
Releasing Emotional Turbulence

It’s not easy to deal with painful emotions head-on. But it’s a key to good health and well-being physically, mentally, and spiritually. If we don’t deal with pain when it occurs, it will resurface as compounded emotional toxicity later on — showing up as insomnia, hostility and anger, or fear and anxiety.

As a further complication, if you don’t know how to deal with feelings of anger and fear, you’re likely to turn them inward at yourself, believing, “It’s all my fault.” That guilt depletes our physical, emotional, and spiritual energy until any initiative or movement feels impossible. We feel exhausted and paralyzed, leading to depression.

You can learn how to recognize painful emotions right away and how to effectively “metabolize” and eliminate pain.

Overcoming difficult emotions such as fear, anger, guilt, and anxiety can bring the same disguised benefits that dealing with a physical illness can bring. Patients suffering from life-threatening illness often report that their diseases have taught them to love and value the other people in their lives more deeply than before they became ill. During recovery they learn to appreciate and understand areas of life that they took for granted before. While anger, fear, and worry are not diseases, we can grow from them even as we process them to become the person we want to be.

By turning to our inherent intelligence, harmony, and creativity, we can create a positive outcome; but if we are emotionally turbulent, we are too agitated to access that possibility.

Why meditation is part of this exercise:

Through meditation we can experience our silent self beyond our thoughts and emotions. This is our internal reference point for equilibrium. From here we can create a desired outcome. To restore balance in our life, meditation must be an essential ingredient.

It is also important to support this with balanced activity in the basic areas of diet, exercise, and sleep. While some of these meditation exercises do not require any, we recommend our simple and effective meditation accessories for beginners.

Assuming these fundamental balancing components are in place, I would offer an additional exercise to specifically address what to do in the face of intense anxiety and fear.

Metabolize pain with this seven-step exercise:

Toxic, turbulent emotions have one cause — not knowing how to deal with pain. Pain is normal in life, but suffering isn’t. When we do not know how to deal with pain, we suffer.

  • 1. Identify and locate the emotion physically

Set aside a few minutes when you won’t be disturbed. Pick any quiet place where you feel calm. It is recommended to take a seat that is sturdy, yet comfortable. The best practice is sitting up straight. The floor is not a bad idea, but this can become uncomfortable very quickly. Sit in a relaxed position and close your eyes. For a few minutes, just meditate in silence. Focus on your breathing — or if you prefer, you may use a mantra.

Now with eyes still closed, recall some circumstance in the recent past that was upsetting to you. It may be a time when you felt you were mistreated, an argument with your partner, or perhaps a past injustice at work. Identify some instance where you felt emotionally upset.

For the next 30 seconds, think in detail about that incident. Try to picture what actually happened as vividly as you can, as if you were reporting it for a newspaper. Here, you are the observer watching this event. You are not the event, argument, or emotional upset; you are merely witnessing what is happening from the perspective of your silent self. You are carrying the effect of the meditation you just did, allowing you to maintain a vantage point that is not overshadowed by the intensity of the emotions.

Now identify exactly what you are feeling. Put some word on the incident that describes what you are experiencing. Be as precise as you can. Do you feel unappreciated? Insulted? Treated unfairly? Give the feeling a name. Come up with a word that epitomizes the painful experience. Focus your attention on that word.

  • 2. Witness the experience

Gradually allow your attention to move away from the word. Let your attention wander into your body. Become aware of the physical sensations that arise in your body as a result of the emotion you’ve identified.

These two elements — an idea in the mind and a physical sensation in the body — are what an emotion truly is, and they can’t really be separated. This is why we call it a feeling — because we feel emotions in our bodies.

Let your attention pass through your body as you’re recalling this experience. Locate the sensations the memory brings up. For many it’s a pressure in the chest or a sensation of tightness in the gut. Some feel it as pressure in their throat. Find where it is in your body that you’re feeling and holding the emotional experience.

