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Fig Leaf Divination

Figs were considered by many to be the tree of life. This ancient method of reading fig leaves to determine the future of your life is known as sycomancy.

Write your question, scheme or proposal on a fresh fig leaf. Retain the leaf and observe it. A leaf that shrivels up quickly provides a negative response, while a leaf that dries slowly, retaining a fresh, green appearance provides encouragement.

This is also an excellent way to choose between various alternative actions. If you have a number of different ideas, plans, choices, schemes, proposals or scenarios, write each one on a fig leaf — one leaf per option or choice.

Retain the leaves so that they are together under exactly the same conditions but not touching. The leaf that remains fresh, green, and youthful looking the longest represents the oracle’s choice.

If all leaves age at exactly the same place, the indication is that there is yet another, more appropriate choice that has been overlooked. Consider your options further before making a choice.

From: Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

Queen of the Meadow Candle Divination

Queen of the Meadow is also known as Meadowsweet, is a perennial herb that grows in damp meadows. It is native throughout most of Europe and Western Asia (Near east and Middle east). It has been introduced and naturalised in North America.

  • Place a Queen of the Meadow root inside a glass of water.
  • Place this glass beside a burning white candle.
  • Gaze into the flame, to obtain visions of the future.

From: Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

Casting The Future

Molybdomancy is a form of divination by molten metal. The idea being that the future can be divined, and answers can be obtained by studying the various shapes taken by metal when it is melted and cooled.

A simple example is as follows:

For this you need a little lead such as the sticks provided for use in soldering. Place a small piece of this in an old spoon and hold it over a hot flame until it melts. Then, thinking of the question you want answered, toss the molten lead into a metal bucket filled with water.

This produces a satisfying cloud of steam and when the lead is fished out it will have taken a strange shape in which all kinds of things can be read. If the shape provides no clear conclusion, then it can be held up in front of a candle and the shadow thrown on the wall can be further studied.

In Finland this is still carried out regularly and horse-shoe shaped ingots and special ladles can be found in market places at this time of year.

From: The Winter Solstice

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