

Ruler: Moon, Hathor, Venus, Mercury, Ellegua
Type: Food
Magickal Uses: Prosperity, Nurturing, Protection, Success

Here we have a short list of the magickal uses for various types of milk:

  • Cow’s milk is one of the best magickal ingredients for spells to summon nurturing, prosperity, and protection.
  • Goat’s milk brings power and success.
  • Use soy milk for job success.
  • Coconut milk is great for protection and spiritual cleansing.
  • Black cow’s milk is milk from an all black cow.

Black Cow’s Milk Cures:

  • A person who has been struck by lightning or suffers from smoke inhalation can be revived from near death by drinking a quart of Black Cow’s Milk.
  • Black Cow’s Milk is used as a body wash to cure shingles.

You can bathe in all types of milk for ritual purposes. The best time for milk baths is on Mondays or new or full moons.

Imbolc is the festival of the lactating sheep. It is derived from the Gaelic word “oimelc” which means “ewes milk”. It’s a great time for crafting spells using milk.


  • Ruler: AphroditeVenus / Mars
  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Venus
  • Type: Spice
  • Magickal Form: Ground or whole leaves, Essential Oil
  • Magickal UsesGrieving, Happiness, Love, Money, Protection, Psychic Development, Psychic Protection, Tranquility, Weddings

From the Greek word Eros (mountain) and ganos (joy) it was given the name “joy of the mountain.” The Greeks believed when Marjoram sprung from graves, their loved ones were happy in the after life. In Greek weddings couples wore the herb to symbolize the joyful event.

Perfect as an addition to any herbal love combination, marjoram is sacred to the Goddess Aphrodite. An herb that blends the potent energies of Venus and Mars, marjoram brings strength to the union of marriage. Add marjoram to food to promote love and happiness between family members, and strengthen relationships.

Legend has it that if you anoint yourself with Marjoram before bed, you will dream of your future spouse.

It is a great herb to burn before saying “I love you” to a partner for the first time because it guarantees that these words will be mirrored back.. It is woven into bridal wreaths to bring joy to the marriage. Marjoram should be added to all love charms and sachets.

Burned as an offertory, it promotes spiritual bliss and connection to the Divine. As a symbol of familial love, marjoram sprinkled around the perimeter of the home or grown by the front door protects the inhabitants. Grown in the garden, placed around the house or carried, it shields from evil energies.

When placed inside a coffin with the deceased or grown on top of a grave, this herb is said to deliver the soul safely to the next world. Marjoram brings happiness. When carried by living persons, it cures depression. In case you’re confused about the use for both grieving and happiness, it is meant to restore happiness to the grief-stricken.

Put Marjoram around every room of your house for protection from negativity and evil intent. A bit in each room will aid in protection of the home. Mix it with violets when doing this to protect the family from colds and flu. During the winter make an amulet of marjoram and violets to guard against colds.

More Magickal uses for Marjoram:

  • Use it in a bath by placing a mesh bag under the tap water for love and peace.
  • Add to money sachets and mixtures.
  • Burn it over a burner for help in accepting life changes and for anti-sorcery spells.
  • When combined with thyme becomes a powerful spring cleanser.
  • Given to a depressed person, marjoram brings happiness.
  • Carry it in a sachet to protect against evil.
  • Grown in the garden it offers shielding powers against evil.


Information gathered from a variety of sources.


  • Ruler: Jupiter, Hecate
  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Sun
  • Type: Herb
  • Parts Used: Fresh sprigs, Dried power, Leaf, Essential Oil

A favorite herb of witches, rosemary also has a long history of being used to counteract bad spells and block their powers. Hang fresh or dried sprigs of rosemary in your home to dispel witchcraft and evil plots. Carry the leaves in a red cloth bag for protection.

The reviving scent of rosemary stimulates the memory and thought processes. Rub the oil into yellow candles and light on a Thursday to improve your study habits and grades.  Season food with dried ground rosemary to improve your memory and increase your clarity.

Its scent when burned or added to any herbal preparation adds an energy of protection and purification to a space. The oil applied directly to rashes and skin blemishes clears the area, and when inhaled, its aroma aids the memory and brain functions.

Sprinkling rosemary leaves over a grave brings comfort to the dead and memories for the ones left behind. Rosemary placed in a bath before bedtime wards away nightmares, and when carried in an Herbal Amulet, it gives confidence and courage.


