
From the Fifty Names of Marduk in the Necronomicon Spellbook.


The Ninth Name is NAMRU.

Dispenses wisdom and knowledge in all things. Giveth excellent counsel and teaches the science of metals. His Word is BAKAKALAMU.

One reader writes to us and says, “Although I am excellent in most of my subjects at (a college on the East Coast), I am a general failure at science. It was then that I got a copy of your NECRONOMICON and my eyes fell to the seal of NAMRU. I prayed the night before an important Chemistry midterm exam to NAMRU and carried his seal into the classroom. I passed a test I thought I would never get a 35 in with an astonishing 85. Suddenly, it just seemed that I understood the subject for the first time in my life.”

Important note:

“The Signs and Powers may be summoned after the Priest has ascended to that step on the Ladder of Lights and gained entrance to that Sacred City. The Signs should be engraved on parchment or sealed in clay and placed upon the altar at the Calling. And in the perfumes should be of cedar, and strong, sweet-smelling resins. And the Calling be to the North.”

More information:

According to Sumerian mythology, Marduk was the God who defeated the Ancient Ones long before the creation of matter as we know it.

COUVERTURE THE WAR OF GODS AND MEN MARDUK Z SITCHIN BEAR AND COAgainst him in battle were the fierce TIAMAT, KINGU, and AZAG-THOTH. Once he had destroyed these demons, he created the universe from the flesh of TIAMAT, and humanity from the blood of KINGU mixed with his own breath.

You will come across these names in the description of the Fifty Names, which were titles given to Marduk by the Elder Gods after he had helped them to defeat the Ancient Ones.

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