Numerology 101


The Universal Day Number

You must not overlook the vibration of the Universal Day number. This can be determined by adding the numbers of the date together, and then reducing them to a single digit. For example, if today is November 8, 2017, the calculation would be as follows:

  • 11 + 8 + 2017 = 2036
  • 2 + 0 + 3 + 6 = 11 or 2 (1+1=2)

This makes it a 2 Calendar Day.

Here’s a calculator:

The number of the Calendar Day influences everyone, everywhere. For this reason, it is well to consider what your Individual Day is, compared to the Calendar day. If your Individual Day vibration is the same as the Calendar Day vibration, it is favorable for your plans and actions.

Every day is favorable to certain kinds of activity, and not auspicious for others. Your Individual Days have their good and adverse aspects.

Get the most out of each day by applying knowledge and intelligence to universal forces.

  • Compute the number of the Calendar Day.
  • Compute the number of your Individual Day.
  • Look up the significance of your Individual Day.
  • Ask yourself: Is this a favorable cycle?
  • If it really is, your answer will be yes, and the next step will be…
  • Do it!

The activities favored on the Calendar Days are the same as those favored on Individual Days, and apply universally.

To find the favorable activities for the Calendar Days, you can either browse Influential Numbers, Favorable Activities, or use this quick list with links to the interpretations for each birth DAY number:

1  *  2  *  3  *  4  *  5  *  6  *  7  *  8  *  9

From: Modern Numerology

The Daily Cycle Numbers

You respond to the vibrations of numbers at all times. For guidance in the use of the daily numerical influences, you should know the number of your Individual Day. The directions for finding the number of your Individual Day are as follows:

To Find Your Individual Day

To find your Daily Cycle, or more accurately, your Individual Day, you do some simple arithmetic. Find the sum of the numbers of the following dates, and reduce them to a single digit:

  • The number of your month of birth:
    • January – 1
    • February – 2
    • March – 3
    • April – 4
    • May – 5
    • June – 6
    • July – 7
    • August – 8
    • September – 9
    • October – 10
    • November – 11
    • December – 12
  • The number of your day of birth.
  • The present calendar year.
  • The number of the current calendar month
  • The number of the current calendar day

Add each number of this total together and reduce to a single digit.

For example:

If you were born on April 23, and today is November 8, 2017, your calculation would look like this:

  • 4 + 23 + 11 + 8 + 2017 = 2063

The total number is then added together to come up with an individual number like this:

  • 2 + 0 + 6 + 3 = 11 or(1+1=2)

And so, in this example, your Daily Cycle number is the number 2.

Here’s a calculator:

You now have the key to getting the number vibrancy of your Individual Day.

To find the favorable activities for your Individual Day, you can either browse Influential Numbers, Favorable Activities, or use this quick list with links to the interpretations for each birth DAY number:

1  *  2  *  3  *  4  *  5  *  6  *  7  *  8  *  9

From: Modern Numerology

The Hourly Cycle Numbers

The Hourly Cycle takes its vibratory power from the number of the hour approaching. Thus, from 6 to 7 o’clock, the hourly cycle is number 7. From 7 to 8 0’clock, you have an 8 Hourly Cycle. All numbers are reduced to a single digit.

The number of each Hourly Cycle is given in the table below:

  • 12 to 1 o’clock – 1
  • 1 to 2 o’clock – 2
  • 2 to 3 o’clock – 3
  • 3 to 4 o’clock – 4
  • 4 to 5 o’clock – 5
  • 5 to 6 o’clock – 6
  • 6 to 7 o’clock – 7
  • 7 to 8 o’clock – 8
  • 8 to 9 o’clock – 9
  • 9 to 10 o’clock – 10 or 1
  • 10 to 11 o’clock – 11 or 2
  • 11 to 12 o’clock – 12 or 3

Naturally, these influences are universal. Thus, from 8 to 9 o’clock am, a 9 cycle, most people are ending the activities of early morning and preparing for a long day ahead. That is the influence of number 9 – to put an end to one thing and prepare for the next.

From 12 to 1 pm is a 1 Cycle. This is the usual time for lunch. The number 1 is new; it is active. It is starting out the new activities of the afternoon program. Often, at lunch, new plans are discussed and new projects begun.