As for Rosmarine, I lett it runne all over my garden walls, not onlie because my bees love it, but because it is the herb sacred to remembrance, and therefore, to friendship…

~Sir Thomas More


  • Ruler: Moon
  • Element: Water
  • Type: Fruit
  • Magickal Form: Fresh fruit, Dried peel, Pulp, Juice, Essential Oil

Very useful in cleansing and dispelling poltergeist phenomena, lemon helps to break up and absorb etheric energy. For protection during sleep, place a few lemon slices and sea salt in a bowl and keep by the bed. If a room in a house seems “unhealthy,” a bowl of sea salt and lemon slices will absorb any negative energy. After three days, dispose of the salt and lemon by either burying it away from the house or tossing them in a running stream.

Use lemon, which is sacred to the moon, for purification and love. To purify, mix lemon with salt and scrub the skin or add to bathwater and soak. The walls and floors of a home or office can be washed down with a solution of lemon juice and water to rinse away draining vibrations, and lemon juice can be added to a Purification Bath to cleanse the aura.

For love spells, add sugar to lemon juice and drink it, giving some as well to the one you desire. To solve love problems, burn white figure candles rubbed with lemon oil or extract.

Cleopatra used lemon wedges to prevent wrinkles. It can also be added to anti-aging and beauty spells.

Collected from various sources

garlic ok

  • Ruler: Hecate, Mars
  • Element: Earth
  • Type: Plant
  • Magickal Form: Root, Essential Oil, Garlands, Whole bulbs raw and roasted

Used in every culture for protection and exorcism, garlic is a powerful tool in dispelling negative entities and can be burned in an Incense, hung from the doorway, and strewn throughout a room.

Garlic can also be employed in an oil blend for drawing protective symbols on doors and windows to keep illness and spirits out. The essential oil’s scent is incredibly strong; a little goes a long way.

This plant is highly valued for its medicinal properties and ability to drive away evil. Hang a braid of twelve garlic heads over the door to banish jealous people, expel illness and demons, and, by extension, the Evil Eye. Hang in the kitchen to prevent accidents.

Roman soldiers ate garlic cloves to protect themselves in battle.

According to ancient Jewish and Arabic sources, eating garlic increases the sperm count.


  • Ruler: Hermes, Aemgus, Artemis, Diana
  • Type: Tree
  • Magickal form: Branch, Nut, Catkins

The Hazel is a holy tree, associated with poetry and knowledge, fire and fertility. Hazel is one of the nine sacred woods used to kindle Need-fire at Beltane and other great festivals. It’s nuts are associated with love and child-birth, and are used in divination.

Hazel wood is excellent for making all purpose magickal wands, it is one of the most powerful wands for divination. Wands made of this wood symbolize white magick and healing. Dowsing sticks (forked sticks) are used to find water, buried treasure, and locate lost objects.

If you are outside and in need of magickal protection quickly draw a circle around yourself with a hazel branch. For protection while walking, wrap hazel twigs or branches around your walking stick or cane.

Eat the nuts to draw love and wisdom into your life. Eat together with a lover to increase the length of the relationship. To clear a stubborn cough, finely powder the nuts and mix with water and honey.

To enlist the aid of plant fairies, string hazelnuts on a cord and hang up in your house or ritual room. Magically, hazel wood is used to gain knowledge, wisdom and poetic inspiration. Weave hazel twigs into a crown. Put this on your head and wish very hard. Your wish may come true!

Twigs of Hazel are placed in window frames to protect the house against lightning, and three pins of hazel wood driven into your house will protect it from fire.

In England, branches of Hazel leaves gathered on Palm Sunday and kept alive indoors in water were said to protect the house from thunder and lightning. In Wales, fresh hazel leaves worn as a chaplet for the head brought general good luck and ensured the granting of wishes, as well as protection for those at sea from shipwreck.

At lambing time, if the catkins are brought indoors and set about the rooms, it is helpful to the sheep.

Scottish children born in autumn were sometimes given the ‘milk’ of the hazelnut as their first food, for that brought good luck and health. If, later on, they did not thrive as they should, they were strengthened with doses of the ‘milk’ mixed with honey.

The air surrounding hazel trees is said to be magically charged with the quicksilver energy of exhilaration and inspiration. In 19th century Germany, it was thought that there were witches beneath the bark of hazel trees – hence only peeled branches were allowed in churches.

The Hazelnut is a magical tree for relaying messages, which is why a Y-shaped Hazel branch is used for divination. To dream of, or to have a hazelnut tree show up in an unusual way may mean the answer to a dilemma is imminent. To dream of a Hazelnut tree also predicts wealth as well as unexpected good fortune.

Because the Hazelnut tree bestows powers of wisdom, symbolized by the cracking of the nutshell to get to the nourishment inside, a hazelnut or hazelnut tree may also mean that you will crack a situation.

The nut and shell also represent the heart within the body and female fertility, because the nut is like a baby inside a mother’s womb. With such life-giving qualities, this tree is an auspicious sign that love and new projects have the magical ingredients for success.