  • 3. Express the emotion

Now express that feeling. Place your hand on the part of your body where you sense that the feeling is located. Say it out loud: “It hurts here.” If you’re aware of more than one location for the pain, move your hand from place to place. At every location, pause for a moment and express what you’re feeling. Say, “It hurts here.”

When you experience physical discomfort, it means that something is unbalanced in your experience — physically, mentally, or spiritually. Your body knows it — every cell in your body knows it. Befriend these sensations and their wisdom, because the pain is actually leading you to wholeness.

Writing your feelings out on paper is also a valuable way to express the emotion. This is especially effective when you can write out your painful experience in the first person, in the second person, and finally from the perspective of a third-person account.

  • 4. Take responsibility

Be aware that any painful feelings you experience are your feelings. These feelings are happening inside your body now as you remember the pain, even though nothing is actually taking place in the material world. You’re only remembering what happened, yet your body is reacting with muscle contractions, hormonal secretions, and other responses within you. Even when the painful incident was occurring in the material world, the effect was entirely within you. You have a choice in how you interpret and respond to emotional turbulence. Recognizing this is taking responsibility for your feelings.

This doesn’t mean you feel guilty. Instead, it means you recognize your ability to respond to painful situations in new and creative ways. By taking responsibility for your feelings, you can also gain the power to make the pain melt away. You’re no longer blaming anyone else for having caused the pain, so you no longer have to depend on anyone else to make it go away. Hold that understanding in your consciousness for the next few moments.

  • 5. Release the emotion

Place your attention on the part of your body where you’re holding the pain, and with every exhalation of your breath, have an intention of releasing that tension. For the next 30 seconds, just feel the painful sensation leaving your body with every breath. Some people find that making an audible tone that resonates in that part of your body where the pain is localized helps to loosen and lift the contraction away.

You can also experiment to discover what works best for you. For some people, singing or dancing does the trick. You may try deep breathing, using essential oils, or taking a long warm bath. Finally, if you have written out your emotions on paper, it can be helpful to ritually burn the paper and offer the ashes to the winds.

  • 6. Share the outcome

Sharing the outcome of releasing your pain is important because it activates the new pattern of behavior after the old painful pattern is released. Imagine that you could speak to the person who was involved in that original painful incident. What would you say to that person now?

Bear in mind that he/she was not the real cause of your pain. The real cause was your response. In your transformed state, you are now free. So you can share what happened without blame, manipulation, or seeking approval. Perhaps they intended to cause you pain, and you may have unwittingly collaborated in that intention. Maybe you would like to say you no longer intend to fall into such traps.

Whatever you say is totally up to you. As long as you have an awareness of the steps we’ve taken so far in this exercise, whatever you say will be right for you.

  • 7. Celebrate the process

Now you can celebrate the painful experience that had taken place as the valuable material that helped you move to a higher level of consciousness. What was previously a disconnected, destructive, and disabled part of your psyche is now integrated and contributing its power toward your greater spiritual goal. Instead of responding to the situation with a pain reflex, perpetuating the problem, you’ve turned it into an opportunity for spiritual transformation. That is something to celebrate! Go out for a nice dinner or buy yourself some flowers or a present to honor the new you.

Use this exercise whenever you feel upset, to free yourself from emotional turbulence and the underlying pain. When you do that, you’ll find that opportunities will arise more often in every area of your life.

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For Health, Beauty, and a Peaceful Mind

The Path of Health, Beauty, and a Peaceful Mind is not difficult to follow and only requires five simple steps.

Good Nutrition and Clean Water and Fresh Air
For Your Cellular Structure, the Inner Self.

For the Muscular Self and to Improve Circulation

Hydrotherapy with Herbs
Lots of Healing Baths for the Physical Self

Massage / Acupuncture / Hugs
For the Circulation and to Balance the Electrical Forces in the Body

Inhalations for the Mind
Externally for the Entire Body and the Subconscious Self

So keep smiling, work hard, and take care of yourself.

~Jeanne Rose

About Psychic Healing

Psychic or spiritual healing is a human potential we all possess. Some people are especially good at this. It is probably easier to heal someone else by occult means than yourself. In addition to healing in the presence of the person, there is ‘absent healing’ in which the healing occurs at a distance.

