
  • Basic Powers: To achieve victory over adversity and justice.
  • Pronunciation: “tea-wawz”

A symbol of divine protection, of justice and honor in war or duel. It can be used to defend against or attack known enemies. It ensures victory and the righting of injustice, and can be used to bind an oath. Painted on shields to give bearers more courage and to protect in battle.

This is the great rune of victory and symbolizes kings and leaders of men. Tiwaz is the rune of “might for right” and as such is valuable in a runescript when you have been unfairly denied something or have been falsely accused. It is indicative of the fighting spirit, of trial by combat and fearlessness. It is the primary masculine rune. Victory. Use whenever competition is a factor. Good for health and encourages quick recuperation. In love matters, Tiwaz is used to symbolize the ardent male.

Obtaining just victory and success. Building spiritual will. Develops the power of positive self-sacrifice. Develops the “force of faith” in magic and religion.

The Chant

tiwaz tiwaz tiwaz
t i i i i i r r r r r
tu ta ti te ter tor
tur tar tir ter tor
ot et it at ut
(Tyr Tyr)
T i i i i i r r r r r

It can be used in conjunction with the symbol, or chanted while visualizing the symbol. The symbol can be etched into a candle while intoning the chant, and then, as the candle burns, the spell is released and sent.

The Statement of Intent:

Tyr is the way.
He is the sky father
who guides us
thru life winding paths,
never abandons us
to darkness.

This is a modern version of the “Rune Poem” that defines this particular rune. It can be used in combination with the chant, and while creating a talisman or spell that uses the power of this rune.

Runic Posture

Rune Yoga, or Runic postures are used to anchor the energy of the Rune in your physical body. More about them can be found here: Runic Postures.

Assume the recommended runic posture and sing the name of the rune in a non-exhaustive way that you can feel your body vibrating – in magic literature it is called vibrating. It could be that you can hear overtones clearer as usual during vibrating. Take this as a good sign. You are visualizing the rune with your inner eye, as its form is being represented by your body and the energies are flowing through your body.

Stand up, with the arms out of the body and inclined downwards, in the form of the sign. The palms of the hands have to look towards the ground although you can also experiment by turning them upwards.

Before practicing a rune it is recommended to know everything on the powers of the rune you want to practice. The flow of energy is different for each rune, a field of research for your sensitivity.

The hand positions, or mudras are effective only after you have anchored the runes in your own aura and body. They can be made silent and unobtrusive.


  • Basic Powers: To ensure a safe journey
  • Pronunciation: “rye-though”

This rune symbolizes the journey to a place of power, the realms of the dead. Thus it can be used to gain knowledge from the dead through necromancy, seance, and divination. It is also useful for promoting change, unblocking stymied situations, and hallowing things.

It can be used to bless, in both positive and negative sense. A negative blessing is simply an injunction against dark forces, much like the Orthodox “God save you from all demons.” But it can also be used to invoke positive forces. In both cases there is a link to the dead who have positive or negative wisdom for and intentions toward us. It is good for understanding great changes, anything to do with ancestors (apart from inheritance), traveling in safety, and immigration.

Raidho is not only a rune of travel but also rules over the cosmic laws of Right and Order. It is useful for legal matters, especially when you have been unjustly accused and need to bring those forces of Right to bear on the issue. Safe and comfortable travel.

Strengthens ritual abilities and experience. Access to “inner advice”. Raises consciousness to right and natural rhythms. Obtaining justice according to right.

The Chant

raidho raidho raidho
r r r r r r r r r
ru ra ri re ro
rudh radh ridh redh rodh
(rut rat rit ret rot)
or er ir ar ur
r r r r r r r r r

It can be used in conjunction with the symbol, or chanted while visualizing the symbol. The symbol can be etched into a candle while intoning the chant, and then, as the candle burns, the spell is released and sent.

The Statement of Intent:

When one sits in one’s home
everything looks so easy;
talk is easier than action.
To walk in another’s shoes
and do better,
that is a most difficult task.

This is a modern version of the “Rune Poem” that defines this particular rune. It can be used in combination with the chant, and while creating a talisman or spell that uses the power of this rune.

Runic Posture

Rune Yoga, or Runic postures are used to anchor the energy of the Rune in your physical body. More about them can be found here: Runic Postures.

Assume the recommended runic posture and sing the name of the rune in a non-exhaustive way that you can feel your body vibrating – in magic literature it is called vibrating. It could be that you can hear overtones clearer as usual during vibrating. Take this as a good sign. You are visualizing the rune with your inner eye, as its form is being represented by your body and the energies are flowing through your body.

Standing with the left arm bent at the elbow and the left hand palm up. The right arm is bent at the shoulder with the right palm down. The two hands meet in the middle. The right leg extends out and down at an angle. Look to the east or to the south.

Because the traditional position seems almost impossible to accomplish, here is a much more comfortable variation. Stand up, with the left arm bent at the elbow and the palm on the hip. The left leg has to be tilted outwards, without  touching the ground; the right arm should be firmly attached to the side. Look to the south. As shown in the small pic, your body will resemble the letter R.