Male and female flowers, being borne on separate trees, forecast a lover’s meeting.

Collected from various sources

  • Magickal Purpose: Purity, protection, the moon
  • Magickal Uses: Moon magick, divination, spirituality, protection, psychic powers, healing, truth, peace

White is the color for cleansing, purification, spiritual enlightenment, consecration, healing, truth  seeking, protection, and uncrossing rituals. White represents purity and holiness. It is a balance of all colors. Used in Rituals involving lunar energy, white represents the Maiden. May be substituted for any color candle. It is best to wrap in a white robe or towel after a bath to clear away any negative energy.

What follows are the magickal correspondences for the color white:

  • Element: Air
  • Direction: East
  • Ruler: Moon, Obatala
  • Planet: Moon
  • Day: Monday
  • Number: 0
  • Magickal Tool: Crystal ball,wand,cauldron,mirror,glass(scrying), cloth
  • Scent/ Essential Oil: Sandalwood, Wormwood, Myrrh, Lemon Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Anise, Cedar Heliotrope, Betony, Lavender, Parsley, Thyme.
  • Plant/Herb: Rosemary, Woodruff, Mugwort, Marigold, Moonflower, Mustard, Rue, Sage, Tansy, St. Johns, Betony, Burdock, Mint, Fern, Elder Flower, Heather, Lilac, Lily, Mint, Dahlia, Gladiola
  • Tree/Wood: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Ash, White Heather, Cedar, Coconut Elm, Hazel, and Juniper.
  • Animal: Dove, Snowy Owl, Chameleon, Cat, Lizard, Magpie, Whale, Swan, Bear, Hawk(perception), Lizard, Cat, Dog, Whale, Wolf, Praying Mantis
  • Cyrstals/Stones: Opals, Clear Crystals, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz, Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Agate Geode Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Abalone.
  • Tarot Card: The Fool {New Beginnings}
  • God: Fati, Gou, Iah, Llmagah, Mah, Mani
  • Goddess: Al-fat, Anumati, Artemis, Ashima, Belili, Castillisto, Diana, Jerah, Levana, Luna, Re, Selene
  • Personality: Spiritual, devoted,psychic, protective, open spaces, neatness

Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and


  • Magickal Purpose: Purity, Protection, Ice, Heavenly, Stars, Potential, The Cosmos.
  • Magickal uses: Moon magick, clairvoyance, divination (scrying), Astral travel, repelling spells.

The color silver increases psychic vibrations, removes negativity and encourages stability; dispels evil or negative influences; helps develop psychic abilities. Because this color attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess, burn silver candles to honor the her. Talismans made out of silver are very protective. Keep silver coins on an altar to bring a positive change in fortune.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color silver:

  • Element: Air
  • Direction: East
  • Planet: Moon
  • Week day: Monday
  • Magickal Tool: Crystal ball, Glass,Wand, Cauldron, Mirror (good scrying tools)
  • Magickal Form: metal, color, candle
  • Scent/Essential Oil: Sandalwood, Wormwood, Myrrh, Lemon Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Anise, Cedar Heliotrope, Betony, Lavender, Parsley, Thyme.
  • Plant/Herb: Rosemary, Woodruff, Mugwort, Marigold, Moon Flower, Mustard, Rue, Sage, Tansy, St.Johns, Betony, Burdock, Mint, Fern, Elder Flower, Heather, Lilac, Lily, Mint, Dahlia, Gladiola.
  • Wood/Tree: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Ash, White Heather, Cedar, Coconut Elm, Hazel, and Juniper
  • Animal: Dove, Snowy Owl, Chameleon, Cat, Lizard, Magpie, Whale, Swan, Bear, Hawk (perception), Lizard, Cat, Dog, Whale, Wolf, Praying Mantis, Dolphin.
  • Minerals and Stones: Silver, Opals, Clear Crystals, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz, Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Agate, Geode, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Abalone
  • Tarot Card: The Moon {clarity}
  • God: Bannik, Evander,Odin, Shamash, Thoth
  • Goddess: Adrste, Ashtoreth, Carmenta, Dione, Egeria, Filia Vocis, Gaia, Gwendydd, Inanna, Kwan Yin, Mari, Namagiri
  • Personality: A person who wants attention, clean, trendy, sharp with soft edges, glitter

Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and

  • Magickal Purpose: Fire, passion, life, birth, stimulating, intense, highly-charged, will, ego, potential, anger, aggression, lust, war, courage, strength, fear.
  • Magickal Uses: Energy, passion in love, courage, lust, power, transformation, loyalty, force, sexuality, blood. May be used with black candles.

