Numerology 101


Born on the Eighteenth

For those born on the eighteenth day of any month:

You can run the gamut of emotions and of intellectual qualities. You can combine the spiritual, creative, and material in your nature, and might be said to be “all things to all men.” Your understanding is inclusive, and no side of life holds either shock or a surprise for you.

In money matters you display a keen analytical ability. As the treasurer of the funds of others you make an ideal trustee. You demonstrate power in the affairs of men and direct the tides of destiny.

Your depth of comprehension may tend to make you lax in the ways of the world. Since your own ideals are so high, you should take steps never to lose sight of them in order to remain your best self.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

8 by 8 Magic Square
Benjamin Franklin invented this 8x8 magic square in his spare time. It has a magic constant of 260. Please pause for a moment and reflect on the fact that this magic square was constructed over 200 years ago, before computers and calculators.
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