For Health, Beauty, and a Peaceful Mind

The Path of Health, Beauty, and a Peaceful Mind is not difficult to follow and only requires five simple steps.

Good Nutrition and Clean Water and Fresh Air
For Your Cellular Structure, the Inner Self.

For the Muscular Self and to Improve Circulation

Hydrotherapy with Herbs
Lots of Healing Baths for the Physical Self

Massage / Acupuncture / Hugs
For the Circulation and to Balance the Electrical Forces in the Body

Inhalations for the Mind
Externally for the Entire Body and the Subconscious Self

So keep smiling, work hard, and take care of yourself.

~Jeanne Rose

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“When you have come to the edge of all the light you have, and step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of two things will happen. Either you’ll find something solid to stand on, or you’ll be taught how to fly.” ~Richard Bach

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