You can ascertain whether an Hourly Cycle is favorable for specific plans, work, or activity. If the number of your Individual Day is the same as the number of the Hourly Cycle, it is favorable for certain types of activity. The matters favored by the Hourly Cycles are the same as those favored by the Individual Days.

To find the favorable activities for the Hourly, you can either browse Influential Numbers, Favorable Activities, or use this quick list with links to the interpretations for each birth DAY number:

1  *  2  *  3  *  4  *  5  *  6  *  7  *  8  *  9

From: Modern Numerology


What Day Were You Born?

Each day of the month has its individual numerical vibration. If you were born on the first, second, or any other date up to the thirty-first, your character is molded to a certain degree by the influence of the number of that date.

How does the number of the day of your birth differ from that of your Life Cycle, or Destiny number? The Life Cycle number is the essential, indestructible individuality. The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Self-understanding is the key to cosmic power within you. See yourself as others see you, by reading the interpretation of the number of the day of the month you were born.

Remember that the date is for your birth DAY only, the month you were born is not a part of this calculation. Study this portrait of yourself as others see you so that you may develop your greatest possibilities.

To find the meanings of each individual day, you can either browse Influential Numbers, or use this quick list with links to the interpretations for each birth DAY number:

1  *  2  *  3  *  4  *  5  *  6  *  7  *  8  *  9  *  10  *  11  *  12  *  13  *  14  *  15  *  16  *  17  *  18  *  19  *  20  *  21  *  22  *  23  *  24  *  25  *  26  *  27  *  28  *  29  *  30  *  31

Your Life Cycle Number

Added together, the digits in your date of birth comprise your number of destiny. Your birthday is not an accident, but part of the Great Plan of the Creator. Behind the numbers in your date of birth is an occult significance which has a bearing upon your entire life.

This number of destiny is your Life Cycle Number, which you can quickly compute by following the directions given immediately below.

Computing your Life Cycle Number:

To compute your Life Cycle Number, is actually quite simple. All you do is add together the number value of the month, day, and year of your birth, and then reduce the total down to a single digit.

The number value for each month is as follows:

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December

Here’s an example:

For someone born on January 19, 1959, the equation will look like this:

  • January = 1
  • Date = 19
  • Year = 1959

Here is what the calculation would look like:

  • 1 + 19 + 1959 = 1979

Take that total (in this case, it’s 1979), and reduce it to a single digit by by adding each of the individual numbers together. And if the total adds up to more than a single digit, (in this case, it’s 26), reduce it yet again:

  • 1 + 9 + 7 + 9 = 26
  • 2 + 6 = 8

And so the number of this person’s Life Cycle or Number of Destiny, is 8.

Here’s a calculator:

About the Life Cycle Number

Your Life Cycle Number represents the trends and tendencies of your whole existence and the work you are here to do. It denotes the role you are to play in the Cosmic Drama, and gives you the clue to your destiny.

Your moral strength, your innate characteristics, and your predominating states of mind are revealed in the Life Cycle Number. Your true self is comprised of the latent powers of your character and is revealed by the strength of your purpose in life.

From birth to the end of life, you will express the power conferred upon you by this number of destiny. The consciousness of your cosmic heritage is expressed in this number, for no matter how often you change your name and consequently its expression, you can never change your birthday.

Your birth right, as interpreted from the number of your Life Cycle, is given in the numbers below, along with a brief explanation. For a more in depth analysis, see the individual posts:

Life Cycle Numbers:

  1. The Pioneer – You are the pioneer, the leader, the captain, and the planner.
  2. The Helpmate – The keynote of your life is cooperation.
  3. The Artist – You are the pinnacle of self-expression.
  4. The Mason – It could never be said of you that you shirk your duties or avoid your responsibilities.
  5. The Scribe – You are mercurial by nature, full of wit, dash, enthusiasm, and energy.
  6. The Teacher – You have noble ideals and high aspirations for their fulfillment.
  7. The Mystic – You are contemplative and analytical by nature.
  8. The Gleaner – The harvest of study, organizational ability, and the qualities of an executive are yours.
  9. The Metaphysician – The highest aspirations and the noblest ideals are your cosmic heritage.

Source: Modern Numerology

8 by 8 Magic Square
Benjamin Franklin invented this 8x8 magic square in his spare time. It has a magic constant of 260. Please pause for a moment and reflect on the fact that this magic square was constructed over 200 years ago, before computers and calculators.
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