Before practicing a rune it is recommended to know everything on the powers of the rune you want to practice. The flow of energy is different for each rune, a field of research for your sensitivity.

The hand positions, or mudras are effective only after you have anchored the runes in your own aura and body. They can be made silent and unobtrusive.



  • Magickal Purpose: Justice, royalty, the psychic, meditation, idealism, mysticism, guidance, divination.
  • Magickal Uses: Protection, justice power, spirit contact, breaking of bad luck, drive away evil, divination,  spiritual and psychic powers, Astral Projection. This color is good to use when you don`t have a white candle.

Purple is the color of power, influence, success, idealism, psychic manifestations, prophecy, and wisdom. Burn purple candles to increase business. It is  ideal for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world.

Purple is also a great color for those pursuing higher education. Use purple candles in love spells to make a partner stay at home and remain faithful. Purple altar cloths are the best choice for psychic work or to wrap up tarot cards. This color increases Neptune energy.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color purple:

  • Element: Air
  • Direction: East
  • Chakra: Brow Chakra
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Day: Thursday
  • Number: 7
  • Magickal Tools: Wand, Cauldron
  • Scent/Essential Oils: Cedar, Carnation, Nutmeg Lotus, Angelica, Bay, Cinnamon, Ginger, Sandalwood, Jasmine.
  • Plant/Herb: Mimosa, Wisteria, Mugwort Hazel, Eyebright, Rowan, Elder, Rue, Shamrock, Clover, Oak, Dandelion, Betony, Meadowsweet, Begonia, Cactus, Dahlia, Iris, Violet.
  • Tree/Wood: Willow, Lilac, and Mulberry.
  • Animal: Elephant, Unicorn, Rabbit, Jaguar, Chickadee, Cuckoo, Eagle, Elk, Penguin, Vulture, Grasshopper, Chameleon, Lizard.
  • Feather: Spirituality, religion
  • Minerals/Stones: Amethyst, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli and Beryl, Clear Quartz, All Opals
  • Tarot: Justice, Fours.
  • God: Anase, Apollo, Forseti, Ida-ten, Mishara, Mithras, Musku, Tyr, Varuna
  • Goddess: Aleitheia, Astraea, Athene, Hecate, Justita, Kali, Maiat, Mens, Morrigan, Syn, Oya
  • Personality: Proud, independent, mystical arts, religious nature. This Person will not turn a blind eye, if they feel a cause of action is wrong, no matter the side they take.

Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and realmagick.com


  • Magickal Purpose: Gain strength and become more connected to the earth.
  • Magickal Uses: Centering, grounding, building, study, house and home, the accumulation of money and material things, healing plants and animals, finding lost items, gardening and decision-making.

The color brown is used in magick to gain strength and become more connected to the earth. Brown autumn leaves placed upon an altar will enable greater endurance and protection during the winter months. Burning brown candles normally separates individuals, but in Pennsylvania hex magick, the color is used to promote serious relationships between men and women. It is the color of deep abiding and committed love.

Brown is a female color. It is the color of the Earth’s energy, grounding, exercise, organization, solidity, the soil, practicality, solitude and honesty. Brown combines the prosperity of green with the intellect of yellow. Brown is used in magick primarily for centering, grounding, building, study, house and home, the accumulation of money and material things, healing plants and animals, finding lost items, gardening and decision-making.

The color brown is indicated for rituals of material increase, justice and retribution. This color eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; and locates objects that have been lost. Brown is also a good color for animal healing.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color brown:

  • Element: Earth
  • Direction: North
  • Chakra: Feet, Foot Chakras
  • Planets: Earth
  • Day:
    • Mondays/Mondays – Tan Browns 
    • Friday/Venus – All Browns
    • Saturday/Saturn – Dark Browns
  • Number: 2 and 3
  • Magickal tools: Wand, Salt and Goblet
  • Scent/Essential Oil: Birch, Cherry, Cloves Lilac, Rosemary, Orange Blossom, Bergamot, Comfrey, Linden, Patchouli and Myrrh.
  • Plant/Herb: Corn, Tansy, Ginseng, Willow, Lily, Ivy, Grains, Oats, Mushrooms, Orange Tree, Almond, Begonia, Daisy, Brown includes all of the aspects of yellow and green.
  •  Animal: Toads, Cowbird, Faeries, Dog, Ostrich, Gnomes, Wolf, Bison, Elves, Pigeon, Horse, Deer,Pelican, Turkey, Woodpecker, Ants, Snake Pheasant, Beaver, Goat, Moose Cow and Bull.
  • Minerals/Stones: Petrified Wood, Rock Crystal, Smokey Quartz, Amber, some Tiger Eye, Sandstone, Granite, Pumice, and Turquoise.
  • Tarot Cards: the four Pages and the four Tens.

Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and realmagick.com

“Magic is only unexplained science. Science is explained magic. When I study science, I study magic. When I study magic, I study science.” ― C. JoyBell C.
Do not use any ingredient if you are allergic to it. There is always something else that can be used, or substituted.
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