Numerology 101


Born on the Sixteenth

For those born on the sixteenth day of any month:

You are clever, alert, and intellectual. Because of the power you have to penetrate the walls of ignorance or abstruse problems, you are inclined to be impatient with dullness.

To dominate the scene is no unique experience for you, but you are modest and do not revel in showing off your strength. The subtler things in life appeal to you. On the light side you choose detective stories; on the heavy side you find an interest in all things mystic.

You have a great magnetism for people, but you are not too quick to part with your affections.

You should learn to relax with the lighter pleasures of the mind and spirit. Too much concentration inclines you to depression which you must avoid.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

What Day Were You Born?

Each day of the month has its individual numerical vibration. If you were born on the first, second, or any other date up to the thirty-first, your character is molded to a certain degree by the influence of the number of that date.

How does the number of the day of your birth differ from that of your Life Cycle, or Destiny number? The Life Cycle number is the essential, indestructible individuality. The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Self-understanding is the key to cosmic power within you. See yourself as others see you, by reading the interpretation of the number of the day of the month you were born.

Remember that the date is for your birth DAY only, the month you were born is not a part of this calculation. Study this portrait of yourself as others see you so that you may develop your greatest possibilities.

To find the meanings of each individual day, you can either browse Influential Numbers, or use this quick list with links to the interpretations for each birth DAY number:

1  *  2  *  3  *  4  *  5  *  6  *  7  *  8  *  9  *  10  *  11  *  12  *  13  *  14  *  15  *  16  *  17  *  18  *  19  *  20  *  21  *  22  *  23  *  24  *  25  *  26  *  27  *  28  *  29  *  30  *  31

8 by 8 Magic Square
Benjamin Franklin invented this 8x8 magic square in his spare time. It has a magic constant of 260. Please pause for a moment and reflect on the fact that this magic square was constructed over 200 years ago, before computers and calculators.
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