute anything we want to heal or transform in our individual lives or on the planet. It can transmute and change anything. All we have to do is invoke the Violet Flame into action through our I AM Presence.

When invoking the Violet Flame, we can work on specific issues in our lives, tackle global problems, or create an invocation that covers the gamut of problems manifesting on Earth. In that case, we can use the invocation as a mantra and be an instrument of the Violet Flame any time and any place. For example, a simple invocation might be:

“I AM my Beloved I AM Presence, invoking the full power of the Violet Flame to transmute cause, core, effect, record, and memory every thought, feeling, word, action, or belief Humanity and I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that reflects anything less than the infinite perfection of God’s Divine Love.”

By memorizing a simple affirmation like this, we can say it frequently throughout the day. Then we will be a constant force of the Violet Flame wherever we are and whatever we are doing.

Occasionally, people invoke the Violet Flame without seeing the results in the outer world as quickly as they would like to see them. This gives them the erroneous impression that the Violet Flame is not working. That is never the case!

It is important to remember that when giving the decrees, you must feel the truth of it. Do not use a Decree that doesn’t “feel” right. Only use decrees that resonate completely, decrees that give you a feeling of strength and truth when you say them. You don’t have to believe with your mind, but it is important to feel the energy in your body.

The Violet Flame is a gift of Divine Light that works scientifically to the letter each and every time it is invoked by the I AM Presence. The moment you reach a critical mass of the Violet Flame in your Life there will be an unstoppable shift and whatever you are invoking will manifest in your life. The Key is to “Keep on keeping on!” The Violet Flame is infinitely more powerful than the fragmented, fear-based miscreations of your past.

Remember, you have the ability to transmute hundreds of lifetimes worth of negativity “in the twinkling of an eye.” Know that the Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious, and YOU are that Light.

Borrowed from:
The Violet Flame Project

Some Prosperity Decrees


I found these decrees at the Saint Germain Foundation, and then I added a beginning and an end to each one. There were more on that page if these don’t quite do it for you.


In the name, love, wisdom, power, authority, and victory of the
Beloved I AM Presence,

I AM the Ascended Master Payment of this (of every) bill or obligation,
instantly and eternally manifest through Divine Love.
I demand, I command, I insist and I AM that I AM that I AM.


I AM a being of Violet Fire.
I AM the inescapable, inexhaustible Riches of God
flowing into my hands and use today,
manifest with Full Power, as a glad-free gift of Divine Love.
I refuse everything but the Fullness of God’s Supply to me, NOW!
I AM, I AM the Violet Flame
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM


Mighty I AM Presence Bright
Seal me in your tube of Light.
Protect and empower, in this and every hour.
I AM that I AM
and I AM
Sealed forever in the Peace, Protection, Security, Love, Wisdom, Power, Supply and Freedom of the “Light of God That Never Fails.”


“Mighty I AM Presence”! Thank you for all the money that comes into my hands and use or that touches my world! I accept it as A Messenger of Love and Balance! Charge it with Purity, Love and Blessing without limit; and see that it brings only Freedom and Perfection everywhere in the world.“

Borrowed from:
The Violet Flame Project

The Violet Consuming Flame


Visualize the Violet Consuming Flame passing through the physical body. Stand there a few moments, feeling as deeply as you can Its Rushing Presence through the flesh and around you, for a radius of three feet in every direction.

See all excess substance, appearances, and records of age, strain, distress, and limitations; impurity, discord, or struggle disappear, just like smoke or a shadow! See that substance pass off, and you stand forth blazing and Self-luminous like your Higher Mental Body, dazzling in Its Sparkling Qualities.

Visualize the Violet Consuming Flame in and around individuals and conditions; and whenever you think of the Earth, visualize It a Violet Sun in space, and the humanity of Earth as Ascended Beings who are already Ascended and Free.

Hold the picture of everyone walking in the Violet Consuming Flame, just as if you walked in water which was Violet Flame instead of water, up to just below the Heart. As you hold the picture of everyone moving in the Violet Consuming Flame, you will find It shutting off most of your disturbed feelings and discordant activities of others, who perhaps are doing something wrong.

This will keep you from absorbing the mistakes and the pictures of imperfection which come through criticism, condemnation, and blame, and the discussing of the faults of others. People have no concept of what they photograph into their own bodies and into their worlds by discussing the mistakes and failures of others.

Try to govern that; and demand the picture of that which you want, and see the Violet Flame covering over what you do not want.

Borrowed from:
The Violet Flame Project

A Nice Violet Flame Meditation

From the Daily Om, here is a very simple and very nice Violet Flame Meditation:


Adding a violet flame meditation once in a while to your daily practice is a lovely way to feel a fresh sense of peace. The violet flame is a powerful tool anyone can use in meditation. It helps release negative karma, raise your consciousness awareness, the frequency of your vibration, and accelerate your spiritual growth.

Energy can’t be erased but it can be changed, transmuting negative into positive, darkness into light. This allows you to make the choices you feel negatively about become positive, while also changing your emotional experience. Physically, the violet flame releases emotions and energy pent up within that make you vulnerable to illness and disease.

