
  • Basic Powers: To bring happiness and spiritual transformation.
  • Pronunciation: “woon-yo”

Gaining the favor or untapped power of superiors, whether mortal or immortal; obtaining promotion or passing tests. It is also useful for gaining wisdom, and is very useful for timing spell results. If you want a spell to work at a particular time, Wunjo can be used to control the release of spell energy. So a talisman might use Wunjo (or wynn) to be made to work for nine days, in nine days, or some similar feature. Our method of measuring time (e.g;., four o’clock on Thursday) is not suitable, and the rune works at its best in a multiple of nine.

Wunjo is the rune of “happily ever after”. It is generally used in the final position as a significator of success and happiness. Fulfillment in any area, especially love or career. Success in travel.

Strengthens links and bonds. Invocation of fellowship and harmony. Banishes alienation. Happiness and well-being. Realization of the links and multiplicity of relationships of all things. Binding runes toward specific purposes.

The Chant

wunjo wunjo wunjo
wu wa wi we wo
wun wan win wen won
wo we wi wa wu
w w w u u u n n n

It can be used in conjunction with the symbol, or chanted while visualizing the symbol. The symbol can be etched into a candle while intoning the chant, and then, as the candle burns, the spell is released and sent.

The Statement of Intent:

It is bliss to reach the state of happiness:
no suffering, no sorrows, great joy.
To have the necessities of life
and to be able to help others.
Even in a reversal of fortune
one who is truly free
can still find joy
in this world and in other realms.

This is a modern version of the “Rune Poem” that defines this particular rune. It can be used in combination with the chant, and while creating a talisman or spell that uses the power of this rune.

Runic Posture

Rune Yoga, or Runic postures are used to anchor the energy of the Rune in your physical body. More about them can be found here: Runic Postures.

Assume the recommended runic posture and sing the name of the rune in a non-exhaustive way that you can feel your body vibrating – in magic literature it is called vibrating. It could be that you can hear overtones clearer as usual during vibrating. Take this as a good sign. You are visualizing the rune with your inner eye, as its form is being represented by your body and the energies are flowing through your body.

Stand up with your left arm down at your side. Your right arm is brought up above the shoulder, fingers straight and touching your head. Bend the elbow as shown in the image above. Hold the palm of the hand flat and level with the ground.

Before practicing a rune it is recommended to know everything on the powers of the rune you want to practice. The flow of energy is different for each rune, a field of research for your sensitivity.

The hand positions, or mudras are effective only after you have anchored the runes in your own aura and body. They can be made silent and unobtrusive.


A ghost apple is a very rare phenomenon that happens when freezing rain coats old and rotting apples and creates a solid icy shell around them. Because apples have a lower freezing point than water, the apples that are inside the thick icy shell melt before their icy shell. When gently shaken, these mushy apples slip out of their icy shell and leave the “ghost.”

For this to happen, it requires extreme changes in temperature, freezing rain, an abrupt warm up. All of which have to happen in just the right amounts and for the optimum amounts of time.

Because they are so rare, and so interesting, it follows that a Ghost Apple would make for a very effective magickal ingredient. If you happen to be lucky enough to find a ghost apple, or if you are able to figure out how to make one, here are some ideas for ways to use them in magick.

  • Because apples are representative of love, a rotten apple represents a toxic relationship, or individual.
  • The icy shell around the apple speaks of the walls you build to protect yourself.

Sometimes, that icy shell might represent an attempt to protect and shield a relationship that is unhealthy and unhappy. The icy shell might also represent walls that you have created around inner hurts and trauma. Walls that keep the world out, and may indicate a feeling of being frozen.

  • The empty shell of ice shows that the relationship is ended, the toxic person is gone, but the trauma remains.

Often when a difficult or toxic relationship is ended, it leaves you with an inability to open up, or allow yourself to feel vulnerable again.

A spell for using a Ghost Apple to open your heart to love again can be found in the Book of Shadows. If you would like to try your hand at making your own Ghost Apples, I would suggest the following method:

You will need the following:

  • An apple
  • A plastic container that is larger than your apple
  • Water

To speed up the process, bake the apple until it is soft. Allow the apple to cool to room temperature. Fill the container about halfway with water, and then place the cooled apple into the container upside down. The bottom of the apple should be just slightly above the level of the water.

Now, freeze your container.

When the water is frozen solid, remove it from the container and suspend it, upside down until the apple is thawed enough to slip out of the icy casing. You now have a home made version of a Ghost Apple.

For best results, put the power of intention into the process. Visualize the apple as the person or relationship slowly going bad while it is baking. The water in the container represents what it is that feels frozen. As the apple slips out of the ice, see it as the toxic person or situation slipping away.

You are now ready to do some magick to release yourself from the icy residue, which can be as simple as allowing it to melt away.

zinc-3Planet: Uranus
Sign: Aquarius

Zinc is the metal of magical revelation. It appears innocent and ordinary in its physical state, but on the other levels zinc is an extraordinary event with powerful transformational properties. One of the most fascinating metals to work with in energy magic.

The metal zinc is associated with the planet Uranus. According to medical astrology Uranus rules the potential of the nervous system, the rhythmic processes of the nervous system and the lower extremities. If these processes don’t work properly they can cause agitation, nervous excitement, restlessness, panic and irritation, a great mobility, spasms and cramps, stammering, rhythmic disorders in for instance the heart or nervous asthma.

The renowned Dutch naturopath Mellie Uyldert states “all restlessness body and soul, which is caused by an electric charge that is too high, can be calmed down by zinc.” And the homoeopath E.B. Nash teaches: “What iron is for the blood is zinc for the nerves.

Uranus is the only planet with a divergent rotation axis; in astrology Uranus is connected with renewal, moderation, revolution, originality, progressivity. The god of heaven and cosmos Uranus granted man the divine flame (electricity, intuition, sudden insights) and the feeling for cosmic rhythms. In fact Uranus gave man cosmic consciousness, and in the realization of each and everyone having a divine core …freedom, equality and brotherhood were born.

Aquarian people connect with like-minded people no matter their background or differences, and they are led by their intuition instead of outward authority. Aquarians are quick-witted with a lot of (electric) brain activity, like inventors, advanced technicians.

Medical astrology places the potential and the rhythmical processes of the nervous system under Uranus. Zinc as metal was discovered in the same timeframe Uranus was discovered. Everyone (equality!) could buy objects of this material because of its low price.

Magickal uses of zinc:

Use zinc in rituals, spells and amulets promoting originality, relying on flashes of insight, renewal, inventions, advanced technics (computer, space-ships), cooperation within a like-minded group, humanism, freedom, moving out of stress.

A zinc pendant or little zinc plate on a necklace – or a zinc supplement – can calm down a surplus of electricity. Possible symptoms are: nervous stress, restless legs, nervous asthma, hyperventilation, stammering, nervous heart complaints, epilepsy, cramps, agitation.

For the same reason eat food with a lot of zinc, like whole grains, fish, meat, eggs, nuts and beans. Or drink water in which a piece of zinc has been laid for 6 to 24 hours.

Sources: Spheres of Light, Real Magick and Magic Spells and Potions

“Magic is only unexplained science. Science is explained magic. When I study science, I study magic. When I study magic, I study science.” ― C. JoyBell C.
Do not use any ingredient if you are allergic to it. There is always something else that can be used, or substituted.
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