Note that there are some who maintain that influence on another person without his specific knowledge and permission (yes, even in healing and helping) is black magick. (After all, everybody is living according to his own true will, so that healing or helping someone without permission is affecting his will). This means it is important to tell the person what you are planning to do and to ask his permission.

The theory of psychic healing is that sickness is characterized (although not necessarily caused) by a deficiency and imbalance of vital energy. Psychic healing transfers energy from the healer to the sick to repair and rebalance his energies.

If an inept healer overdoes the process, or if he doesn’t take the precaution to ‘disconnect’ himself afterwards, he may find himself becoming sick due to energy drain and a linkage to his subject. Similarly, the healer should always be in a good state of health or he could unintentionally transfer his illness to the subject.

Psychic healing should always be combined with medical care and treatment. It does not replace doctors, medicine, or hospitals, since different levels (worlds) are involved.

The basic methods of psychic healing are:

  • Visualization
  • Prayer
  • Ritual

Creative visualization is one of the easiest techniques. Mild illness may yield to only one or two treatments; serious ills will require many treatments over time. In creative visualization, we visualize the person being well. It may be helpful to utilize the appropriate color from the aura chart (such as bright apple-green, rose pink, or white) sent as a beam to the person or as a cloud surrounding him. This technique can be extended to include a simple kind of yoga in which we feel energy sent as we exhale explosively; the energy sent either via the breath or from one of the chakras such as the solar plexus.

Prayer is also a simple technique. This can range from invocations to a specific deity complete with offerings and candles to a recitation of the ‘Lord’s Prayer’, the 23rd, and/or the 91st Psalms.

Channeled healing energy – such as Reiki, and other systems – are essentially a combination of visualization and prayer, and can be learned. Reiki is one of the simplest methods to practice, and is worth exploring.

A banishing ritual is helpful in psychic protection and healing since it forms a protective barrier against malevolent forces. The psychic barrier it creates can be made to permit entry of desired (constructive) forces and the exclusion of negative ones. Thus, the banishing ritual is an essential first step in almost any formal full magick ceremony. Here’s a link to a Simple Banishing Ritual.

Note: Sometimes in absent healing it is helpful to arrange a time for treatment in advance, asking your subject to be in a receptive state of mind and to sit back and close his eyes.

Author: Phil Hansford

Turn Back Your Biological Clock

Rejuvenation is the deliberate restoration of youth and vigor through self-intervention in the aging process. Negative mental states such as anxiety, depression, hostility, and insecurity tend to be debilitating, hastening the aging process.

Positive mental states such as self-confidence, self-esteem, self-acceptance, and a sense of personal adequacy are empowering and inject rejuvenating energies into the body, eradicating those disempowering states which contribute to aging.

Love, for example, is one of the most empowering rejuvenation elements know. When present in the psyche, it neutralizes hate, its negative counterpart that is destructive. Dormant rejuvenating forces already exist within each of us and can be activated to intervene in the physical aging process.

Psychic Rejuvenation

  • Step 1:

Relaxation. Physical relaxation sets the stage for using your psychic faculties to intervene in the body’s many functions. Close your eyes, slow down your breathing and allow your muscles to relax from the forehead down followed by the affirmation:

“I am now in full charge of my body. I am capable of influencing every function, mental and physical. All rejuvenating energies of my being are now at my command.”

  • Step 2:

Stress Expiation. Even when stress is reduced through relaxation, certain residual effects tend to linger. By visualizing the major systems and organs of the body and mentally infusing them with rejuvenating energy you can extinguish the residual effects of stress on the body. Energizing the body’s systems and organs is accomplished by centering full awareness on various body regions and mentally bathing them with glowing energy while using the following affirmation:

“Youthful, invigorating energy is now flowing throughout my body. All organs systems and functions are now revitalized. The wear-and-tear of stress is now replaced by the flow of youth and vigor.”

