
Alectryomancy – What is it?


Alectryomancy (also called alectoromancy or alectromancy) is a form of divination in which the diviner observes a bird, several birds, or most preferably a white rooster or cockerel pecking at grain (such as wheat) that the diviner has scattered on the ground. The observer may place grain in the shape of letters and thus discern a divinatory revelation by noting which letters the birds peck at, or the diviner may just interpret the pattern left by the birds’ pecking in randomly scattered grain.

In ancient Rome, fhis practice was used when the sun or the moon was in Aries or Leo. A circle of letters (originally twenty-four in number, since j, v are the same as i, u) was traced on the ground and laid out with some sort of grain placed on each letter. Next a rooster, usually a white one, was allowed to peck at the grains, thus selecting letters to create a divinatory message or sign. The chosen letters could be either read in order of selection, or rearranged to make an anagram. Sometimes readers got 2 or 3 letters and interpreted them.

In another version, the observer tethers the bird in the center of a circle, around the perimeter of which is marked the alphabet, with a piece of grain at each letter. For each grain the bird pecks, the observer writes down the letter which that grain represents. The observer also replaces each grain as the bird eats it, so that letters may be repeated. The sequence of letters recorded will presumably contain a message.

In Africa, a black hen or a gamecock is used, which within such a religious practice and belief “to foresee, to be inspired by a god” may be accurately referred to as a sacred cock or sacred vessel. An African diviner sprinkles grain on the ground and when the bird has finished eating, the seer interprets the designs or patterns left on the ground.

Another method of alectormancy, used less often, was based on reciting letters of the alphabet noting those at which a cock crows. Letters were recorded in sequence and then these letters were interpreted as the answer to the question chosen by seers.

A rare, obsolete meaning of alectormancy is “a divination by a cock-stone”. A cock-stone or alectoria was “a christall coloured stone (as big as a beane) found in the gyzerne, or maw of some cockes” (Cotgrave). These stones, purportedly found in a roosters crop, were known to the Romans and were imputed with magical powers. Apparently, they were used for some sort of lithomantic divination, though the details of this use are not to be found.

Alectormancy was also used in Ancient Rome to identify thieves.

Source: Wikipedia

Twenty-One Needle Divination

Needles are a popular divination tool among the Gypsies of the British Isles, and are also used by others. One method is to take twenty-one new needles and place them in a saucer or shallow dish. Water is poured very slowly into the dish. As the dish fills, the needles move about. Some of them will invariably turn to lie across others. This is said to indicate enemies: the number of crossed needles shows the number of enemies at work against you. One needle crossing two (or more) others indicates a strong enemy who is capable of working against you time and again.

If the vast majority of needles remains straight and none, or very few, cross any others, it indicates that you have great inner strength and psychic defenses, and that few can harm you magically.

Note: This can also be used to determine the potential for success in any given project, and also as a way to gauge the amount of obstacles that stand in the way of your desired goal.

From The Fortune Telling Book by Raymond Buckland

Picking a Suitor

blue-moonlight-sizedIf you have a number of suitors and wish to find which one is best for you, there is a ritual that may be done at night when the moon is shining. Draw a large circle on a sheet of paper and write the names of your admirers anywhere within the circumference. Take up the paper in your left hand, and hold a needle in your right hand. Facing the moon, close your eyes and stab the needle into the paper.

The name closest to the hole made by the needle is the one who is best for you. If the hole actually posses through the name – so that moonlight flows through the hole and, therefore, through the name – then that person will be the very best match for you.

This divination method can be modified for use whenever you are unsure of your choices. Simply write the choices on the paper and follow the above instructions.

From: The Fortune Telling Book by Raymond Buckland

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