Red is the color of lust, passion, and deep abiding love. It is also the color of blood and bonding. Visualize the color red for energy and healing and also for protection. The color red is appropriate for spell work on physical desire and passion, courage, victory, and physical strength. Red stimulates energy and vitality.  Its use in magick must be cautiously guarded as it can be very wild and unpredictable, as a candle color, it should be used with caution.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color red:

  • Element: Fire
  • Direction: South
  • Chakra: Root Chakra
  • Planets: Mars, Venus
  • Day: Tuesday
  • Number: 5
  • Magickal Tools: Sword,Cauldron, Incense Burner, Candle
  • Scent/Essential oil: Dragons Blood, Basil, Pine, Cinnamon, Mullein, Musk
  • Plant/Herb: Sunflower, Nettles, Holy Thistle, Crowfoot, Hops, Wormwood, Cranesbill, Chili Pepper, Chives, Spikenard, Onion, Cornflower, Rose, Mustard, Garlic, Rosemary, Dill, Hibiscus, Woodruff, Tobacco, Pepperwort, Heather and Yew
  • Tree/Wood: Redwood, cherry
  • Animal: Bear, Horse, Wolf, Ram, Marsupials and night creatures, Tigers, Lions, Badger, Alligator, Ants, Beetle, Cardinal, Porcupine, Chicken, and Peacock.
  • Minerals/Stones: Ruby, Garnet, Bloodstone, Spinel, Red Tourmaline, Red Topaz, Agate, Rubelite Rhodochrosite, Quartz Crystals, Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Tektite, Diamond, Red Jasper.
  • Tarot Cards: The Magician, Cups, Fives.
  • God: Achilles, Ares, Atlas, Hercules, Mars, Thor, Zeus
  • Goddess: Athena, Athenam, Eris, Kali, Minerva
  • The Personality: Bold, assertive, impulsive, extroverted, passionate, aggressive. There is no in-between for this person, they go from one extreme to the other. But it can be a fantasy ride for anyone who joins them!

Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and


  • Magickal Purpose: Intellect, Thought, Mental Analysis, Sun, Sunlight, Memory and Creativity
  • Magickal Uses: Concentration, creativity, learning, intellectual, knowledge, understanding, astral projection, telepathy, mental abilities, thoughts.

The color gold promotes understanding. Use it in rituals to enhance energy, power and vitality, and to bring success and luck. Gold is also effective in rituals needing solar energy or the power of the sun. Modern day alchemists ingest liquid gold, or aurum, with the belief that it will lengthen the life span and reveal secret wisdom. It is available as a tincture in homeopathic stores. Choose the color gold as an altar cloth or candle to bring prosperity. Wear gold for protection, power, and to draw positive energy.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color gold:

  • Element: Air
  • Direction: East
  • Chakra: Solar Plexus
  • Planet: Sun
  • Days: Sunday- Mental Action , Wednesday – Physical Action
  • Number: 2
  • Magickal Tools: Wand, Sword
  • Magickal Forms: metal, candle, cloth, glitter, foil
  • Scent/Essential Oil: Lemon, Frankincense, Bay, Patchouli, Marigold, Lavender, Laurel, Cinnamon Orange Blossoms, Musk, Vanilla, Cloves.
  • Plant/Herb: Laurel, Vine, Ash, Rue Marigold, St. Johns Wort, Centaury, Chamomile, Mistletoe, Saffron, Begonia, Geranium, Morning Glory, Snapdragon, Daffodil, Rosemary, Sunflower and Daisy.
  • Tree/Wood: Ash, Willow
  • Animal: Phoenix, Snake, Beetle, Dragonfly, Meadowlark, Chameleon, Antelope, Snake, Crow, Bobcat, Goat, Lion, Mouse, Gull, Sea Lion, Parrot and Oriole.
  • Mineral/stone: Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Pyrite Yellow Jacinth,Rutilated Quartz, Clear Quartz, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Citrine, some Tiger Eye, Carnelian, Amber.
  • Tarot Cards: Knights, Sixes.
  • Gods: Amun Ra, Apollo, Baldur, Bochica, Bragi, Da-bog, Dyaus, Helios, Hyperion, Maui, Mithras, Odin, Ogmios, Ptah,Surya, Tvashtri, Veveteotl, Wayland
  • Goddess: Anaterasu, Artemis Calliste, Athena, Aya, Asva, Bast, Brighid, Eos, Hsi-Ho, Igaehindvo, llmater, Maya, Minerva, Muses, Namagiri, Phoebe, Sul, Sunna, Sunniva, Surya,
  • Personality: Intellectual, learned, introvert, creative, imaginative

Collected from various sources including:
The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and

“Magic is only unexplained science. Science is explained magic. When I study science, I study magic. When I study magic, I study science.” ― C. JoyBell C.
Do not use any ingredient if you are allergic to it. There is always something else that can be used, or substituted.
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