  • Step 3

Balance. With the body physically relaxed and the residual effects of stress relieved, an empowering state of full balance is possible through a technique called the Fingerpad Engagement Procedure. Designed to balance left- and right-brain functions, this procedure attunes the mind and body-a condition essential to rejuvenation.

Bring the tips of your fingers together; then with the fingerpads in a comfortable position, with your eyes closed, imagine your hands as antennae for your brain. Imagine your left brain actively generating positive energy, which flows into your right hand as an extension of that hemisphere.

Next, imagine your right brain producing positive energy which flows into your left hand as an extension of that hemisphere, Allow the energies flowing into your hands to mingle and create a powerful exchange that balances your mental and physical systems. After a few moments, disengage your fingerpads and allow your hands to relax, palms side up. Conclude with the following affirmation:

“My total being is balanced and infused with rejuvenating energy. The energies of youth are now unleashed to flow throughout my being. I am completely attuned within myself and with the world.”

  • Step 4:

PK Illumination. This is the final and most critical step in the rejuvenation process. Visualize or look at a photograph of yourself in your youthful prime. Study this image, carefully noting the youthfulness in your eyes. Now close your eyes and visualize yourself at the peak of youth standing before a full-length mirror. Study your eyes in the mirror and observe a youthful gleam. Next, surround yourself with a glow of energy, then think of your favorite color. Finally, while breathing slowly and rhythmically, soak in the rejuvenating glow enveloping your body. Conclude with this affirmation:

“My powers of rejuvenation are now being unleashed to permeate my total being with the glow of youth and vigor. Every system within is now being revitalized with the infusion of rejuvenating power. Tired, worn tissue is being fortified with the energies of youth. Every function of my body is now fully infused as sparkling youthful energy is absorbed into every cell and fiber.

Surrounded by a colorful aura of rejuvenating energy, I am now secure in the present, bathed in vitality and the glow of youth. My inner rejuvenating powers are fully and completely unleashed to flow freely throughout my total being. Each day, my mind and body absorb the abundance of youthful energy that is constantly being unleashed within my being. Whenever I envision myself enveloped with the colorful glow of radiant energy, I will immediately become invigorated and fully empowered.”

  • A Final Note:

This rejuvenation procedure can be repeated daily, or as often as you wish. You may want to place a small, self-adhesive star or other reminder on your mirror, computer, or TV as a cue to periodically re-activate the inner flow of rejuvenating energy. With practice, the process of combining visualization with affirmations and tapping into the dormant powers of rejuvenation within you will become a natural, spontaneous and continuous function.

© 1995 by Joe Slate Ph.D.

What is the Medical Assistance Program?

In my studies of things “spiritual”, I came across an interesting healing modality that involves working directly with Pan, the Devic Kingdom, and the Brotherhood of Light. This process works with these groups for healing of the self, or our Earth Mother. This technique is highly effective, fun to work with, and very rewarding!

The Medical Assistance Program (MAP) Coning is a “wild and wooey” technique you can do at home that integrates involutionary input of nature with man’s evolutionary development. The healthy being is a balanced combination of these two dynamics. Intent, sincerity, and commitment to a balanced body during the process is essential for an effective coning. It is for those who feel their present medical support–whether traditional or alternative– is not enough.

Conings are for general health balance, regular health issues, extra ordinary health issues, and assistance during expansion experiences. A coning is a vortex of energy that includes nature intelligence’s, the medical team and yourself. Within the coning, nature is able to stabilize on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) with the White Brotherhood.

The first coning is a scanning session only. Anyone who should be part of your Medical Team for positive purposes will automatically be included when the team is forming. Subsequent sessions are for the purpose of healing.

The head “CEO” of the Medical Assistance Program is a spirit called Lorpuris. Both Pan and Lorpuris are discussed in one of my favorite metaphysical gardening books, The Findhorn Garden by the Findhorn Community.

The MAP technique is found in the book MAP: The Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program 2nd Ed. (c) 1994 by Machaelle Small Wright. For more information on this process you may order Machaelle’s book. Call 1 (800)960-8806 or contact her web site at: Cost of the book last time I checked was $14.95 plus shipping and handling.

