Simple Divinations

A Simple Spell to Divine the Future


Lie beneath leafy trees and relax, gazing up into the ever shifting canopy of green above you. Watch the random patterns formed by the wind’s gentle lifting and pushing of the leaves. This should drowse you to a state where you open up psychically and receive messages concerning questions you have.

From: Earth Power

A Simple Rain Divination

nature-designs-a-water-and-sand-pattern-paintingWhen rain is falling lightly outside do the following:

On a flat surface such as a pie pan or cookie sheet, sprinkle an even layer of powdered spice, such as cinnamon. When the surface is completely covered to an even depth take it outside and stand in the rain. Ask your question and then run back inside. The raindrops will have disturbed the spice to etch patterns or symbols into it. Sit quietly and gaze at the spice until you have perceived the answer.

From: Earth Power

Herring Divinations

herring-school-of-fish-clupea-nautical-art-seafood-art-marine-art-game-fish-urft-valley-artTo see an image of your future spouse: Eat a whole salted herring in three mouthfuls, retire to bed without a drink and don’t say a word. That night you will dream of your future partner.

To know if a future husband will be attractive and trustworthy, throw the white membrane of a herring at a wall. If the skin sticks to the wall and is not a crooked shape, your future husband will be attractive and trustworthy. If the herring skin sticks crookedly or fails to stick, your future spouse will be undesirable.

Source unknown

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