The violet flame in meditation uses a combination of affirming thoughts and visualization.

Once centered, begin by surrounding yourself with white-and-blue protective energy. You may even want to call on archangel Michael for his protection while you go into this powerful spiritual state. Then repeat thoughts such as “I am cleansed and purified by the violet flame.”

Picture a huge bonfire before you, its immensity making you feel small beside it, and marvel as the colors flicker between purple, violet, and bright pink. Sense its warmth while noticing that it will not burn you. Step into the flame, letting it surround you entirely while also filling the spaces in your body, your thoughts, even the cells and molecules within you.

Once there, focus on the positive things you’d like to create in your life or your hopes for others. Visualize the violet flame in the midst of the scenes as they unfold in your mind. You may want to ask that the power of the flame be multiplied to assist those in need.

When you have finished your meditation, be sure to close with gratitude. The violet flame is a powerful tool that should be used consciously and with intent. Forgetting to close with thanks keeps you connected and may lead to the unintentional misuse of this energy. It is always a good idea when finished with any spiritual practice to give thanks as this creates closure.

Saints and adepts throughout the ages have known how to use the violet flame, but it is available for all to use to raise our awareness and, eventually, that of all mankind.

Borrowed from:
The Violet Flame Project

Violet Flame Healing


From, Violet Flame Miracles, we have this testimonial on the healing effects of the Violet Flame.

I use the violet flame to purify all viruses and bacteria out of my body daily. If I truly blaze the light through with powerful visualization, I never get sick. I also have had great success using the violet flame to heal me of painful situations like heartache. It never fails to pull me out of it. It may take a week but after great devotion to the violet flame I have transmuted some deep pain and my heart is free again. I will say that it does take a bit of time to really create a momentum with the violet fire. One must use it consistently, with fervor and strong visualization practice until you really are saturated in it and you know it.

~Robin Zdravkovic

Borrowed from:
The Violet Flame Project

Real Magick Decree

I AM real magick

I  Demand and I AM
the manifestation of Real Magick
whenever I want it
by the Power of
the Almighty I AM Presence.

I am a being of Violet Fire
I am the Magick that I desire.

Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM


The above decree can be tweaked with different words… such as:

  • I AM the manifestation of Radiant Health, I am the healing that I desire.
  • I AM the manifestation of True Joy, I am the happiness that I desire.

Borrowed from:
The Violet Flame Project


One of my friends wanted a Violet Flame Decree T shirt, so I made some. I think everything looks pretty good. Go check it out. It’s at my Get Your Groove On Cafe Press shop.

El Morya’s I AM Affirmations


El Morya’s I AM affirmations help purify and energize the three major aspects of our practical spirituality—heart, head and hand—for a greater mind-heart-body connection.


We begin with the heart because the heart is the hub of life, physically and spiritually. The heart is the place where we commune with God. It is the center from which we send out our love to nourish mankind.

With the “Heart” mantra, we call forth the transmutative power of the violet flame to dissolve negative feelings and karma that block the flow of energy through our heart. This mantra helps us develop the qualities of the heart. It helps us become more open, more sensitive and more compassionate to the plight of so many who need our love and our prayers.

Visualize the violet flame within your heart as a pulsating violet light that softens your heart, transforming anger into compassion, bitterness into sweetness, anxiety into peace.

Violet fire, thou love divine,
Blaze within this heart of mine!
Thou art mercy forever true,
Keep me always in tune with you.


Our head, or crown chakra, is the chalice where we receive the creative thoughts of God and our Higher Self. The “Head” mantra clears the physical and spiritual faculties of the mind so that we can think and communicate more clearly. It helps us strengthen our intuitive faculties, including our third eye chakra, and develop a keener perception of spiritual dimensions.

See the violet flame leaping up from your heart and penetrating into your head to clear your mind of all mental blocks, negative images and limiting concepts about yourself or others. See your mind becoming filled with the brilliant light of God.

I AM light, thou Christ in me,
Set my mind forever free;
Violet fire, forever shine
Deep within this mind of mine. God who gives my daily bread,
With violet fire fill my head
Till thy radiance heavenlike
Makes my mind a mind of light.


Our hands represent how we put our spirituality into practice. The hand symbolizes the power of God to make things happen—through our profession, our service to life, the big and small things we do for others every day. Through our hand we can transfer tremendous energy and healing. In the “Hand” mantra we affirm that when we work hand-in-hand with God, nothing will be impossible.

Visualize the violet flame dissolving the cause, effect, record and memory of those things you had a “hand” in that you wish you hadn’t done.

I AM the hand of God in action,
Gaining victory every day;
My pure soul’s great satisfaction
Is to walk the Middle Way.

Source: Summit Lighthouse
Borrowed from: The Violet Flame Project

Random Affirmation
Enter your situation and receive a random affirmation. The affirmation will come in the form of a small pop up. Try it - your life just might change for the better!

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Life is like a sandwich!

Birth as one slice, and death as the other. What you put in-between the slices is up to you.

Is your sandwich tasty or sour?

― Allan Rufus
Be Merry

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

Love and Hugs!

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