A basic how-to, and a personal experience can be found here: A Co-Creative Healing Session

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well being. Many have reported miraculous results.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

More Reiki information can be found here: Twofeathers Reiki

Clearing Out The Crap – Literally!

Years ago, in my ongoing internet search for ways to feel better in my body I found this:

The Salt Water Flush

Drink an oral salt water enema upon arising. To do this, add 2 level teaspoons of uniodized sea salt to a quart of lukewarm water (the one-quart juice bottles in which most organic juices come work very well). Shake well, then drink the entire quart. It’s also good to massage the colon as well. Make sure you use uniodized sea salt; regular or iodized salt will not have the same beneficial effect.

This oral enema will flush out your entire digestive tract and colon from top to bottom, usually within an hour, prompting you to eliminate several times, clearing out the plaque and debris from the walls, and the parasites that have been living there.

This looks like a fairly easy way to clear out my colon. Not only that, it does not require that I, have a colonic or give up caffeine or sugar!! And it’s not even expensive or time consuming! How cool is that?

Here’s a quote from the website:

Many diseases start in the intestines, so it is a good idea to do a cleansing. We should be aware that one’s healing process must go much further including all levels of one’s existence – not only the physical… It is no coincidence that you arrived at this Web site. Here you will find a lot more in your search for health. Take your time… you might also enjoy it. ~BeiYin

And then because I was looking for images to illustrate the post, I did a new search and found this article at The Awareness Revolution:

3 Variations of Saltwater Flush

As much as we’ve been told that salt is bad for us it may come as a surprise to hear that salt is actually good for us. The problem is what most of us think of when we think of salt isn’t salt. It’s processed salt. Processed salt (table salt) has had its minerals stripped from it during the processing. Throw it away! Only use sea salt or Himalayan salt.

The truth is we need salt but we’ve been getting the wrong kind of it. And we each need to find the right amount of salt intake for us. You’d be surprised to find out how much salt we actually consume. Like sugar, salt is loaded in processed foods, giving it the good taste we enjoy. When you make your own meals at home and have to add the salt to it you’ll see how much has been in the food we’ve been eating this whole time. At least this way you’ll know you’re getting the right kind of salt. The more that you eat whole foods from nature, the more you’ll notice you have to add salt to your other foods to keep in balance.

One of the best ways to get salt into your diet is to start your day with one of these 3 variations of the saltwater flush:

  • A little salt in your morning water

This is one small tip that may have a huge impact on your life. I first heard this from David Wolfe when I asked why I felt so thirsty even though I was drinking lots of water. He told me to add a pinch of salt to my water. It worked! He also says that he notices immediate relief from his allergies by drinking a glass of water with a lot of salt in it.

By reading The Bulletproof Diet, I learned that the human body makes its best use of salt in the morning. Author of The Bulletproof Diet, Dave Asprey, also recommends drinking salty water in the morning. He fixed his adrenal fatigue by drinking saltwater in the morning. In fact, David Wolfe also said saltwater is a great remedy for adrenal fatigue!

With this variation the dosage is up to you. You can add a pinch of salt or a teaspoon to your glass of water. Some people prepare it by creating what is known as sole. What is important is that you consistently do it. Monitor how you feel and increase or decrease the salt accordingly. This variation is more of a regular routine, as oppose to something you do every now and then.

  • Saltwater Flush

The saltwater flush is gaining popularity on the internet. A quick google search will give you lots of sites telling you how to do it but you basically just mix about 2 teaspoons of salt in a liter of water. Then chug! The water is pretty salty, but you can get it down with some determination. This method isn’t done every day like the first variation. You can do it as little or as often as you’d like, but once a week would be a nice middle-ground.

Doing a saltwater flush regularly is great for hydration, detoxification, and re-mineralization. Unlike colonics that only cleanse the colon, saltwater flushes are great because they clean the entire GI tract.

It may help to lay down on your side and gently massage your intestines after drinking the salt water. This will help it move throughout your system. If you experience some discomfort in your stomach during your flush, this should help.

Super Saltwater Flush

OK so I made up the phrase “Super Saltwater Flush” but it seems appropriate. It’s just like the saltwater flush, but much more extreme. Instead of taking two teaspoons in a liter of water, you’re taking 2-3 tablespoons in a gallon of water. That’s a lot of saltwater! It really is a super saltwater flush. I heard about this from David Wolfe when he was giving one of his lectures at his Longevity Now Conference. The lecture is still available on David Wolfe’s paid-membership site

David Wolfe became friends with someone named Genesis Sunfire, who did the super saltwater flush one week per month, for 10 years, leading him to become a breatharian. Breatharians claim to gain all their energy from the sun and air. They don’t drink water or eat food. David Wolfe admits a lot of the breatharians are fake so he was skeptical of Genesis Sunfire. But after living with him for a period of time he’s convinced Genesis is the real thing. Genesis says the super saltwater flush nourished him enough over time he was able to eventually stop eating. Then, after more time, he lost the need to drink liquids.

Whether you believe this story or not, it’s certainly thought-provoking astonishing. Here more about Genesis’ story here.

About Reflexology

Reflexology involves the use of different massage and pressure techniques to relax and loosen muscles in the feet and hands. Reflexology is based on the concept that energy zones connect certain areas of the body to the feet and hands. In this way the feet and hands are viewed as maps or mirrors of the body. Putting pressure on and massaging specific points on the feet or hands is believed to affect the corresponding area of the body.

Each foot contains more than 7,000 nerve endings. Technically, foot massage with a clear intention to manipulate these nerve endings is a form of reflexology. To an extent, reflexology can be performed on oneself.

Source: Holistic and Complementary Therapies

About Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is the manipulation of muscle and connective tissue to enhance function and promote relaxation and well-being. It is an alternative and complementary healing modality that dates back to prehistoric times.

Massage therapy can be as simple as a back rub performed by a loved one or as complex as sustained light and deep tissue massage performed by a massage therapist.

Different types of massage therapy and techniques exist. Massage therapy can include pressing, rubbing, pulling, staccato touch, light touch, gliding strokes, matching, back walking, kneading, tapping, shaking, and cupping. These various techniques are practiced differently from culture to culture and may be given different names.

Source: Holistic and Complementary Therapy

About Herbal Therapy

Herbal therapy is the use of an herb or any part of a plant for culinary or medicinal purposes. Herbal therapies are also sometimes referred to as “botanicals,” “nutraceuticals,” or “phytomedicines.” Dietary supplements are considered a part of herbal therapy.

Until the 1950’s, the United States federal government regulated herbs as drugs. For example, in 1938, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration passed the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which required all drugs, including herbs, to be proven safe before they could be sold. In 1962, the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act was amended by the Kefauver-Harris Drug Amendments, which required manufacturers to also prove to the FDA the effectiveness of drugs and herbs before they could be marketed.

Parts of herbs used in herbal therapies include flowers, fruits, seeds, stems, wood, bark, roots, and rhizomes. Herbal remedies are dispensed as brews and powders and can be used in cooking or making drinks. Herbalists, in some cultures referred to as shamans, or traditional healers, also make ointments and poultices out of herbs.

Herbal therapy has been the core of most systems of medicine from the beginning of civilization, and herbs are quickly becoming one of the most commonly used alternative therapies. Some commonly used herbs with therapeutic value are:

  • Echinacea – immune stimulant and anti-infection agent
  • Ginger – antinauseant and antispasmodic
  • Ginseng Root – increased stamina and decreased fatigue
  • Kava Kava – calming effect
  • St. John’s Wort – anxiolytic and antidepressant

Much more in depth information on herbs and herbal therapies can be found here:

Source: Holistic and Complementary Therapies

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“When you have come to the edge of all the light you have, and step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of two things will happen. Either you’ll find something solid to stand on, or you’ll be taught how to fly.” ~Richard Bach

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